URGENT! Contact Your Senator Today! Pass the Adoptee Citizenship Act Now!

US international adoptees once more need our help in passing The Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2021. It MUST pass this year. The Bill passed the House in February and has been sitting in the Senate since then. With the midterm election and the impending retirement of sponsor Sen. Roy Blount (R-MO), it is imperative to act now. Continue Reading →

On Adoptees, NIN, and the Vocalization of Despair

No, this new arrangement (actually, it’s 4 years old) is no joke. It is stunning. It’s the entire adoptee story. “Everyone I know goes away in the end.”- Yes. But this time built around the resounding truth that our beginning as adoptees, is our end. “Everyone I know goes away in the beginning.” Continue Reading →

On Being “One of Those People:” Vote as if it matters

Voting is a civilized tool to keep order, or at least pretend to. It works well in the US despite its fakery and faults because people want it to. At least until Trump came along, lifted up the wormy rock, and crawled into the hole with the rest of the verminize. I honestly believe that we are in the last days of a civilized United States. The Darkness is coming, if not here. Continue Reading →

Happy Day in Massachusetts: Black Hole is Gone! OBCs Unsealed for All!

Today, HB 2284/S1146 the bill that restores the right of all Massachusetts-born adoptees to obtain their Original Birth Certificates without the restriction, goes into effect. Until today Massachusetts adoptees born between July 17, 1974, and January 1, 2008, were tossed in a black hole by a series of archaic laws that kept their records sealed except by court order. Those born before and after those dates enjoyed full and unrestricted access to them.No reasonable explanation was ever given for this nonsense… Continue Reading →

Why is Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc So Afraid of Adoptees?

Class Bastard—the Adopted—to the minds of the baby box tycoonery poses some kind of existential threat to their evangelical stampede through America to normalize baby-abandonment-by-box-in-the-wall. Class Bastard (and I) are not on their politically correct page. Objecting to baby boxes turns adoption saviorism of all creeds and colors on its head disrupting the adoption mythology and mythological uses of adopted people in a patriarchal culture. And for that, box pushers have no reputable answer other than to claim we are disturbed, had a “bad experience” in adoption, “just want dead babies,” or the most popular accusation, “hate adoption.” Now go stand in the corner, you ungrateful little bastard! Continue Reading →

Don’t Poke the Bear! We Poke Back: National Adoption/National Adoption Awareness Month 2022

November! That time of the year again! The time for National Adoption Month otherwise known as National Adoption Awareness Month otherwise known as National Adoption Bewareness Month otherwise known as Adoption Sucks Month otherwise known as National Sealed Birth Certificate Month otherwise known as Be Grateful You Weren’t Tossed in the Dumpster Month ad infinitum. I am sure that some somnambulant adoptees are headed out to Party City for their celebratory hats and horns and cake decorations (you know who you are), but outside of that deviant minority, no one else is amused about being poked. We poke back and we don’t fool around. Continue Reading →

Good Reading Series: Adoption, Family Separation & Preservation, and Reproductive Justice

When Roe v Wade falls, the entire adoptee rights movement will be fucked…In the meantime…This week the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School issued a collection of kick-ass blogs on its Bill of Health site regarding adoptees, adoption, abortion, and Safe Haven laws, and the expected demise of Roe by SCOTUS.  Continue Reading →

Welcome to Legislation 2022 Hell!

Dear Bastards and Friends: Happy New Year! Welcome to Bastard Nation Legislation 2022 Hell! The Bastard Nation Legislation 2022 page is now up. The political outlook hasn’t changed much from 2021. Granted, Connecticut did free up its OBCs and Massachusetts continued to move forward on its lumbering road to victory, but other than that, 2021 was a disappointing, frustrating, dreary year. Arizona went weird, Maryland zilched, and deformers continued to stumble their baby booties through their own muck. Safe Haven Baby Box bills and Baby Boxes continued to flare up like herpes under the banner of “women demand anonymity,” the feel-good alternative for politicians who cringe over “adoptees demand rights.” Even more dismal, legislatures, blaming Covid, made discovering how to submit written testimony or to present remote or in-person an often unsuccessful endurance test. Bastard Nation, of course, continues our battle. Many state legislatures have yet to open. So far, though, we have several carry-over bills from last year. Most important of those is Massachusetts.HB2394. The bill passed the House last year and now is ensconced in the Senate, where it allegedly has no detractors, We’ll see. The bill is only two sentences long, so lawmakers can’t complain that they Continue Reading →

Lifetime Adoptions: A short mediation in two parts on “surrender” and ‘trust”

Right out the barn door, Ms Featherstone plays with language (again) throwing out to us the weird idea that a “private adoption plan.” is some kind of secret adoption plan. Now there is such a thing as “private adoption.” It’s the most common form of infant adoption where a parent(s) voluntary places an infant for adoption and choses adoptive parents through an agency, lawyer, or locates a family on their own. Obviously, then , a “private adoption” unless one tries to bypass law and ethics and stage a fake illegal adoption*, is a “normal” adoption. If we accept the looney equation of pregnancy secrets and “private adoption” as defined by Ms Featherstone, then what in the world is a “public adoption plan.” A paid ad in a newspaper announcing your intent to “surrender?” TikTik? Continue Reading →

The Arizona Surprise. HB 2070 Vetoed

Although an identical bill sailed through the Arizona House in 2020, this time it was amended down quickly with the consent and support of the fake adoptee advocacy group, Heritage Arizona (aka HA! ) and the sponsor Rep. Bret Roberts to cover only those born in 2022 and beyond; thus, leaving the majority of Arizona-born adoptees behind. In practical terms, the HB 2070 law could not have been utilized by Arizona adoptees until 2040! Continue Reading →