Where’s the Beef? Safe Haven Baby Boxes Unusually Quiet After Gala

Where’s the gala? I started to worry. Did the gala actually happen? Did Kirk Cameron’s plane crash? (We would have heard about that). Did his SHBB check bounce? Like one of those horrible stories you read about where nobody shows up to a birthday party, did everyone stay home to watch Svengoolie? I looked at FB pages of people and organizations connected to SHBB, but zilch. Then I got egotistical. They don’t me to see them. Meow! that’s silly, of course. Maybe they have a secret dedicated FB page for special people. Maybe they are putting together a video. Maybe they are drunk. Maybe they are just lazy. Continue Reading →

Don’t Poke the Bear! We Poke Back: National Adoption/National Adoption Awareness Month 2022

November! That time of the year again! The time for National Adoption Month otherwise known as National Adoption Awareness Month otherwise known as National Adoption Bewareness Month otherwise known as Adoption Sucks Month otherwise known as National Sealed Birth Certificate Month otherwise known as Be Grateful You Weren’t Tossed in the Dumpster Month ad infinitum. I am sure that some somnambulant adoptees are headed out to Party City for their celebratory hats and horns and cake decorations (you know who you are), but outside of that deviant minority, no one else is amused about being poked. We poke back and we don’t fool around. Continue Reading →