Why is Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc So Afraid of Adoptees?

Class Bastard—the Adopted—to the minds of the baby box tycoonery poses some kind of existential threat to their evangelical stampede through America to normalize baby-abandonment-by-box-in-the-wall. Class Bastard (and I) are not on their politically correct page. Objecting to baby boxes turns adoption saviorism of all creeds and colors on its head disrupting the adoption mythology and mythological uses of adopted people in a patriarchal culture. And for that, box pushers have no reputable answer other than to claim we are disturbed, had a “bad experience” in adoption, “just want dead babies,” or the most popular accusation, “hate adoption.” Now go stand in the corner, you ungrateful little bastard! Continue Reading →

Maryland: SB 331 Defeat: Adoptee Rights is “A Bad Idea”

Once it hit the Senate floor, however, adoption imperialist warlords and ladies pushed their panic buttons. They were so aggrieved at us lifting our collective leg on them that they attempted to erase us from our own narratives and records (and thus their own minds) by hacking away with that old rusty saw of “birthmother privacy” and (gasp!) “broken government promises.” As if the government has never broken a real promise or spouted a fake one!

This, Fellow Bastards, is some of the worst dehumanizing and outlandish misinformation about adoption and Class Bastard that I’ve heard in years. Did Bill Pierce, the late founding president of the National Council for Adoption, rise from the dead and channel himself through Senator Michael Hough (R ) and his gang of merry bigoted bipartisan busybodies?  Continue Reading →

The Names They Call Us: Going from God’s Gift to Satan’s Spawn in One Easy Step

Since I wrote about Lizzie I’ve collected words and their modifiers and a few short phrases, and “advice” utilized by these adoption promoting adopteephobes to describe those of us who don’t follow their company line whether we address rights, trauma, or dysfunction. This’ll keep ’em in line!  Some are from Twitter; others from other social media, legislative debates, and my personal experience. I bet you can add more! Continue Reading →