Eliminating Illegal Adoptions the Baby Box Way or Today’s WTF Moment in AdoptionLand

I have no idea where this comes from. I have never heard any traditional Safe Haven advocate make such a crazy claim. Perhaps it was a slip of the tongue–or better yet–a Freudian slip. Or maybe Znachko was echoing the conspiracy theory developed by SHBB’s sister organization, Hope Box in Marietta, Georgia that pushes the idea that baby boxes will save newborns of sex workers and trafficked women from being sold into sex slavery at birth. (SHBB has never used this argument.).Or maybe she’s suggesting that dissatisfied adopters need to stick their forever adoptees into a box rather than re-homing her or him on Craig’s List. Continue Reading →

Another Cloying Adoption Story: Safe Haven Baby Box girl gets adopted; new father says weird stuff

So, while some people adopt to replace a child they lost either in a miscarriage/stillbirth or later in life, the Stayers went looking for…replacement parents. Seriously!

We just thought, “Who is going to be there to take care of our personal stuff after we are gone? ” That was one of the reasons we decided to adopt. Continue Reading →

Attention Women! Covid-19ed up? The Justice Foundation wants you to Safe Haven your baby.

The Justice Foundation’s idea of “‘hope” isn’t salary subsidies, mortgage/rent/utility cancelations, stay-at-home jobs, universal health care, referral services, or new/increased government assistance. No. Its idea of hope is to remain pregnant and then “release the baby to the community “ via  Safe Haven after it’s born.  In case you’re wondering, JF opposes contraception (including condom usage) and sex education among a slew of other contemporary anti-family evils plaguing the country. It is funded in large part by Dr. James Leininger, rightwing Texas bagman , whom Molly Ivins called  God’s Sugar Daddy. Continue Reading →

Corona Baby: Dump That Pandemic Baby Now!

Exhausted by Corona Virus, social distancing, masks, Trump-tweets, locked down beauty salons, restaurants beaches and bars? Gun-toting cosplayers demanding to practice their Constitutional right to make you sick? Murdered for being Black? Cop riots? And now you’ve got a cranky new baby on your hands. Never fear! There is a solution. Baby Safe Haven. Continue Reading →

No Baby Drop Boxes for Florida This Session: Bills are dead.

Earlier this session Lauren Book chair of the Senate Health Policy Committee, opposed SB864, the Senate version of the baby box bill and held it up in her committee where it died after failing to meet hearing deadlines.  After the House version, HB1217 passed it bounced into The Book Committee where once again the senator refused to let it be heard.  Continue Reading →

The Worst Baby Safe Haven Ad Ever

Recently Mike posted this Baby Safe Haven ad, the most fucked up BSH ad ever. I had to watch it three times before I could figure out what was going on. It makes Morrisey’s own Baby Safe Haven Rap look like VMA material. The provenance of the video is appropriately anonymous. It appears , however, to be produced in Massachusetts with three attractive young women (Sophia, Thalita; and Erica) recruited to the Morrisey cult with promises of pop fame and fortune; that is, one of Mike’s ego-popping braggadocio-filled Generation Y branding projects. Mike waxes ecstatic: Continue Reading →

Baby Drop Boxes: Even safe haven advocates oppose

That baby box advocates continue to imply that AMT-COH supports this archaic and draconian practice is politically inept if not stupid. These claims baffle me since Jaccard has been vocal in public and private regarding his opposition. His statements are easy to document. Perhaps baby box leaders equate safe haven advocacy with baby drop box advocacy or believe in Big Lie Theory or are simply disingenuous. Perhaps baby drop box supporters are just incurious and enjoy being spoon-fed happy-dappy propaganda by their leaders as clueless as their followers about the tragic cause and effect of newborn discard. Or that they–leaders and followers alike–are all doing God’s will (an oft voiced belief). Boxers consistently fail to mention that Indiana baby drop boxes, the first two of which opened last month (Woodburn, Michigan City), are legally problematic under current Indiana safe haven law. Nor does the media ask. Continue Reading →

Baby Drop Boxes for Illinois? We hope not!

Speaking of babydrop boxes, the long awaited baby box bill, SB 3271, has been dropped in the Illinois Senate. The bill won’t legislate baby boxes or determine specs, but it would basicaly set up a study group to investigate the feasibility of boxes–hygienically referred to as “newborn safety incubators”– in Illinois. It’s attached to a short bill to amend the state’s safe haven law.

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“If there had only been a baby box…” Musings on the Marygrace Trinidad Case

The case is getting play with the baby box folks, who are convinced if there had only been a handy hole-in-the-wall baby box, the story would have had a happy ending. (Translation: Trinidad could have picked the baby out of the toilet, dropped him in a baby box, and then courageously bled out alone behind Pep Boys blameless, shameless. and nameless.) Not surprisingly, Baby Boxers turned the tragic story of a mentally disturbed woman and her baby into an anti-abortion cause celebre showing an appalling ignorance about newborn discard, mental illness, poverty, and abortion, peppered with Christian vitriol against the very women in “crisis pregnancies” they claim to want to “help.” All to pimp their boxes and their politics. So much for the “love them both” approach. Continue Reading →