Adoption Porn 2022: A Few Thoughts on Media and the Public

National Adoption Day and its hooha, of course, is never really about children, Or for that matter, their bio or adoptive parents unless they fit into a joint media-framed adoption industry narrative. You’ll never see a news story about any of those parties talking about the tragic situation that brought them all to the point of adoption. I believe, in fact, that America’s attitude toward adoption and adoptees is media driven. Continue Reading →

Things to Think About. “Adoption and Culture” Pre-Publication Articles on Adoption, Abortion, Reproductive Justice, Dobbs

Dobbs certainly impacts the restoration of adoptee rights to records, history, family, and identity. It establishes a state-backed pattern of purposeful creation and growth of an adopted class without normal identity rights and maintains the spurious ethics of adoption secrecy. It promotes the commercialization of child adoptee bodies and attempts to invent adult adoptee gratitude and adherence to adoption and its institutions. Should we expect a big boom in therapy in 20 years? These are things we need to think about: Continue Reading →

Adoption and Abortion: “Heartbeat” bills are an adoption pipeline. Forced birthers undermine and exploit adoptees and our rights

 Adoption is the through-line in any forced-birth/ “Heartbeat” Bill discussion, on the legislative floor or online where verbal brawls between anti-aborts and adopted people are common with anti-aborts telling adoptees to STFU if they support abortion rights and reproductive justice. (Twenty years ago Pat Robertson told his 700 Club audience that the adoptee rights movement was a shill for abortion rights.) And woe to the adoptee who declares she’d prefer to have been aborted. Adoptees are God’s gifts until we aren’t. (See @@LilaGraceRose on Twitter if you can stomach it.) Continue Reading →

Scandal: The Radiance Foundation v Shonda Rhimes

I’m beginning to think that this should be Stop Radiance Foundation Month instead of National Adoption Month.  Not a day goes by when I don’t retch or laugh or both at what shows up on its FB page. It is not a safe space for Bastards. I mean, if you think the I Am Adopted FB page is full of happy adoptees who will transform you into a diabetic in 10 seconds with their pink cotton candy and kool-aid, (even if half of them seem really angry) then RF is totally blissed out on it. Did somebody over there indulge on Purple Owsley and never come back?  Forced pregnancy followed by happy relinquishment is the RF model.There’s no middle ground here.Unplanned pregnancy = abortion. The way RF propagandizes, you’d think no single women keep their kids. I’m not sure what one of RF: slogans “Be the Hope” means. Many adoptees have been acquired as the hope of childless couples (or singles, though  I doubt RF supports that part of the deal.) Does any normal person want to be someone else’s hope? Has Bomberger ever talked to one of those`adoptee hope survivors?  Don’t we, especially if we are adopted, have enough problems? Continue Reading →

“Where’s the crime?” Eagle Forum’s Phyllis Schflafly endorsed baby selling

So, a butterfly could have knocked me over when a friend recently forwarded me a truly astounding Schlflay document: a copy of Mrs Schlflay’s February 17, 1977 CBS radio Spectrum commentary where the country’s Queen Bee of Family Values advocated baby selling be decriminalized or at least ignored by the law. She endorsed–actually pleaded–for an open blackmarket in babies. “What’s the harm in it?” she asked, adding that if she had not been blessed with her own six children she would have paid thousands to purchase one! Baby blackmarketing, she declared, is a “victimless crime.” Continue Reading →

Stupid AdoptaComment of the Day: Women should have government licence to have a baby or lose it to adoption

As usual, of course, no matter how neutral a subject may be, discussion quickly disintegrated into talk of “Joos” Commies, weepy Christians, and gay sex practices..

Then this popped up, posted by someone calling himself “seeitnowW”

CopsWomen have 2 rights that men don’t – the right to bear children at will and the right to unilaterally end the life of an unborn child. The time has come to require a woman to obtain a license to bear a child. The issuance of such a license would require approval by a government agency that would evaluate the ability of the woman to reasonably be able to provide for the child’s welfare. The absence of the license would give the state the right to take the child from the mother and place it in an adoptive family. Creating new citizens in a social democracy is serious business as we all share in the cost and suffer the consequences of poor breeding decisions. The incentive to bear children and thereby obtain free stuff – food, shelter and money from the government would disappear when a woman knows that the child will be taken away. Continue Reading →