Covid Chaos: New Jersey DCFS Urges Women to Safe Haven Their Babies

It’s been interesting, if not predictable, to watch the mission of Safe Haven laws shift from saving newborns from the occasional psychotic, dissociative, drug-addled, in-denial, or scared parent who they believe would otherwise, discard or murder their newborn without the option of  Safe Haven anonymous abandonment (even if as it turns out those are the parents who don’t use the option*) into a solution for temporary Covid hardship and displacement. Continue Reading →

Gary, Indiana: Stupid Things People Say about Safe Haven Baby Boxes or a Brief Discourse on Cognitive Dissonance

To be kind, Mr. Euvino, who I bet is not adopted, might have been caught up in the moment. To not be kind, he just might be conveniently ignorant. He failed to acknowledge that legal baby dumping is built on loss and tragedy for babies, their biological mothers, fathers, and extended family members. Boxing, he failed to acknowledge, is the erasure of individual identities, histories, and relationships. Box use, he failed to acknowledge, is an endorsement of discredited “clean slate” closed and secret adoption theory-into- practice that taught generations that Class Bastard has no history before adoption#; that we would all be fine with this unless we were neurotic, psychotic, selfish, or otherwise disturbed. This fuckery condemned millions of members of Class Bastard to anonymity, disenfranchisement, confusion, shame, and for many anger depression, therapy, expensive searches, self-harm, and even suicide. I can only assume then that Mr. Euvino aimed his comments, at the mothers and the new families these dumped babies will acquire adoptively on the backs of disempowered bios. Continue Reading →

Blasting Back from the Past: NJRTL Marie Tasy claims abortion rights “negate effectiveness of safe haven laws”

So, according to Crazy Tasy New Jersey’s safe haven law will become totally useless if the bill is passed since all those there-but-for-the-grace-of-safe-haven go neonaticiders will just march off to the abortorium instead of the ER or corner firehouse. Tasy really doesn’t like women much. Continue Reading →

Just Another NAAMDay. Indiana gets its 10th Boxed Baby

Safe Haven Baby Boxes bagged–or should I say boxed– its 10th Indiana newborn a few days ago. No details have been released. The only way we know about this is that SHBB founder Monica Kelsey posted a tease on her Facebook page, and then discussed the event briefly on her Tuesday evening FB chat. Continue Reading →

Florida Baby Box Update: Ocala Marks the Spot!!

Still, that is a very dangerous number to float without clarification and correction. It’s wrong, Not only does it conflate traditional safe haven cases with baby box cases, the number “validates”  and popularizes baby boxing as a legitimate way to handle problematic and hidden pregnancies and birth and the social and economic situations that surround the baby box “choice”  as boxers like to call it.  I have seen this one hundred number show up in other stories recently and no one at SHBB is calling for a correction since it suits the agenda.  Unfortunately, an incurious media is immune from asking real questions and ends up a pusher of  “feel good” solutions to complex problems. Continue Reading →

Safe Haven Baby Boxes Coming to Florida Soon

During Tuesday’s broadcast Kelsey and Kevin Albin, an SHBB activist in Delaware, Ohio said that Florida has had 20 unsafe abandonments since 2017. Kelsey said “deaths;” Albin said “unsafe abandonments.“ I don’t know where SHBB got its figures, but whether dead or alive, the numbers don’t jibe with statistics posted on the SHN website. According to Silverio’s numbers, there have been 8 known unsafe abandonments in that timeframe. Cases aren’t broken down by live and deceased,.but the total indicates that since 2000 there have been 64 known discards—30 alive and 34 dead. This year 12 Safe Haven events have occurred with no known unsafe discards. I don’t know whose figures are correct (if either) but the discrepancy is too wide not to be questioned The numbers need to be documented. Continue Reading →

Eliminating Illegal Adoptions the Baby Box Way or Today’s WTF Moment in AdoptionLand

I have no idea where this comes from. I have never heard any traditional Safe Haven advocate make such a crazy claim. Perhaps it was a slip of the tongue–or better yet–a Freudian slip. Or maybe Znachko was echoing the conspiracy theory developed by SHBB’s sister organization, Hope Box in Marietta, Georgia that pushes the idea that baby boxes will save newborns of sex workers and trafficked women from being sold into sex slavery at birth. (SHBB has never used this argument.).Or maybe she’s suggesting that dissatisfied adopters need to stick their forever adoptees into a box rather than re-homing her or him on Craig’s List. Continue Reading →

Another Cloying Adoption Story: Safe Haven Baby Box girl gets adopted; new father says weird stuff

So, while some people adopt to replace a child they lost either in a miscarriage/stillbirth or later in life, the Stayers went looking for…replacement parents. Seriously!

We just thought, “Who is going to be there to take care of our personal stuff after we are gone? ” That was one of the reasons we decided to adopt. Continue Reading →

Attention Women! Covid-19ed up? The Justice Foundation wants you to Safe Haven your baby.

The Justice Foundation’s idea of “‘hope” isn’t salary subsidies, mortgage/rent/utility cancelations, stay-at-home jobs, universal health care, referral services, or new/increased government assistance. No. Its idea of hope is to remain pregnant and then “release the baby to the community “ via  Safe Haven after it’s born.  In case you’re wondering, JF opposes contraception (including condom usage) and sex education among a slew of other contemporary anti-family evils plaguing the country. It is funded in large part by Dr. James Leininger, rightwing Texas bagman , whom Molly Ivins called  God’s Sugar Daddy. Continue Reading →

Corona Baby: Dump That Pandemic Baby Now!

Exhausted by Corona Virus, social distancing, masks, Trump-tweets, locked down beauty salons, restaurants beaches and bars? Gun-toting cosplayers demanding to practice their Constitutional right to make you sick? Murdered for being Black? Cop riots? And now you’ve got a cranky new baby on your hands. Never fear! There is a solution. Baby Safe Haven. Continue Reading →