More More More: A few words on the consumerist adoption ideology of “more”

Moved to its logical conclusion then, every parent with resources of less than fill-in-your-personal-discomfort- zone would hot house their kids at the Happy Unicorn Adoption Agency. to be handed out at the back door for $40,000  a crack. Parents who “loved us so much”  are heralded as heroes for not aborting us (and even moreso if they safe haven or baby box us) and we are ungrateful if we complain. Continue Reading →

Bastard Nation Statement: Cuomo Signs Historic Adoptee Rights Bill. Leaves No One Behind!

Bastard Nation, the Adoptee Rights Organization is delighted that New York governor Andrew Cuomo today signed S3419. This historic bill restores the right, of Original Birth Certificate (OBC) access to all the state’s adoptees without restriction or condition– a right once held by all New York adoptees. It passed both Houses in June, and although we were confident that Gov. Cuomo would sign the bill, it was a long, nail-biting wait. Continue Reading →

More Swill from FRC’s Tony Perkins: Trump saves adoptees and their families

Perkins goes beyond his usual gasbigoty routine. He praises Trump for Christianizing adoption. Keeping adoption safe from Satan. That is, queer folks, single women, atheists, and people with weird religions or lifestyles while lily-white-Christian worthies such as the couple with Asian child posted with his op-ed sit in the back of the bus, Continue Reading →

Veterans Day: Birth family thoughts

As an adoptee, I desperately wanted to know about my family of origin but was not keen on re-joining them.  I became quite adequate in snooping through desks, dressers. and closets all to no avail. Many years later it appears that all I had to do was ask and I would have been given what little information my adoptive parents possessed, but what is the fun in that? Continue Reading →

From the Bastard Nation Archives: 365 Reasons Why You Can’t Have Your Hospital Records – or- Why You Should Never Tell a Paper Pusher You’re Adopted

Over 20 years ago Bastard Nation Founding Foundling Deer Watson compiled a daily calendar of excuses Bastards get on why,we can’t get our own birth and court records .(The names of some contributors may be familiar to you. Even with great changes in culture and law, most states continue to jerk us around. the same way. Read the list and see which excuses pertain to you. Continue Reading →

Donald Trump’s Adoption Fuck You: NAAM2019 Proclamation v LBGTQ Rights

Despite Trump’s unicorn ride, the following day, November 1, just in time to kick off NAAM2019 , the Trump Department of Health and Human Services announced its intention to implement a new rule that would strip Obama-era protections for LBGTQ individuals. and couples regarding access to social services. The new rule would allow recipients of HHS grants ,including faith-based adoption agencies and foster care Continue Reading →

Patron Saint of Ungrateful Adoptees: William of Rochester. It’s always about them!

Cockermay Doucri, has fallen into the memory hole ,and his fate is unknown. Clearly he was not interested in religious tourism, baking for the poor, or a no/low pay apprenticeship. Perhaps abuse was involved.  Perhaps he was just not a nice person. He does, however, live on as the spirit of the crazy ax-killer adoptee, making him the Parton Saint of Ungrateful Adoptees.  Happy NAAM2019 Dave! Continue Reading →