Bastard Nation Memes and Images for #NAAM2019

I am working on an article for publication, and here it is nearly midnight–and nothing for today’s NAAM.  NAAM is a killer in more ways than the obvious.

So, here quickly.  If you are looking for some good memes for NAAM or adoptee rights, go to the Bastard Nation Pinterest boards..We have a couple of hundred images plus Christopher Walken and Men in Kilts.

I have tried to add more to the pages, but Pinterest says I don’t exist. I have the same problem with Blogger (for other blogs besides DB which is on WP)) and the Social Security Administration.  Plenty of proof I am here and contribute but sorry–wrong password. Blame it on adoption. (Ice-T channels me in verse 2)

Here’s some sample memes and graphics. Enjoy and feel free to share.






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