Safe Haven Baby Boxes are Coming to Your State. And Yours…and Yours…and Yours

The Safe Haven Baby Box Blitzkrieg continues to rip through Indiana. Today SHBB blessed (that means opened) its newest box in Westfield outside of Indianapolis. Since the campaign began in 2016 9 babies have been stuffed into baby boxes for safekeeping–8 in Indiana (5 this year) and 1 in Arkansas In addition, 3 boxes are located in Ohio with a fourth scheduled for opening soon, probably in Delaware County, north of Columbus. Another box will open soon in Rogers, Arkansas. Yet another is scheduled to open in Oklahoma, but no details have been released. State web pages in Indiana and Ohio do not advertise baby box use or locations and probably won’t. The Indiana Department of Health opposed the SHBB campaign, and I am a little unclear still how the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services reacted I recently filed a records request with ODJFS to tell me more. Continue Reading →