Cyber Lilfe Meets Real Life: Meeting Peach!

One of the fun things about being an activist and blogger is meeting people you know from the ‘net, but not in “real life.”   Tonight I had the honor of  meeting Samantha  Brian-Franklin aka blogger  Peach Neither Here Nor There.  And what a peach she is! Peach was in town for her inlaws’ wedding anniversary party, and was able care out some time for us to get together.  Here we are at the Blue Danube discussing our favorite subject…

No Original Birth Certificate? No Passport! The National Security State Begns to Flush our Right to…Everthing

The birth certificate is the most political and politicized public document issued by a government entity in the United States today. It is the “breeder document” that generates all other government and private documents of identity and entitlement. Since the government has positioned itself as the arbiter and creator of identity, bestowing upon each of us the legitimacy of our existence, we cannot function in a “normal” way for long without it. What were once  routine activities everyone could enjoy, are now mediated by a piece of government paper issued to us its discretion.. For instance, without a government-approved birth certificate or documents engendered by it, a child can’t enter school, attend camp, or even play Little League; adults can’t marry, acquire security clearances, collect private and government pensions, access government programs, open a bank account, acquire employment, rent an apartment or buy a home, fly to Seattle or Fort Worth, enter certain public and private buildings, or legally drive a car. And certainly one cannot travel internationally, even to the once easily accessibly Canada and Mexico, without a passport or pass, which cannot be acquired without …a birth certificate. Starting April 1, 2011, the US Department of State changed Continue Reading →

Ohio Right to Life is So Thankful for Adoption: Adoptees Don’t Need Rights

Happy Thanksgiving! If you’re one of those who don’t feel you have much to be thankful for this year, think again –unless you’re in or from Ohio, that is. Ohio Right to Life wants you to be thankful for adoption! ORTL, in fact, is so thankful for adoption that it got  together a few of its friends to tell us how thankful they are for it and us–who make their miracle happen. ORTL  fo decades has been the single greatest impediment to restoring records access to Class Bastard Ohio. ORTL loves us so much that it wants to protect us from our birth certificates and our rights. ORTL’s  hobby horse trumps the rights of thousands.of Ohio adoptees. ORTL: “Promoting Life” while screwing adoptees and their families. A drawing of her family  by Olivia Gonidakis This Thanksgiving, Ohio Right to Life is grateful for the gift of adoption as a loving and life-saving alternative to abortion.  Because November is National Adoption Month, it is important to take time to celebrate the selfless sacrifice of birthmothers and the gift of children. Join us by reading words of thanks from members of the pro-life family who have been adopted or who have chosen to Continue Reading →

Ivan Skorobogatov Update: Cravers Aren’t Talking: Lawyer Is

The Cravers aren’t talking about Russia’s attempt to extradite them for the murder of their Forever Son, Vanya Skorobogatov, but one of their lawyers is. The York Dispatch reports: I don’t think (Russia) can have any jurisdiction over them,” said Suzanne Smith, who represented Michael Craver. “I don’t think any court in the United States would honor (such) an extradition warrant.” U.S. citizens are protected from double jeopardy laws, and the Cravers were already legally tried here, Smith said. Also, the Russians don’t have jurisdiction in the case, despite the fact they appear to be arguing Nathaniel was a Russian citizen, she said. “(Russian officials) are just saying, ‘We’re not happy with the result. We want to do it our way,’” Smith said. “Well, you don’t get to do that. I don’t know anyone who would recognize Russians’ authority in this particular case. They don’t really have any.” District Attorney Tom Kearney, agrees, saying that any attempt to retry the Cravers would run into double jeopardy issues The question of whether one was properly tried … is in the eyes of the beholder,” he said. “We certainly believe they were. We devoted substantial resources into the prosecution, and the jury Continue Reading →

Ivan Skorobogatov: Russians Say Cravers Now on INTERPOL Wanted List; Couple Will Be Tried for Murder In Absentia Next Week

Russian media reports that the Russian government is ready to charge US citizens Michael and Nanette Craver with murder in the death of their adopted son, Ivan Skorobogatov, (Nathaniel Craver) 7.  Two months ago, the couple, originally charged with homicide (with aborted death penalty specifications), conspiracy and child endangerment, was found guilty by a jury in York County, Pennsylvania, of involuntary murder  Last Friday,  they were sentenced to 19 months time- served  while awaiting trial, and placed on five years probation.  An autopsy  revealed Vanya had 80 external injuries, including 20 to his head and suffered from malnutrition.  He died after being taken off life support. Incredibly, a jury bought the Cravers’ defense that Vanya died of repeated self-inflicted injuries and mutilations.due to FAS,  See, the Forever Couple  simply neglected to care for him correctly!  According to an ITAR-TASS story filed on November 21 the Cravers have been (or will be) placed on the INTERPOL Wanted List. As of this writing they are not on the INTERPOL online database, but I’ll keep checking. The Russian Investigative Committee charged in absentia the Craver spouses with murder accusations of Vanya Skorobogatov in the US and puts them on the international wanted list Continue Reading →

Artyom Savelyev Update: Court Remains Open to Public; Artyom Added as Plaintiff!

Monday, Bedford County, Tennessee Common Pleas Court Judge Franklin Lee Russell ruled against child abandoner Torry Hansen’s request that the public be barred from court in upcoming child support hearings Np date has been set. Hansen made international headlines last year when she put her adopted son Artyom Savelyev, 7 (now 9) on a plane by himself with orders to return him to the Russian Ministry of Education, the ministry  that oversees adoptions from Russia. The little boy wasn’t a good fit for her and her overbearing mother. The World Association of Children and Parents ((WACAP) the agency that placed Atryom with Hansen has brought suit for child support arguing that putting the boy on a plane to Moscow  is not a “legitimate way to annul an adoption.”  Hansen, the agency contends, is still the legal parent,  and  liable for child support payments to WACAP.  Russian courts have also reportedly requested child support from Hansen. According to Monday’s  news, WACAP is asking for a standard 27% of her salary as a nurse, plus back payments.  Hansen’s  (third) attorney, Sandra Smith, had asked the court to exclude the media from hearings because of the Artyom’s juvenile status. According to Monday’s Tennessean Continue Reading →

The Adoption Decree: If the cat is out of the bag…

This will be short tonight. Over on the FB Bastard Nation page  a conversation has evolved from the original discussion of adoptee problems with access to passports to access to the adoption decree. In Ohio, pre-1964 adoptees  receive their adoption decree when the get their original birth certificate.  I’ve got a certified and non-certified copy of mine.  I have little  idea what happens with post- 1963s by court order and post mid-1996s (too young to access). As far as I know in Oregon, Alabama, New Hampshire, Maine, and soon Rhode Island, only the obc is available. In those states, and including the always free Kansas and Alaska, can adoptees get their adoption decree? If not, why?  It seems pretty silly to deny the decree once the obc is out of the bag.  Do adoptees in closed states, who by hook or crook get their obc (through a state subdivision) get their decree? Maybe I know the answer and just need my memory jogged . It’s just not a question that gets brought up much.  Bastard Nation has always advocated for the release of all court documents. Decree access is something, unfortunately,  that has  fallen by the wayside, and we need Continue Reading →

Ivan Skorobogatov/Nathaniel Craver Case Update: Killers Walk

Once again, the dust and bone of a dead Russian adoptee has been swept under the rug.  After spending 19 months in jail awaiting trial (and after trial on the street waiting sentencing)  for the murder of Ivan Skorobogatov, 7, his  forever parents  Michael J and Nanette  L Craver are walking. Vanya and his twin sister Dasha (now known as Elizabeth)  were adopted in 2003 from an orphanage in Troitsk, Chelyabinsk region, through Lutheran Social Services of the South. The agency is no longer accredited in Russia. Vanya, lasting longer  (as far as we know) than the other dead  Russian adoptee, died on August 25, 2009 of what York County, Pennsylvania authorities describe as severe beating and malnourishment.  The autopsy revealed Vanya suffered 80 external injuries, including 20 to his  head. After a six month investigation, the Cravers were charged with homicide, conspiracy and child endangerment. In May 2010, York County Senior deputy prosecutor Jennifer Russell, citing Vanya’s age and the state’s contention that his death constituted torture, said she would seek the death penalty. But the best laid plans… Instead, in September this year, when the Cravers got their day, a jury of their so-called peers bought the couple’s Continue Reading →

Bombshell: A Hollywood Adoption Send-up

I’ve always loved Jean Harlow. and have taken it personally that she was taken from us at such young age. (2011 is the 100th anniversary of her birth).   Back in the day, her films, including PreCode supposedly not fit for children or Presbyterians,  were shown regularly on local television morning, noon and night.  Now they are only available on DVD and Turner Classic. Last week  in a battle of the blondes evening, TMC showed Bombshell.(1933) one of the films  I missed in that heyday of footloose TV or disappeared from my memory, but I can’t imagine how. I was really tired,  but forced myself to stay up and watch. What a treat! I don’t know for a fact, but I think Bombshell  is the first (at least full length) parody of Hollywood made by Hollywood. It  is certainly the first and as far as I know only  Hollywood send-up of Hollywood adoption.   Ostensibly , Bombshell is based on the life of  “It Girl” Clara Bow, but it is clearly “If Girl” Jean Harlow,  playing Jean Harlow under the stage name of Lola Burns..Platinum blond with matching wardrobe and bedroom, large white  fluffy people-pulling dogs, leeching  relatives  (Frank Morgan, Continue Reading →

Adoption: Make It Stop

This really will be short tonight.  I’ve been sick all day again.  Not that it’s really bad sick, but enough to wear me down. I’ve had this before, and it will go away in a couple days (I hope)  In the meantime, every time I think of adoption, I feel sick.  No individual adoption stories,  not my friends, not organizations,   Like one could get sick of theatre( been there, done that),  the Complete Works of Karl Marx (been there done that for a class assignment).,  Obama (continually) Adoption. A subject that never goes away.   I’ve gotten lots of good comments here and on FB over my last couple blogs, and I’ll be responding soon.  Just not tonight.