It’s Back! Welcome to National Adoption Month 2021 or whatever it is

Whatever we want to call it, the official hoo-haa, as usual,  ignores us altogether. Industrial adoption is hooting-up do-gooding family building. and colonizing. Evangelicals are saving babies from hyper-sexed trailer trash, abortitoriums, and Satanists. Happy-dappy adoptees are proving their worth by proving their gratitude. Continue Reading →

Lifetime Adoptions: A short mediation in two parts on “surrender” and ‘trust”

Right out the barn door, Ms Featherstone plays with language (again) throwing out to us the weird idea that a “private adoption plan.” is some kind of secret adoption plan. Now there is such a thing as “private adoption.” It’s the most common form of infant adoption where a parent(s) voluntary places an infant for adoption and choses adoptive parents through an agency, lawyer, or locates a family on their own. Obviously, then , a “private adoption” unless one tries to bypass law and ethics and stage a fake illegal adoption*, is a “normal” adoption. If we accept the looney equation of pregnancy secrets and “private adoption” as defined by Ms Featherstone, then what in the world is a “public adoption plan.” A paid ad in a newspaper announcing your intent to “surrender?” TikTik? Continue Reading →

Voluntary Donations v Public Funding: Ohio politician thinks taxpayers should pay for privately funded Safe Haven Baby Boxes

  One of the selling points for getting a town to install a Safe Haven Baby Box has been the claim that the cost of the box will not come out of taxpayer pockets. It’s all private voluntary contributions from the community. That’s not what one Ohio politician, however, has in mind. According to the September 19,  Dayton Daily News, Lebanon, Ohio  City Council member, local attorney, and forced-birth advocate* Adam Matthews says he plans to propose that the Lebanon City Council foot the bill for a box. He wants to add the $16,000 cost of the box and the $300/year maintenance fee to the city budget. Ohio cities already host 4 boxes (Defiance, Hicksville, Sunbury, Van Wert with another one  proposed in New Delhi Township near Cincinnati) and none of those towns reported spending public money on their boxes. In fact,  BST&G Fire District officials in Sunbury were clear that its then-proposed baby box was off the table unless enough funds to lease, install, and maintain it could be raised through private donors and grants. The first box in Ohio was installed in 2018, but none have been used. Contrary to Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Inc’s propaganda, Ohio does Continue Reading →

Maine: Who Knew? Safe Have Baby Boxes honor adoptees and their stories!

What fresh hell is this?  How does promoting sneak-dumping a newborn anonymously into a box in the wall at the local fire station honor adopted people or their stories?  How does it even honor the adopted promotors of this atrocious bill other than to get them an A-1 approval rating from the adoption-is-beautiful crowd? Continue Reading →

3.14 Action Fund: Raising political money on the backs of adoptees

Commercializing the Buttigieg adoption –raising political dollars on the backs of adoptees and the misery of others–lowers the adoption FU bar once more. The fundraiser is
crude,  distasteful and cloying.  It insults adopted people and validates the belief of a large number of adoptees that they are commodities– nothing more than a piece of furniture. In the case of this fundraiser, adoptees don’t even rate as an old couch much less a Van Der Rohe Barcelona chair. Continue Reading →

The Shame’s in Maine. Safe Haven Baby Boxes now law. And it got weird.

In July 15, 2021, Maine LD560  became law without the governor’s signature. The measure amends the state’s Safe Haven law to authorize the use of Safe Haven Baby Boxes at fire stations and ERs where  “desperate mothers” can anonymously drop their inconvenient newborns.

Arizona Under the Bridge

The bills from the beginning were pimped by the fake adoptee advocacy group Arizona Heritage (HA!)  headed by adoptee-not-born-in Arizona-no-skin-in-the-game Britany Luna, MSW. The group went silent in public after the fix was in. Its Facebook page is now private, secret, or dead. Even more interesting the HA website hasn’t hype-hype horrayed their “victory!” The politically influential right-wing anti-abortion (and anti-queer) “traditional family values” crowd at the Center for Arizona Policy (CAP)  joined them in their adopteephobic scheme. CAP is funded in large part by the  National Christian Charitable Foundation, an organization funded with money from Hobby Lobby. Continue Reading →

What’s Up with Pennsylvania? No Safe Haven Baby Boxes

For some time I’ve wondered why Pennsylvania hasn’t acquired any Safe Haven Baby Boxes–nicely re-branded now as benevolent-sounding “newborn safety devices/incubators.” The state legislature passed a law authorizing their use in 2017. To hear it from baby box friendlys kanoodling across the interwebs, lawmakers and just plain folks everywhere are chomping to get boxes installed in every firehouse wall they can find, yet the welcoming State of Pennsylvania sits empty with 0 boxes.

Well, now I know. why. Continue Reading →

My Personal Letter to CT. Governor Ned Lamont: Please sign HB 6105

I am pretty sure that none of them would be happy that the Connecticut they founded and codified in the Fundamental Order of 1639 currently denies some of its citizens the right to their own public records, their histories, and identities. Continue Reading →