NAAM Day 9: A Brief Memoir: Bill Pierce, Me, and AdoptaTalk with God

One day he told me that he was ready to die more or less, and couldn’t wait to get to heaven “so I can talk to God about adoption for eternity.” Continue Reading →
One day he told me that he was ready to die more or less, and couldn’t wait to get to heaven “so I can talk to God about adoption for eternity.” Continue Reading →
This is too funny! Adoptee equality is anti-adoption! Adoptee equality is the internet’s fault! At least he left out his seriously weird comment on alt.adoption that it should be illegal to look up names in the phone book. Continue Reading →
What is really ironic is that Bastard Nation is considered “radical,” for demanding restoration of adoptee civil rights, and making Class Bastard the co-equal of the majority Not Adopted Class. But who is the real radical?
What is more radical than the goverwnment confiscating and sealing the public birth records of 6 million Americans because they are adopted?.
What is more radical than …. Continue Reading →
It appears I’ve been a bad bad bastardette again. A little while ago I responded to a comment made on Adam Pertman’s latest blog on Huffington Post written by the ubiquitous Lissa Marie (not to be confused with the awesome Lisa Marie Rollins.) Lissa Marie has been whinging her way arcoss HuffPo one adoption blog at a time dragging her vast knowledge (NOT) of adoption law and genetics behind her, equaled only by her intense hatred and fear of ungrateful adoptees demanding their birth certificates clogging her head. There is some debate about what Lissa Marie has to do with adoption, but it appears she’s adopted, and suffering from undiagnosed Primal Wound Disorder and a deep attachment to government regulations. Since I haven’t been shut up lately by Mrs. Grundy, I didn’t save what I wrote. I do have this fragment, though, which ended up on Facebook. You’ll get the idea. I’ve been waiting for you to show up, Lissa Marie. I’ve missed your paranoic posts. I agree with you. The medical issue whine is pointless. No one is entitled to someone else’s medical history. The only reason anybody uses this ridiculous excuse is because they are too ashamed and Continue Reading →
There’s been a lively discussion on my New Jersey: Deborah Jacobs lobs another foul blog. Ms. Jacobs, the executive director of the New Jersey ACLU, has been brave enough to enter the fray. One comment that has scored a sour note amongst our comrade mothers-in arms is her allegation that she has received scads of letters from anonymous “birthmothers” begging for anonymity. Ms. Jacobs writes: I also have a stack of letters in my office, most sent anonymously, from birth mothers thanking me for the ACLU-NJ’s work on this issue, talking about their experiences with adoption, and explaining why they desperately wish to remain anonymous. They include rape and incest victims, among others. They express terror at the prospect of an unwelcome knock at the door that will force them to revisit painful personal traumas of the past. I’m sure Ms. Jacobs meant well. I don’t think she’s a bad person at all. But, save for whistleblowers, Wikileaks and secret groups fighting Hitler, anonymity has no place in honest political and policy discourse, especially when it’s about one of the country’s most murky and controversial social policies. Adoption, though, with its built-in secrets and lies, makes anonymity acceptable for the Continue Reading →
The National Council for Adoption today announced the appointment of Chuck Johnson as its permanent CEO and president. Johnson has been Acting President since April when Mary Robinson, after a few inglorious months in office, left the position unannounced and from my perspective, unmissed. Johnson also held the post of acting prez after Tom Atwood resigned in November 2008. He is the former director of NCFA’s Infant Adoption Training Initiative. Johnson’s appointment marks the end (so-to-speak) of NCFA’s transformation into the nicer kinder NuNCFA, bereft of Piercian existentialism, angst and cranksterism. NuNCFA, for better or worse (it’s easier to kick them around for worse) is more concerned with international and foster adoption and Beltway politics than calling Bastard Nation anarchists and terrorists and “birthdads” drive-by sperm donors, and locking pregnant unmarrieds in closets. We seriously doubt that Johnson has been booted out of Congressional offices or in times of high snit, has orchestrated a dirty tricks campaign against John McCain or other blowhard politicians. As Johnson said to me at one point ,”Folks want to work with us again.” Well, not everyone, Chuck! But enough to take NCFA off the endangered species list. In other words, NuNCFA has corporatized and Continue Reading →
The other day I got an email from the National Council for Adoption announcing its new and improved website. Sort of a launch into its 30th anniversary celebration capped off in July by its annual conference (Note to Chuck Johnson: I’ll be there. I promise to behave if you promise to keep adoption attachment whacko Karyn Purvis from speaking again–and please–no baby massage this time!) The conference is followed in November by The Bow Tie and Pearls gala at the Willard where the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute will be given NCFA’s Friend of Adoption Award. I can already hear Dr. Pierce jumping on heaven’s trapdoor over that one. Me, too. The website announcement included this curious greeting from NCFA’s acting CEO Chuck Johnson: Whether you are a birthparent, an adoptive family, adoption agency, a representative of the government, the media, or you are simply a person interested in adoption, you will know exactly where to click to find the information you’re looking for.” –Chuck Johnson, NCFA vice president and chief operating officer Thank you Chuck for admitting finally that after 30 years of posturing to the contrary, NCFA, offers nothing to bastards and adoptees. (“Birthmothers” will have to take Continue Reading →
Friday, the long-waited Dignitas personae (The dignity of a person), was released by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith with the approval of Pope Benedict XVI. You can read the whole paper here. There’s no surprises: birth control = badabortion = badstem cell research = badsurrogacy = bad Added to the B List: snowflake adoption = bad Here is what Dignitas personae says about our frozen brethern: With regard to the large number of frozen embryos already in existence the question becomes: what to do with them? All the answers that have been proposed (use the embryos for research or for the treatment of disease; thaw them without reactivating them and use them for research, as if they were normal cadavers; put them at the disposal of infertile couples as a “treatment for infertility”; allow a form of “prenatal adoption”) present real problems of various kinds. It needs to be recognized “that the thousands of abandoned embryos represent a situation of injustice which in fact cannot be resolved. Therefore, John Paul II made an “appeal to the conscience of the world’s scientific authorities and in particular to doctors, that the production of human embryos be halted, taking Continue Reading →
In case you missed it, Alaska and Nebraska finally went over to the dark side and legalized baby dumping recently. But in the case of the Nebraska law, it’s fast-track child dumping. Child welfare workers and juvenile court judges are gonna love working with this one! The law, outside of a two sentence intro, reads in full: Section 1. No person shall be prosecuted for any crime based solely upon the act of leaving a child in the custody of an employee on duty at a hospital licensed by the State of Nebraska. The hospital shall promptly contact appropriate authorities to take custody of the child. Note that any CHILD can be left at a hospital. No age limit. In other words, the Nebraska legislature just legalized child abandonment as long as it’s done “properly.” Wanna test-drive your kid? Move to Nebraska! Terrible 2s? No problemo! How about that mouthy 13-year old son? Cheaper than Ritalin. LB157 is the late Dr. Pierce’s fantasy of flexibility” of choice, “non-bureaucratic placement” and safe havens at any age.* Appropriately, Nebraska is Dr. Pierce’s home state. Lately, he’s been thunking his shoe in heaven (think Maine!) , but I heard a little chortle, too. Continue Reading →