Adoption Books

I’m working on making fixes on the new Bastardette format, and i’ts taking much longer than I thought.  Too much racket at home, so I packed up everything and came down to Subway on campus since there’s free WiFi here..  It’s open 24/7 and nobody cares how long you stay as long as you at least by a small drink.. It’s quiet (more or less but what a strange mixture of music–dance and country) with plenty of room. AA  mouse keeps running across the floor.  I’m not snitching. I’m trying  to do one “page” a day. Today I’ve listed my favorite adoption books.  Look under “Media”.  Keep in mind that these are books that I like, not necessarily what you like. They range from adoption history to policy to memoir to novel.  No Primal Wound! There’s more to add, but it’s enough for tonight. BTW, I don’t know why last nights blog on the anti-ICWA folks decided to format different from the rest.  I’ll work on that later.  

No Joke: Capobianco supporter, Christian Alliance for Indian Child Welfare, sends out prayer request for “child’s best interest”


prayer_requestA couple weeks ago I wrote about an ICWA  law  forum  being held  today in St. Paul.  (I’m posting this early Tuesday morning/.)

Sunday, the misnamed  anti-ICWA Christian Alliance for Indian Child Welfare. (CAICW) operated by non-Indian Lisa Morris, sent up a tizzyful prayer on Facebook:  Ms Morris, in case you’re you’re not familiar with her, is a graduate of Bible College (unnamed), has “dabbled as a registered nurse” (her words)  and is an active member of the Minnesota Tea Party. She believes (at least on paper) that prayer is the greatest weapon against ICWA, If the US were a sane country, Ms. Morris would be left standing on a street corner passing out tracts to the unsaved and unwashed. Instead she’s running an anti-civil rights organization.

CAICW (or Ms. Morris)  urges us: Continue reading

Original Birth Certificates aren’t the only thing they lock up in New York

Nice guerrilla action in New York this weekend.  Not about adoption  but close. The National Women’s Liberation Army hit five pharmacies in the Union Square area Saturday  in search of Plan B (emergency contraception).   According to Reality Check, some drug stores not only hide the Morning After Pill behind the counter, but keep it in a locked box! From Realitly Check: (emphasis (mine) During the action, group leaders would loudly announce to the store that the brigade was looking for the morning-after pill. Group members then would disperse, asking where the emergency contraception was and handing shoppers a letter to the pharmacy’s CEO. “The morning-after pill is locked in a box? You have to carry the box around the store?” protesters would say to each other. “Sure, so the whole store knows you had sex last night. That’s like wearing a dunce cap!” Indeed, many stores either keep Plan B behind the pharmacy counter, don’t stock more than two pills at a time, or keep the pill in a locked box that has to be opened by a store employee at the counter. Furthermore, employees are often confused about who has permission to open the box. NWL’s letter to pharmacy CEOs Continue Reading →

Joint Council on International Children’s Services: Racist ad draw ire of adoptees and adoptive parents

Taking time off from its white man’s burden of scooping  kids from developing countries into the arms of America’s desperate and middle class (lately through the CHIFF Act), the Joint Council on International Children’s Services   (JCICS)  will hold a benefit Tuesday to raise money for itself. Just in time for Trick or Treat, JCICS has  invited us to the fun.   All we need to do is hop a train or plane to The Big Apple and drop ourselves and our spare change off at Battery Park’s  PJ Clark’s. We’ll get free treats for our trouble. Until this moment I was unaware that trick or treaters  pay for their free candy. Note to self: stock up on Snickers. The idea of JCICS panhandling  kinda creeps me out.  Last year JCICS’s 990 says the non-profit was bringing in solid cash. I assume not by spare changing on K Street.  At least not with a tin can. I’d not be writing about this kinda-creepy event, or even know about it,  if JCICS  hadn’t jumped the shark and decided to promote its dollar-harvesting op on Facebook  with a picture of some of its fresh produce– international adoptees– dressed up in racial and Continue Reading →

Ohio’s Dan Chaon hits the road to Starz

Nice news from Ohio for once! Ohio adoptee  memorist and author  (and one of the best writers’ in the country today) Dan Chaon has a new gig. Dan  sent  a note  via FB and Twitter on Thursday that he’ll be working on a new  dramatic project for Starz titled Most Wanted.  The production team includes writer Chris Collins, co-producer of  Sons of Anarchy  and director Ken Fink (CSI, Oz, Homicide. Dan will serve as co-executive producer of the new series.. The show takes place in the in the Plains States in the 1970s and traces the career of fictional  prolific bank robber Nate Daniels “as he finds himself on a collision course with his family and crew as he becomes one of the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted.” My kinda show! I’ve written about Dan here, here, and here.   Dan lives in Cleveland and teaches at my old hangout, Oberlin College where he’s the Pauline M. Delaney Professor of Creative Writing and Literature   Twitter fried my account and I was forced to start a new one.  Besides tweeting The Daily Bastardette I tweet  (and retweet) about adoption issues, civil rights, freedom of the press,  the corporate state,  Depeche Mode, literature and books, plus some Continue Reading →

Both Ends Burning Redux: BEB’s plan for international adoption

The other day I wrote that Both Ends Burning was closing down its Scottsdale office and moving to Washington DC to play with the big boys. It’s true. I don’t know if I missed this when I was researching BEB’s  future or it wasn’t up yet,  but the game plan is now on BEB’s webpage under Our Next Steps Forward: International Adoption Futurama • Open our Washington, DC office, hire full-time staff and build necessary infrastructure. • Establish 50 BEB state organizations and plan UN-STUCK marches in each state for May 2014. • Plan and organize the Summit of Nations meeting to take place in Fall 2014. • Launch iAdopt International Advisory Services and begin to facilitate cross-border knowledge sharing. • Produce success story series as a revolving weekly feature on our web site. To facilitate on-going communication we will have an regularly scheduled UN-STUCK MOVEMENT Stakeholder conference call the first Tuesday of every month at 4 PM EST. Our next call will be June 4th. An email will be sent in advance with call-in information. To ensure the success of this movement, we encourage open communication. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] at any time, for any reason. This outline has got to be the most ambitious and dangerous blueprint  to up-end Continue Reading →

Daily Bastardette has moved to Word Press

After a couple years of talking to myself  about it, I have decided to transfer The Daily Bastardette  from Blogger to Word Press.  The final straw came when Blogger changed my banner and header and wouldn’t let me fix it. back. And when I tried to change the template–forget it! Besides I can do a lot more on Word Press. I’ll still have to work on various pages and make some fixes–well a lot of fixes– over the next couple days,  but all 1100+ blogs are in place. The new address is And thanks to the fabulous Claud for her Big Help!

Shut Down the Machine!


There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious–makes you so sick at heart–that you can’t take part. You can’t even passively take part. And you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all….
Mario Savio, Sproul Hall steps, Deccember 2, 1964 Continue Reading →

Both Ends Burning: International Adoption = Functioning Global Society or Welcome to Cultural Trotskyism

Both Ends Burning’s  Craig Juntunen  wrote a truly clueless blog the other day.  I don’t have the time tonight to go into it in great detail.  I’ll post part of it below, however,  with some comments. Certain transnational and transracial adoptees I know could have a field day with this, and I hope they do. Juntunen writes:: We have developed a distinctive arrogance of what is right and wrong for a child seemingly based on borders and geography. Many argue taking a child out of one culture to join a family in another culture is robbing a child of the birth heritage and should never happen. We have a hard time accepting cross-pollinating race and heritage as a cultural asset, and view it instead as a personal liability. Think of the many friends you know who were born in one country and during their childhood moved to another country. Ask them if moving to another country was traumatizing and damaging to their human condition, or ultimately  an experience that allowed them to expand their human condition.  Better yet, ask any child living in an orphanage whether they would prefer to have culture and heritage or a permanent family. If we are really going Continue Reading →

2014 ASAC Conference: Our presentation on Jean Paton anounced

I am happy to announce that I’ll presenting at the 2014 Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture (ASAC). conference, Crossing Boundaries  at Florida State University in Tallahassee.early next year..  I’ll be part of a Book Session  panel headed by E. Wayne Carp author of the upcoming biography  Jean Paton and the Struggle to Reform American Adoption (University of Michigan Press, 2014).  A permanent title for the presentation will be announced in a few days, but for current informational purposes, we will be discussing the Jean Paton’s work and the book.. With me will be Elizabeth Samuels and Marianne Novy. I don’t know what their critique topics will be, but mine is “A Radical Looks at a Radical.”  Jean Paton is the mother of us all.:\ the  Mother of US adoption reform and the adopee rights movement.. As  Dr. Carp noted in the proposal: Paton gave adult adoptees a voice and provided them with a healthy self-image; facilitated thousands of meetings between adult adoptees and their families of origin; fought tirelessly to open sealed adoption records… Patron’s struggle to reform American adoption was never easy; she faced resistance at every turn. This, then, is Jean Paton’s story: one courageous woman’s struggle to overcome Continue Reading →