Both Ends Burning Redux: BEB’s plan for international adoption

The other day I wrote that Both Ends Burning was closing down its Scottsdale office and moving to Washington DC to play with the big boys. It’s true. I don’t know if I missed this when I was researching BEB’s  future or it wasn’t up yet,  but the game plan is now on BEB’s webpage under Our Next Steps Forward: International Adoption Futurama • Open our Washington, DC office, hire full-time staff and build necessary infrastructure. • Establish 50 BEB state organizations and plan UN-STUCK marches in each state for May 2014. • Plan and organize the Summit of Nations meeting to take place in Fall 2014. • Launch iAdopt International Advisory Services and begin to facilitate cross-border knowledge sharing. • Produce success story series as a revolving weekly feature on our web site. To facilitate on-going communication we will have an regularly scheduled UN-STUCK MOVEMENT Stakeholder conference call the first Tuesday of every month at 4 PM EST. Our next call will be June 4th. An email will be sent in advance with call-in information. To ensure the success of this movement, we encourage open communication. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] at any time, for any reason. This outline has got to be the most ambitious and dangerous blueprint  to up-end Continue Reading →

Both Ends Burning: International Adoption = Functioning Global Society or Welcome to Cultural Trotskyism

Both Ends Burning’s  Craig Juntunen  wrote a truly clueless blog the other day.  I don’t have the time tonight to go into it in great detail.  I’ll post part of it below, however,  with some comments. Certain transnational and transracial adoptees I know could have a field day with this, and I hope they do. Juntunen writes:: We have developed a distinctive arrogance of what is right and wrong for a child seemingly based on borders and geography. Many argue taking a child out of one culture to join a family in another culture is robbing a child of the birth heritage and should never happen. We have a hard time accepting cross-pollinating race and heritage as a cultural asset, and view it instead as a personal liability. Think of the many friends you know who were born in one country and during their childhood moved to another country. Ask them if moving to another country was traumatizing and damaging to their human condition, or ultimately  an experience that allowed them to expand their human condition.  Better yet, ask any child living in an orphanage whether they would prefer to have culture and heritage or a permanent family. If we are really going Continue Reading →

AdoptionLand Incest Continues: Craig Juntunen from Both Ends Burning shills for Gladney

Craig Juntunen, the most dangerous man nin Adopton Land Speaking of Gladney., as I did the other day… …guess who’s shilling for Dame Edna!. None other than the most dangerous man in AdoptionLand today, Craig Juntunen, founder and president of Both Ends Burning.and producer of Stuck, a  film  on the “orphan crisis” constructed to make your heart bleed and fill BEB’s  pockets full.of sob story money for child harvesting.. On  Wednesday October 9, Juntunen  will keynote the annual New York Metropolitan  Gladney Family Association fundraiser/cocktail party at the University Club in midtown. . (Gladneyators drink?  WWHSD? What would the home studier do?) This pairing should be no surprise, of course. Gladney and Juntunen have been up each other’s pants for quite some time now.  Gladney CEO Frank Garrott sits on BEB’s board (and the JCICS board).  In fact, the  board is mobbed up with  Texas oil,/petroleum, big insurance,  well-to-do adopters, and christian jocks–an incestuous  subject I’ll save for a later date. Earlier this year Garrott  could barely control his enthusiasm over Stuck, a Kleenix-wringer designed around the idea that “orphans”  (and the term is up for grabs) are “stuck,”– that is, held hostage in their own countries (mostly of color), away Continue Reading →