Media Distortions in the Veronica Brown Case: Adoptionis only about adopters

Corcoran takes to task Washington Times reporter Andrea Poe (and others) for focusing on the “heartache of the adoptive family” while neglecting the other side. Poe wrote in TWT that the case is “every parent’s worst nightmare.” and later in HuffPo that [t]his is not an illegal abduction, although it certainly sounds that way” and that the “adoption community has been devastated by this news.” (links to these quotes and many others in the original article.). Continue Reading →

Demons of Adoption 2013: The suspense is over and the winner is…

.…Raymond Godwin and Nightlight Christian Adoption aka Capobianco, Inc. I’m not surprised.  I can’t remember ever running into a more despicable gang of adoptahugs than the Cs and their entourage of baby grabbing lawyers,  adoption agents,professional media whores,PR hacks, racists, haters, religious nuts, and crybabies. They make the DeBoers look sane. The Demons of Adoption Award is a response to the annual Angels in Adoption Award sponsored by the Congressional Coalition for Adoption Institute (CCAI).  Ironically,  in 2010, Godwin and his wife Laura, the head of Nightlight Christian, received an Angels of Adoption. Award.  They were nominated by former Senator Jim DeMint (SC-R), now president of the conservative Coors-family founded Heritage Foundation and long-time friend of Bill Pierce, founding president of the National Council for Adoption.  A few years ago, a writer for the Heritage suggested that women be allowed by law to sell their parental rights. (not online; document in my possession.) Announcing the latest Demon, Pound Pups Niels and Kerry write: : Knowingly starting an adoption procedure that can reasonably be expected to be contested, is immoral. Adoption, when practiced, should increase a child’s stability in life, not lower it. Raymond Godwin and his wife  [director of Nightlight Christian]Laura Continue Reading →

No Joke: Capobianco supporter, Christian Alliance for Indian Child Welfare, sends out prayer request for “child’s best interest”


prayer_requestA couple weeks ago I wrote about an ICWA  law  forum  being held  today in St. Paul.  (I’m posting this early Tuesday morning/.)

Sunday, the misnamed  anti-ICWA Christian Alliance for Indian Child Welfare. (CAICW) operated by non-Indian Lisa Morris, sent up a tizzyful prayer on Facebook:  Ms Morris, in case you’re you’re not familiar with her, is a graduate of Bible College (unnamed), has “dabbled as a registered nurse” (her words)  and is an active member of the Minnesota Tea Party. She believes (at least on paper) that prayer is the greatest weapon against ICWA, If the US were a sane country, Ms. Morris would be left standing on a street corner passing out tracts to the unsaved and unwashed. Instead she’s running an anti-civil rights organization.

CAICW (or Ms. Morris)  urges us: Continue reading

Dusten Brown honored by National Congress of American Indians

Earlier today Dusten Brown was honored by the National Congress of American Indians.  In a ceremony attended by dozens of native military veterans, he was recognized for his service in the Oklahoma National Guard. The meeting opened yesterday with approximately 3000 Indians from across the country in attendance.Dusten’s daughter, Veronica Brown, 4, removed to South Carolina by her Capobianco “adopters”  while not present in person was there in spirit. The AP reports: During a ceremony that featured drumming and Native American songs, tribal members wrapped a brightly colored prayer quilt around Brown. The gift is intended to comfort him on the days he misses his daughter. Brown was also presented with an eagle feather to honor his service in the military. S. Joe Crittenten, deputy principal chief of the Cherokee Nation praised  Dusten as a good man and  a good father.  “Veronica will always be a Cherokee citizen, and we look forward to the day she comes home to Dusten.” Dusten remained silent during the ceremony and made no public statement afterwards. This sad picture  from the ceremony is a little fuzzy. Go here for a clearer shot. Ironically,  Oklahoma Governor Mary Falliln opened the event.  She became  instrumental in the destruction of the Brown family Continue Reading →

James Hamilton: An Adoptive Father Speaks Out in Support of ICWA

A few days ago Jim Hamilton posted a comment regarding  ICWA and the Veronica Brown case under Veronica: One of the Many Multi-Heritage Children Harmed by ICWA. published on the Christian Alliance for Indian Child Welfare webpage.  The misnamed CAIW is one of the leading organizations whose mission is undermine Indian autonomy, tribal sovereignty, traffick Indian children into appropriately  white christian families, and ultimately dismantle the Indian Child Welfare Act which it claims harms Indian children.  Jim’s comment was put on “moderation” and  has never been posted. We can guess why.With Jim’s permission I am posting it below. I am an attorney and an international adoptive father. In my view, the ICWA does no harm whatsoever to children, including Veronica Brown/Capobianco. What does do great harm to children are those who circumvent state and federal laws in the blind pursuit of children.  I fully understand how intense the desire for a child can be and the emotional upheaval that delays in the adoption process can cause for prospective adoptive parents. My son’s adoption process in the country of his birth lasted 12 months. We met him for the first time almost 4 months after his referral and 8 months before Continue Reading →

The War on ICWA: Forces growing to dismantle ICWA and Indian sovereignty

Last night Daily Bastardette received this comment on Bloody but Unbowed: Dusten Brown Shows His Stuff.  regarding the new attempt to dismantle the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA).  I believe it is too important to leave in comments and am giving it its own space to receive more attention.. The only change I have made is the addition of links. Hi. I really like your editorial. I found this about the Capobianco’s PR team and its head Jessica Munday. Munday is apparently on the anti-ICWA campaign trail:“Jessica Munday is owner of Trio Solutions in Mt Pleasant, SC, the PR firm that launched an anti-ICWA campaign on behalf of adoptive Baby Veronica parents Melanie Duncan and Matthew Capobianco. Munday recently sent an email to all Capobianco supporters who signed a petition to abolish ICWA. Here’s what she said,While Congress has yet to amend the ICWA, our collective effort surrounding Veronica’s case will indeed help ensure this situation will not happen to another child. As a matter of fact, it already has. We have been informed her case has already been used in several cases to block similar travesties from occurring…. If anyone would like to continue advocating for children being hurt Continue Reading →

Deconstructing the Baby Veronica Case: Implications for working with fathers in Indian child welfare practice

I’m really impressed that this has come together so fast.  And what an array of panelists and presenters!   If I were in the Minneapolis/St Paul area at the end of this month I know where I’d be. If anyone attends I’d love to get a report. Deconstructing the Baby Veronica Case: Implications for Working with Fathers in Indian Child Welfare PracticeTuesday, October 29th, 20138:30am – 4:00pmMcNamara Alumni Center, UMN Federal and state laws, as well as agency policies and practice, play a significant role in how we work with fathers in Indian child welfare practice. In this forum, speakers and panelists with differing viewpoints will analyze the legal context of the “Baby Veronica” case for a closer look at father involvement. Practice strategies and policy recommendations will be a focal point. Read more about the event here. Breakfast and lunch will be served and light snacks will be available throughout the day. 6 Board of Social Work CEUs will be available. CLEs have been applied for. PresentersJudge William ThorneUtah Court of AppealsChrissi NimmoAssistant Attorney General of  the Cherokee NationMark FiddlerAttorney representing the Capobianco FamilyErma J. VizenorChairwoman, White Earth NationPanelistsTerry CrossExecutive DirectorNational Indian Child Welfare AssociationEssie Leoso-CorbineSocial Services Director for Bad Continue Reading →