Adoption Books

I’m working on making fixes on the new Bastardette format, and i’ts taking much longer than I thought.  Too much racket at home, so I packed up everything and came down to Subway on campus since there’s free WiFi here..  It’s open 24/7 and nobody cares how long you stay as long as you at least by a small drink.. It’s quiet (more or less but what a strange mixture of music–dance and country) with plenty of room. AA  mouse keeps running across the floor.  I’m not snitching. I’m trying  to do one “page” a day. Today I’ve listed my favorite adoption books.  Look under “Media”.  Keep in mind that these are books that I like, not necessarily what you like. They range from adoption history to policy to memoir to novel.  No Primal Wound! There’s more to add, but it’s enough for tonight. BTW, I don’t know why last nights blog on the anti-ICWA folks decided to format different from the rest.  I’ll work on that later.  

It’s That Time Again: National Adoption Awareness Month – Day One. Reading Adoption

Welcome to National Adoption Awareness Month 2010! I’m sure you’ve been as eagerly awaiting the November lollipops and roses, cotton candy and angel wings, and back patting, and pious press clips celebration as much as the Bad Kitties and I have. This year’s emphasis, we’re told, is on “adoption of children currently in foster care.” Bastardette may (or may not) write about the theme, but if I don’t somebody else will. We all know the code. Interestingly, what seems to be the official NAAM page (Mardie Cardwell’s Lifetime Adoptions over-linked page linked above), celebrates newborn relinquishment and includes a queasy video of happy “birth mothers” (one a 2fer adoptee/mom) and adoptive parents grateful for the gifts of other people’s children God has bestowed on them. There is also a crash course in “positive adoption language.” All is moderated by wide-eyed Cardwell. There’s more I could say about this, but I don’t want to encourage her. We’ve always wondered just who needs to be made aware of adoption during “our” month. Certainly not adopted people who lost the right to our birth certificates decades ago and are now treated like ungrateful brats when we demand the return of our obcs. Certainly Continue Reading →