Ohio HB 307 Part 1: Incurious insanity trumps facts; Quick/fast adoptions pass House

Opposition testimony from Denise St. Clair, NCALP: “We can conceive of no benefit for adoptive children through such a change. The vast majority of stakeholders with whom we have discussed this issue do not support this process change. In fact, Section (not listed) does not eliminate the potential that other men who do not receive notice may claim paternity or putative father status to the child and register as provided for notice is not received. If the goal is to decrease the chance that a potential father may appear late in the game, we are not sure that this provision will have that effect. Putative or legal fathers who are not so identified will still have the opportunity to take measures to protect their rights–as they should” Continue Reading →

Ohio Right to Life Throws in with Karl Rove: Bush’s Brain to raise money for ORTL

While checking on something else tonight (as usual!) I learned that ORTL has booked an encore to its Beckian Theatre of the Fundraising Absurd. On February 7, ORTL, its Toledo chapter, and the Foundation for Life of Northwest Ohio offer a joint production: An Evening with Karl Rove. at the poshy downtown Toledo Club. Continue Reading →

The Miracle of Adoption: Madonna and David Banda do the Ralph Lauren angle

According to the Material Girl, via the Mail, David has become quite the styler (‘the Ralph Loren angle” according to Madonna) , picking out their matching suits himself. Madge had no option but to obey–except for the shoes and walking stick. Continue Reading →

Georgia: HB 524 update and Bastard Nation Action Alert

Georgia Adoptyees Need Your Help Today! On Monday, January 27, HB 524 was heard in the Welch Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice. Due to the enormous amount of contact to committee members from Georgians and people across the country, the bill was discussed and the hearing continued to (probably) later this week. As you will see from the report by Georgia activists Kat Stanley below, leggies are taking this bill quite seriously and have been influenced by our voice. Continue Reading →

Georgia HB 524: Bastard Nation Testimony in support of original bill; opposed to Welch Amendment

We are disturbed greatly by a proposed amended by Rep. Welch scheduled to be introduced on January 27. We have not seen the amendment. We understand, however, that it would give the “option” of a “contact preference form” by which a birthmother could ask the state to redact her name from the OBC. If there is no CPF on file, the adoptee would not get tis or her OBC. At all. A genuine “contact preference form” such as used in Oregon, Alabama, New Hampshire, Maine, and Rhode Island is simply a voluntary statement by which a birthparent expresses a preference for contact. It has no legal standing and does not stop the release of the intact OBC to the adoptee. Continue Reading →

Ohio Sub 307–catching up

I have copies of Sub 307 testimony which I’ll scan and post later this week. As usual, the “entertaining” read that only self-serving adoption and anti-abortion racketeers can give us. NancyAmge;-in-Adoption Burley, from Adoption Circle, in particular has carved out a neat niche in the Ohio Adoption Hall of Shame.. I’m not sure what is more important for her: making adoption cheaper and faster or bragging about her credentials. Continue Reading →

ORTL #Adoption

Besides its atrocious, out-of-touch HB 307 “infant adoption reform” bill, which I wrote about in the Columbus Free Press recently, ORTL seems to be taking credit for the passage of Sub HB 23, the new OBC access. bill. Scheduled to take effect in March 2015, the law will give the majority of those adopted in the state between January 1964-mid-Sept 1996 their OBCs. ORTL’s webpage as well as it’s FB page are full of good tidings and great joy over access–something ORTL opposed viciously for 20 years. Continue Reading →