PAPs Are Warriors; Adoptees are healers

My adoptive parents would be puzzled by this kind of rhetoric. All they did was adopt me. They didn’t even tell their best friends they were trying to adopt until it happened..See, back then people weren’t buzzing around communication circles cooing over Baby Bumble, getting paper pregnant, running off to Third World countries to save orphans and spread the Gospel, or spreading their adoptive kid’s business around Front Street. Dare I suggest that back then adoption was normal–an intimate family matter, not the public spectacle it has become today. But, in our confessional culture nothing is private, nothing is intimate. We are all simultaneous sellers and buyers and blabbers.. Words on the internet pursue legitimacy, mumbling through an echo chamber. In other words, in the attempt to make adoption “normal” the adopter class and its industrial friends have made it abnormal. Continue Reading →

Guest Writer: What Does America Get for $500 Million a Year in Adoption Tax Credits? by James Hamilton

Its “Adoption Tax Credit Advocacy Kit”, was “designed to help [the public] educate policymakers,members of the media, and others on the importance of extending the adoption tax credit to help every child find a family.” As we’ll see, the credit does more to line the pockets of the adoption industry than it does to ensure that every child has a home. Continue Reading →

My New Free Press Weekly Article–Ohio Right to Life’s New Infant Adoption Reform Bill: threatens birthparent rights; doles out tax credits

Ohio Right to Life, either by design or ignorance, has co-opted adoption reform for its anti-abortion agenda, but fails to show how its bill relates to that agenda. Instead of setting realistic adoption goals such a streamlining foster care placement, capping adoption fees and in increasing funds for child/mother welfare services and foster care placement, it’s creating imaginary children for thwarted potential adoptive parents . Continue Reading →

Adoption Funding Hits New Low: Couple says God told them to beg $32,000 from Seattle Seahawks fans to pay for international adoption

Adoption and football are hallmarks of the country’s current state of decay. Sometimes the two sports merge as with Both Ends Burning, and Webster. Mostly, though fans manage to put a sock in it and try not to bore us to much with their lifestyle choices. They don’t expect us to purchase season tickets for their favorite team nor do they expect us to fund their adoptions.

No so with Seattle Seahawks obsessives Chris and Alexis Lundberg. (They were actually married on the 50 yard line of the Seahawk’s stadium)

After Chris took a mission trip to “Africa” a few years ago (is Africa one big country now?) the couple who has two biological sons, was “called ” to adopt an ” African orphan”, but sadly are unable to spring the $32,000 price tag that Chris has unilaterally set as the cost.. Continue Reading →

Abortion and Parenting are Equally Bad: Ken Connor and the Topsy-Turvy World of Adoption and Abortion

Ken Connor ubiquitous abortion hater cum adoption worshiper, made an appearance today in the Christian Post. In his column Abortion and Adoption; Two Choices, Worlds Apart Connor groused over the lack of newborns available for adoption. Unmarried women who don’t place their children in “loving adoptive homes” are short changing themselves and their children. (Fathers aren’t mentioned.)
Connor lectures that adoption is win-win-win without asking bastards or their birthers how they feel about it. Picking up the pillow talk where Richard Land left off, the other day, Connor rhapsodizes on motherhood and mothers, especially the mother who becomes, as some first mother activists say, the “not mother”. The woman who is a mother but not a mother due to act of adoption., Continue Reading →

Dead Russian Adoptees: The White Book, a Russian resource

White Paper (Book):Victims of Foreign Adoption is a Russian web source on the abuse and deaths of Russian adoptees in the United States and elsewhere. It includes an English language translation The English, though, seems to be done by bot and it’s not totally reliable, (ex. White Book translates as White Paper) but gives a good idea of what is in the original. Continue Reading →

Richard Land Sent to the Woodshed: Bastards have the wrong dad

Richard Land has itched my trigger for a long time, and now he’s itched everybody else’s trigger in AdoptionLand

Land. the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary and former head of the Southern Baptist Conferences’ Ethics and Religious Liberty Committee, published a preposterous pierce of adoptionist propaganda the other day in in the Christian Post, entitled Adoption: The Best Answer. Written in honor of National Adoption Awareness Month, of course. Continue Reading →

Stupid AdoptaComment of the Day: Women should have government licence to have a baby or lose it to adoption

As usual, of course, no matter how neutral a subject may be, discussion quickly disintegrated into talk of “Joos” Commies, weepy Christians, and gay sex practices..

Then this popped up, posted by someone calling himself “seeitnowW”

CopsWomen have 2 rights that men don’t – the right to bear children at will and the right to unilaterally end the life of an unborn child. The time has come to require a woman to obtain a license to bear a child. The issuance of such a license would require approval by a government agency that would evaluate the ability of the woman to reasonably be able to provide for the child’s welfare. The absence of the license would give the state the right to take the child from the mother and place it in an adoptive family. Creating new citizens in a social democracy is serious business as we all share in the cost and suffer the consequences of poor breeding decisions. The incentive to bear children and thereby obtain free stuff – food, shelter and money from the government would disappear when a woman knows that the child will be taken away. Continue Reading →