NAD/NAAD Day 25: Students for Life Continues to Co-opt, Appropriate Celebrity Adoptees

The point is that SFL took Cheoweth’s words, produced a meme of sorts, with them and her picture, and posted it around the internet. The world. It actually stamped a SFL © in the upper right-hand corner…It also implies that Chenoweth agrees the Christian Nationalist ideology of SFL president, Kristan Hawkins. The organization, in effect, linked Chenoweth with SFL’s organization and agenda… Continue Reading →

NAM/NAAM 2004 Day 5: Adoption Agitprop, Annette Kicks It! and I Comment

November 3rd’s video on the subject of adoption propaganda really struck home with her discussion of among others, the adoptprop myth: “Your mother loved you so much she gave you away.”  While most adoption mythology and adoptprop bounce off my insensitive self, (that is, I don’t take it personally), this one always sets me off. It makes no sense. The height of cognitive adoption dissonance. The height of adoptee commodification. A weird binary of generosity and greed. How is this trope supposed to make someone, especially children, feel secure or good or ultimately safe and loved? Continue Reading →

Gary, Indiana: Stupid Things People Say about Safe Haven Baby Boxes or a Brief Discourse on Cognitive Dissonance

To be kind, Mr. Euvino, who I bet is not adopted, might have been caught up in the moment. To not be kind, he just might be conveniently ignorant. He failed to acknowledge that legal baby dumping is built on loss and tragedy for babies, their biological mothers, fathers, and extended family members. Boxing, he failed to acknowledge, is the erasure of individual identities, histories, and relationships. Box use, he failed to acknowledge, is an endorsement of discredited “clean slate” closed and secret adoption theory-into- practice that taught generations that Class Bastard has no history before adoption#; that we would all be fine with this unless we were neurotic, psychotic, selfish, or otherwise disturbed. This fuckery condemned millions of members of Class Bastard to anonymity, disenfranchisement, confusion, shame, and for many anger depression, therapy, expensive searches, self-harm, and even suicide. I can only assume then that Mr. Euvino aimed his comments, at the mothers and the new families these dumped babies will acquire adoptively on the backs of disempowered bios. Continue Reading →

Adoptees are not adoption. Adoption is not a reality show.

I consider these numerous news stories to be adoption porn, especially since this finalization took place on Kent County, Michigan’s  Gotcha Day, December 4. Or rather Sealed Records Day. Or Adoptee Erasure Day. Or Child Scoop Day.. Or Adoptee SaIvior Day (race and religion optional but white and  Christian preferred).  Continue Reading →

NAAM: Adoption is God’s will

Propaganda like NAAM’s looks awfully close to cultural appropriation. Or inviting your maid and her kids to sit at your Thanksgiving table. Remember when Adam Pertman opined that international adoption could world peace?

Is praying that a family will be broken up so you can have one really God’s agenda? According to NAAM propaganda, it is, Or is it?. As Rosie O’Donnell so notoriously said, “God put you in the wrong tummy and I have to fix it.” Continue Reading →