Reading Recommendation: “Are you accidentally upsetting your adopted student?”

You would think that teachers, in the trenches of our current culture wars would recognize this. Apparently, they don’t since Herriot covers everything from schoolyard bullying to family tree and baby photo assignments, to teacher-inculcated adoption gratitude, all of which are familiar to American adoptee eyes and ears. Continue Reading →

Veterans Day: Birth family thoughts

As an adoptee, I desperately wanted to know about my family of origin but was not keen on re-joining them.  I became quite adequate in snooping through desks, dressers. and closets all to no avail. Many years later it appears that all I had to do was ask and I would have been given what little information my adoptive parents possessed, but what is the fun in that? Continue Reading →

2 Short Questions: Memes and Matt Walsh

OK., I’m in a jam tonight. I can’t think of anything to write about that won’t take a lot of time and research,which I don’t feel like doing.  So here’s a couple of short, unrelated observations/questions.. ,

What in the world dos this meme mean? Continue Reading →

Warning! Adoptaraptor on the loose in Jax!

Jacksonville , Florida-area Family Law attorney Michelle Sweatland says in the October 14, 2019, Jacksonville Daily Record, that she’s worried that not enough newborns are being tossed into the adoption spammer. Of course, she isn’t that crude; rather, she promotes bribery “incentives” — including education funds –to encourage women to “choose”  quick and dirty adoption as their life path. Continue Reading →