Losing My Adoption File
Today I had to renew my driver’s license. I say “had” because my license expired on my birthday a couple weeks ago, and although Ohio gives a big grace period in renewal, I want to vote in tomorrow’s state election.. I was afraid, the way Ohio runs its crooked vote, that without a current’ “proof of identity” I’d be forced to do a highly questionable “provisional ballot.” (I suspect that expired legal IDs are invalid so the self-perpetuating state can dun you–in this case $22.00– for another ID that will eventually expire so the state can dun you again..) While I generally believe that the fix is in, and voting is a waste of time, there is no way I’m going to not put my X where my mouth is and vote against Issue 2–Gov K-sick’s attempt to bust Ohio public unions. (For a good breakdown of what K-sick is up to read Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman’s latest on the measure, Will the !% steal Ohio’s labor rights referendum? It can happen in your state, too, and it’s about a lot more than unions.) But I digress. According to the Ohio BMV webpage, since my license expired less than Continue Reading →