Gladney: Coincidence or Disaster Adoptionism?

Let’ see, five days ago Typhoon Hayian, one of the biggest storms on record, hit the Philippines .The Philippine government estimated initially that 10,000 people died Today, President Benigno Aquino, downgraded the number to around 2500, but aid workers are skeptical. I heard on the news a little while ago that about a half million people are homeless. The area has little food, water, and shelter. There is cirtually no police or security. Looting is rampant.

Now the tweet shows up with a link to Gladney’s Philippines program. Continue Reading →

CAICW Rejects Civil Discourse: Bans comments from adoptee rights activists

So, now I’ve been banned from posting on the CAICW FB page. It’s ironic that the co-founder and Executive Chair of the largest adoptee civil rights organization in North America isn’t allowed to post on a FB page promoted in part as an adoptee rights page. I must have been banned after the polite comments I made a couple weeks ago

I guess “adoptee rights” for these people means the right of babies to be adopted by worthy (straight, married) suburban white folks with prayer partners PR hacks, and $480/hr baby carriage chasers. Two cars in every garage. A chicken in every pot. Continue Reading →

ICWA-Induced PTSD: Give me “my child” lest I wake up screaming

OK. NAAM and the baybee traders have finally pushed me over the edge. I’ll keep this short and sweet:

Sunday night the Christian Alliance for Indian Children published a prayer request on its Facebook page for “mothers and families” suffering from ICWA-induced PSTD. Continue Reading →

NAAM: Adoption is God’s will

Propaganda like NAAM’s looks awfully close to cultural appropriation. Or inviting your maid and her kids to sit at your Thanksgiving table. Remember when Adam Pertman opined that international adoption could world peace?

Is praying that a family will be broken up so you can have one really God’s agenda? According to NAAM propaganda, it is, Or is it?. As Rosie O’Donnell so notoriously said, “God put you in the wrong tummy and I have to fix it.” Continue Reading →

Media Distortions in the Veronica Brown Case: Adoptionis only about adopters

Corcoran takes to task Washington Times reporter Andrea Poe (and others) for focusing on the “heartache of the adoptive family” while neglecting the other side. Poe wrote in TWT that the case is “every parent’s worst nightmare.” and later in HuffPo that [t]his is not an illegal abduction, although it certainly sounds that way” and that the “adoption community has been devastated by this news.” (links to these quotes and many others in the original article.). Continue Reading →

ICWA: 35 Years and they Still Don’t Get It

Today is the 35th anniversary of ICWA. *The Indians Child Welfare Act,(, You’d think that our christian and cultural missionaries would have gotten it by now, but they don’t Anti-Indian websites such as the Christian Alliance for Indian Child Welfare (CAIDW) and the racist Ciizens Equal Rights Allaince (CERA) proclaim individual Indians and entire tribes unworthy, corrupt, dangerous, disempowering, and archaic. Tribal sovereignty and maintenance of Indian family ties, tradition, and culture, are “racist.” That is, they impinge on white privilege and hegemony and obstruct desire.

Indian Country, is a their personal Plunder Country. They should be able to take what want:: land, natural resources, children. Continue Reading →

PAPal Therapy: Ohio Right to Life’s Quick and Easy Adoption “Reform” Hearing

This afternoon I attended the first hearing of HB 307, Ohio Right to Life’s cheap and easy adoption scheme that I wrote about last month. I suggest you go there first for background.before you continue here. For those not so inclined, here’s a cheat sheet: HB 307: Continue Reading →

Demons of Adoption 2013: The suspense is over and the winner is…

.…Raymond Godwin and Nightlight Christian Adoption aka Capobianco, Inc. I’m not surprised.  I can’t remember ever running into a more despicable gang of adoptahugs than the Cs and their entourage of baby grabbing lawyers,  adoption agents,professional media whores,PR hacks, racists, haters, religious nuts, and crybabies. They make the DeBoers look sane. The Demons of Adoption Award is a response to the annual Angels in Adoption Award sponsored by the Congressional Coalition for Adoption Institute (CCAI).  Ironically,  in 2010, Godwin and his wife Laura, the head of Nightlight Christian, received an Angels of Adoption. Award.  They were nominated by former Senator Jim DeMint (SC-R), now president of the conservative Coors-family founded Heritage Foundation and long-time friend of Bill Pierce, founding president of the National Council for Adoption.  A few years ago, a writer for the Heritage suggested that women be allowed by law to sell their parental rights. (not online; document in my possession.) Announcing the latest Demon, Pound Pups Niels and Kerry write: : Knowingly starting an adoption procedure that can reasonably be expected to be contested, is immoral. Adoption, when practiced, should increase a child’s stability in life, not lower it. Raymond Godwin and his wife  [director of Nightlight Christian]Laura Continue Reading →