Adoption Funding Hits New Low: Couple says God told them to beg $32,000 from Seattle Seahawks fans to pay for international adoption

Adoption and football are hallmarks of the country’s current state of decay. Sometimes the two sports merge as with Both Ends Burning, and Webster. Mostly, though fans manage to put a sock in it and try not to bore us to much with their lifestyle choices. They don’t expect us to purchase season tickets for their favorite team nor do they expect us to fund their adoptions.

No so with Seattle Seahawks obsessives Chris and Alexis Lundberg. (They were actually married on the 50 yard line of the Seahawk’s stadium)

After Chris took a mission trip to “Africa” a few years ago (is Africa one big country now?) the couple who has two biological sons, was “called ” to adopt an ” African orphan”, but sadly are unable to spring the $32,000 price tag that Chris has unilaterally set as the cost.. Continue Reading →