The Celebrity A List: Adopted, the not adopted, and the definition of adoption

Adopted celebrities or the adopted adult children of celebrities aren’t ever asked how they feel about being adopted or how they even view adoption in a general sense. Not even a crass, “Do you know who you real parents are?” Most definitely they are not asked if it’s OK for socio-political agendized organizations to queer their personal adoptee (or not adoptied as we shall see) narratives for themselves to fit whatever program they’re pimping. Celebrity adoptees are simply paper dolls for the adoption industry and a gullible public, meant to entertain and play with, not to care about. Certainly nobody is going to bring up the adopted children of celebrities who reject their adopters or whose adopters reject them or those who have otherwise depressing outcomes. How many of you know about Barabra Stanwyck’s shipped-off adopted son Tony Fay who once wrote an article for Confidential “Why does my mother hate me?” or Joan Fontaine’s possibly illegally adopted Peruvian daughter Marita (they reconciled after decades of estrangement) or Hedy Lamarr’s adopted/not adopted son James Lamarr Loder (think Loretta Young and click the link.) Christina Crawford is the only celebrity adoptee/adopted I can think of who dared to speak out, and you won’t see her paraded around by NAM. In the future no NAM pusher is going chat up Chelsea O’Donnell, though Rosie, no doubt will shoot her mouth off, for years much to the pleasure of her fanc about the ungrateful little bastard formerly known as her adoptee. Continue Reading →

Scandal 2015 and The Defenders 1962. Same subject, two different reactions

Unfortunately, Lila Rose and her ilk cannot treat Americans as adults like they were treated 54 years ago. They can’t take the heat for a serious discussion. Are their arguments so fragile that a TV show can crumble them? Moreover, they don’t want to admit that the only “big deal” about abortion for some women is trying to get through the maze of laws and restrictions people Lila Rose and Ryan Bomberger have either created or supported to make forced pregnancy the only “choice” some have. Continue Reading →

Scandal: The Radiance Foundation v Shonda Rhimes

I’m beginning to think that this should be Stop Radiance Foundation Month instead of National Adoption Month.  Not a day goes by when I don’t retch or laugh or both at what shows up on its FB page. It is not a safe space for Bastards. I mean, if you think the I Am Adopted FB page is full of happy adoptees who will transform you into a diabetic in 10 seconds with their pink cotton candy and kool-aid, (even if half of them seem really angry) then RF is totally blissed out on it. Did somebody over there indulge on Purple Owsley and never come back?  Forced pregnancy followed by happy relinquishment is the RF model.There’s no middle ground here.Unplanned pregnancy = abortion. The way RF propagandizes, you’d think no single women keep their kids. I’m not sure what one of RF: slogans “Be the Hope” means. Many adoptees have been acquired as the hope of childless couples (or singles, though  I doubt RF supports that part of the deal.) Does any normal person want to be someone else’s hope? Has Bomberger ever talked to one of those`adoptee hope survivors?  Don’t we, especially if we are adopted, have enough problems? Continue Reading →

Baby Kaylee: Help get her back home

I won’t write much about this tonight. I do, though want to urge people to donate to the Get baby Kaylee home to her Daddy go-fund-me page. Now, I usually don’t do crowd funding pleas, but this has me up in arms, and I donated a meager amount. I wish I had more. Created only on November 19, with a goal of $20.000 the Neilson family as of this writing collected an amazing. $13,640. The family has also donated funds, but this is going to be a long, hard and costly battle. Please donate. No more Baby Veronicas. No more Justin Browns. Continue Reading →

Amazon: Baby Safe haven sign reviews

Seems the Massachusetts contingent with no blame, no shame, no name (and you know who I mean) has been selling (or rather the company that makes their signs is selling) Baby Safe Haven signs on Amazon, secreted, like a cabbage leaf, in the patio, lawn & garden, outdoor decor, yard signs department . The kind of signs that are plastered all over fire stations, hospitals, and parking lots in Massachusetts. Now these signs have always bothered me for the obvious, but also the misspelling. It’s Newborn not New Born, though I suppose you could get away on a linguistic technicality I might be tempted to buy one myself for fun if they didn’t cost $40.67 plus postage. And where did that number come from? A sign would look good on my porch and who knows? A wondering and bleeding desperado might wander by and leave me her baby. I could make a quick turnaround for the holidays. Continue Reading →

Radiance Foundation: what’s bad for the goose is good for the gander

A few days earlier I published a post about the hypocritical lack of support for adoptee rights from the adoption-pushing Radiance Foundation. I mentioned that I’d been blocked from reading its tweets for asking politely if the christo-right Radiance and its CEO Ryan Bomberger, a very vocal happy adoptee, supported adoptee rights. (And no, I didn’t address Ryan as “christo-right!) You’d think Radiance would weigh in on this since Ryan, Inc considers adoption the cure-all for abortion and has made it a keystone of the foundation’s ideology. I fail to see how anti-aborts anywhere can not support adoptee rights without looking like a hypocrite ,but they do and get away with it, and Ryan Bomberger is one of the biggest scofflaws out there. Barely a day goes by when a unicorn doesn’t sprout from Ryan’s brow, but I’ve never seen an OBC or court record spout from his fingers Continue Reading →

Safe Space and Trigger Warnings Should Not be the Tools of the Adoptee Rights Movement

“Safe spaces” is really about the fear of the free flow of ideas– an attempt to shut people out and up. If you don’t agree that all adoptive parents are “adoptaraptors and child abusers, or that adoption is slavery, for instance, you’re “pro-adoption” (whatever that means), you “don’t understand,” you’e a shill for the adoption industry, or worst yet–a bully. See, the universal safe space crowd attempts to bully those it disagrees with by calling them bullies Continue Reading →