Bastard Nation Action Alert: New York A2901c. Redactions, CIs , parental consent–and more! Vote No!
ADDENDA: Guys, word on the street is that the NY atrocity is coming up for a vote any day now. This would be disastrous for adoptee rights and would have long term consequences not only for NY adoptees but potentially adoptees in other states. Despite the shitty veto bill in MO, we have potentially some good momentum coming out of this session with Hawaii and MA. Let’s not lose that with what is the worst so-called access bill I’ve seen in probably 20 years. Please see the AA and tweet opportunities and let’s try to shut this sucker down….. Shea Grimm
Bill A2901c creates a bureaucratic, nightmarish Disclosure Veto/redaction system administered by the adoption court system, mandates confidential intermediary searches by the state, and requires judges to consider the wishes of the adoptive parents of adult adoptees when deliberating granting access to requests for copies of original birth certificates by adult adoptees. The amended language is an affront to all adoptees.
Both New York sponsoring organizations have issued statements in opposition to the amended bill. We join them and urge you to write the New York Assembly members and request a “NO” vote. Continue Reading →