My American Christmas Adoptee Horror Story

Many adoptees online (and I assume off) dread the coming of Christmas. They talk of sadness, loneliness, dissatisfaction, stress, anger, and fear. Some emotions are vague and hard to pin down; others quite concrete. I believe absolutely every person who talks out their feelings and experiences. Even though I empathize, I feel like an insensitive outlier. Christmas, other holidays, and birthdays have no negative effect on me. I have no idea why. Being a fatalist and nihilist I just expect shit to happen. Maybe there is more to it. Perhaps I compartmentalize well, or I’m in the infamous fog, or I’m a sociopath, or I am over-traumatized, or I just don’t care. Since I don’t care about a lot of things everyone else does  (and visa versa) that may be the correct answer. Continue Reading →

Adoptees are not adoption. Adoption is not a reality show.

I consider these numerous news stories to be adoption porn, especially since this finalization took place on Kent County, Michigan’s  Gotcha Day, December 4. Or rather Sealed Records Day. Or Adoptee Erasure Day. Or Child Scoop Day.. Or Adoptee SaIvior Day (race and religion optional but white and  Christian preferred).  Continue Reading →

Action Alert: Massachusetts H1892/S1267 Fill the gap. All MA adoptees deserve their OBCs

H1892 and S1267 are currently in the Joint Committee on Public Health. These companion bills are clean and probably the shortest OBC access bill in history. When enacted the gap between the haves and have nots, the worthies and the unworthies, will be closed,  and the right of all Massachusetts adoptees, without restriction, to their own OBCs will be restored. Continue Reading →

Goodbye NAAM2019

As I wrote earlier, in my experience, 2019 has been the best year for infiltration and subversion.of NAAM. so far. Flipping the script/fucking the script is the only reason I don’t; go rabid every November. It’s why I push myself to write every day. Some days better than others. Continue Reading →

Wisconsin SB 521: What in the world is Wisconsin doing?

f passed, instead of receiving their Original Birth Certificates upon request, Lucky Bastards will receive a copy of their Report of Adoption.form, The form is routinely sent by the court to the Wisconsin Office of Vital Statistics after an adoption is finalized, to request the ABC be issued–if the adoptive parents have requested a new certificate. It includes the names of the child, birth and adoptive  parents and other OBC information. Continue Reading →

Happy Thanksgiving and NAAM from Catholic Charities

Here ‘s the Happy NAAM greeting: a paper doll family held in the hands of a white child whom I assume is an adoptee holding the family together Personally I don’t think any child should tasked with that kind of responsibility. Unfortunately, in AdoptionLand I’ve met plenty of adoptees who were. What if she goes bad and sets the family on fire? Continue Reading →

Happy Belated Gotcha Day!

Gotcha Day was Saturday. I apologize for missing our “special day,” when OBCs are sealed en masse and adoptees enter the Adoption Witness Protection Program. Don’t despair!  Better late than never, I found this song tonight just for us.  Gotha Day by Ann Pence. Continue Reading →

My New Town, Moody, Texas: 91 year old adoptee finds birth family

Phil Ratliff is an LD,A. He learned by accident, at the age of 21, on what he calls a “bad day,” that he is adopted. He then buried it to avoid hurting his adoptive parents.  When he finally confronted them, 20 years later, they apparently refused to discuss the adoption, Continue Reading →

Reommended Reading: Daniel Drennan ElWar’s 30 Answers to 30 Questions.

Daniel totally nails our condition. He links it/us to other marginalized groups and addresses adoption in relation to colonization, neo-imperialism consumerism, white supremacy, privilege, class, economics, misogyny, and our relationship to the state. , The intersections that adoption industrialists and many adopters find inconvenient, threatening, and certainly don’t have anything to with their “forever family” functionality: Continue Reading →