Never combine a cat with an apostrophe or Adoption agency makes glaring grammar error

I was an English major. I know the correct use of apostrophes, but my fingers don’t care and insist on hitting that unwanted and extraneous character (the grammatical version of adoptees.) But I almost always catch it when proofing. There is no way I’d publish a misspelled meme or another Bastaradette-made image, or title; and if I did, I’d catch it soon enough and cancel it out at once. (Disclaimer, admittedly it has happened occasionally, but I’m not running a business or shilling for handouts and I am comfortable with snarking myself) Continue Reading →

Gary, Indiana: Stupid Things People Say about Safe Haven Baby Boxes or a Brief Discourse on Cognitive Dissonance

To be kind, Mr. Euvino, who I bet is not adopted, might have been caught up in the moment. To not be kind, he just might be conveniently ignorant. He failed to acknowledge that legal baby dumping is built on loss and tragedy for babies, their biological mothers, fathers, and extended family members. Boxing, he failed to acknowledge, is the erasure of individual identities, histories, and relationships. Box use, he failed to acknowledge, is an endorsement of discredited “clean slate” closed and secret adoption theory-into- practice that taught generations that Class Bastard has no history before adoption#; that we would all be fine with this unless we were neurotic, psychotic, selfish, or otherwise disturbed. This fuckery condemned millions of members of Class Bastard to anonymity, disenfranchisement, confusion, shame, and for many anger depression, therapy, expensive searches, self-harm, and even suicide. I can only assume then that Mr. Euvino aimed his comments, at the mothers and the new families these dumped babies will acquire adoptively on the backs of disempowered bios. Continue Reading →

Bastard Nation Submitted Comments on proposed draft language of The Unregulated Transfers of Adopted Children Act – December 4-5, 2020 discussion

I cannot stress this enough: “sending” and “receiving” parties involved in unregulated rehoming unlike those who have no intention to sever their parental rights but find themselves in need of temporary custody arrangements, do not follow a “child’s-best-interest standard. Neither “sender” nor ”receiver” are well-intentioned. Please stop acting like they are. Adoptive parents who rehome their “forever children” without regard to ethics or law no longer want the parental responsibility they signed up for and were approved for by social workers and courts. Those who receive these inconvenient children utilize the black/gray market do so for “adoption” (note the quotes), sex trade, or servitude. Each party trolls social media, underground networks, Craig’s List, and other advertising sources, seeking matches often with the assistance of paid third parties. Unregulated custody transfer is a nice name for child trafficking. Continue Reading →

Goodbye NAAM 2020. I am tired of you.

Well, NAAM 2020 is shutting down. I can’t decide whether to close it on a serious or an absurd note. In fact, I have something serious to write about, but I need to think it out better. Maybe I will write it later, maybe not. I just know that I am exhausted. frazzled, frustrated, bored, and angry at this annual bullshit party. Continue Reading →

Blasting Back from the Past: NJRTL Marie Tasy claims abortion rights “negate effectiveness of safe haven laws”

So, according to Crazy Tasy New Jersey’s safe haven law will become totally useless if the bill is passed since all those there-but-for-the-grace-of-safe-haven go neonaticiders will just march off to the abortorium instead of the ER or corner firehouse. Tasy really doesn’t like women much. Continue Reading →

Bastard Nation 2020 Legislative Roundup

National Adoption Awareness Month is winding down, and today is a good time to post a round-up of 2020 legislative action –if you can call it action. In this Year of Covid-19 it is unlikely that any action, other than the slow death by sine die  (adjournment of the session without action) will take place on any of the few remaining bills. If something does move, I will amend this later and repost it at the end of the year. Continue Reading →

Just Another NAAMDay. Indiana gets its 10th Boxed Baby

Safe Haven Baby Boxes bagged–or should I say boxed– its 10th Indiana newborn a few days ago. No details have been released. The only way we know about this is that SHBB founder Monica Kelsey posted a tease on her Facebook page, and then discussed the event briefly on her Tuesday evening FB chat. Continue Reading →

This is the Worst NAAM News Story I Have Ever Heard: He was frozen suspended in time.

“Adoption” is the nice word embryo dealers use to hook in the desperate and childless to convince them, that they are performing a sacred act of saviorisn not unlike anti-abort clinic harassers. The only difference is that embryo adoptions are blatant commercial transactions where a slick amount of money changes hands for product. Clinic screamers only shell out for carfare, sign-making materials, megaphones and loudspeakers, amps, and an occasional bail bill. Bombs optional. Continue Reading →