Never combine a cat with an apostrophe or Adoption agency makes glaring grammar error

I was an English major. I know the correct use of apostrophes, but my fingers don’t care and insist on hitting that unwanted and extraneous character (the grammatical version of adoptees.) But I almost always catch it when proofing. There is no way I’d publish a misspelled meme or another Bastaradette-made image, or title; and if I did, I’d catch it soon enough and cancel it out at once. (Disclaimer, admittedly it has happened occasionally, but I’m not running a business or shilling for handouts and I am comfortable with snarking myself) Continue Reading →

New Adoption Horror: Gender Reveal Parties for Adopters

I’ve always found gender reveal parties creepy.  Of course, I’m old enough to remember when waiting until the baby was born to discover its sex (do gender reveal parties reveal social construct?) was part of the “fun” of new parenthood.   Gender reveal parties sound like an excuse to prove that you had sex with somebody. or in some cases a high tech turkey baster.  But that’s just me.

While these parties are bad enough for bios, I learned today that they are also a thing for PAPs. Continue Reading →