Sunday–Another Goose Egg

Anyway, I knew what I was going to write about–a response to comments posted on a certain political enemy’s Facebook page. My response was pretty short and simple but would qualify as a blog post. I went over to the FB page, cut and pasted what I needed, and wrote. It didn’t take long. An hour or so later I returned to FB to get the link and–guess what! The post was gone. Continue Reading →

No, I am not Leaving Twitter…

Maybe someday I’ll write a little memoir about the good old tough-and-tumble days on the alt hierarchies in the 1990s. No moderation, no control. Trolling was a fine art. Jobs were lost, marriages destroyed, cops were called. alt.adoption was called the “meanest newsgroup in town. We didn’t take prisoner, and it’s where Bastard Nation and the 2nd wave of the adoptee rights movement was born. Continue Reading →

Where’s the Beef? Safe Haven Baby Boxes Unusually Quiet After Gala

Where’s the gala? I started to worry. Did the gala actually happen? Did Kirk Cameron’s plane crash? (We would have heard about that). Did his SHBB check bounce? Like one of those horrible stories you read about where nobody shows up to a birthday party, did everyone stay home to watch Svengoolie? I looked at FB pages of people and organizations connected to SHBB, but zilch. Then I got egotistical. They don’t me to see them. Meow! that’s silly, of course. Maybe they have a secret dedicated FB page for special people. Maybe they are putting together a video. Maybe they are drunk. Maybe they are just lazy. Continue Reading →

I Hate Legislation

I have never made it a secret that I hate legislation. I loathe it. I love politics, but legislation can go to the dogs. I’m not very good at it either. Too many tricks of the trade, I’ve never “gotten.” I wish there were a board of experts I could leave it to, and do my own thing via the movement. Continue Reading →

Veterans Day 2022: Adoption, Stealing History, Stealing Family, Stealing Connections

My 6th grade class had to memorize the Gettysburg address. I wish I had known about Jesse Harrison and my family’s connection and tragedy to the battle and to him. It would have meant so much more to me than just a tiresome school exercise. This is what adoption steals from us. Continue Reading →

Students for Life America Has Plans for Adoption and It Doesn’t Include Adoptees

There is no mention of adoptee civil rights. Did you see a word about original birth certificates, adoption records and files, search and reunion, medical histories, the re-homing epidemic, adoptee abuse and murder, adoptee mental health issues, family policing, societal dysfunction vis a vis adoption, the foster-to-prison pipeline, racism, classicism, sex and genderism in adoption policy and practice, corruption, graft, neo-colonialism? The over-arching control of evangelicals-with-agendas in the adoption industry? Did SFLA even ask adoptees how they feel about their adoption demands? Continue Reading →

On Adoptees, NIN, and the Vocalization of Despair

No, this new arrangement (actually, it’s 4 years old) is no joke. It is stunning. It’s the entire adoptee story. “Everyone I know goes away in the end.”- Yes. But this time built around the resounding truth that our beginning as adoptees, is our end. “Everyone I know goes away in the beginning.” Continue Reading →

Adoptee-Only Online Network Event – November 16, 2022

On November 16, Bastard Nation’s friend and (various) adoptee rights coalition partner, The Adoption and Foster Care Family Coalition of New York is holding an online adoptee-only night of networking. It is open to all adopted people in any state–activists, search angels professionals in adoption and child welfare. Continue Reading →