The Adoption Fee in Privatized Safe Haven Cases: What is it?

This procedure bothers me for a lot of reasons, but here’s the question.  Do these adoption agencies charge their clients the usual $20,000-$50,000 or do they have a contract or agreement with the state to utilize the cut-rate DCS fee? I have this eccentric idea that most parents who use the SH system didn’t intend for their babies to be sold on the open market by adoption agents. I have this eccentric idea that nobody wants to talk about the $$$ issue. Continue Reading →

UPDDATE: Ariel Sellers/Isabella Kalua: How in the Hell? The foster-adoption system is more than broken.

Ariel died (excuse me! allegedly died) at the hands of her forever family, but ultimately she died at the hands of the State of Hawaii.  The Sellers were “simply” the instruments of destruction. I haven’t seen such a contemptible use of state power regarding adoption and its blowback or years–though I am sure many and most blow right into the clouds–or the next news cycle, We only hear about the big cases when they are too big to hide. Of course, as adopted people, we know all about “confidentiality” and “privacy” and secrets, and ass-covering. Sealed records, hidden identities, government cover-up. lack of state and agency accountability, paternalism, social and cultural colonialism, and imperialism–that what turns the adoption machine.   As adopted people, that’s what grinds away our psyche and our lives– since we were signed away–or weren’t. Oh, the mysteries behind those closed doors.closed meetings that not even murder can force open. Continue Reading →

It’s Alright Ma, I’m Only Bleeding: What keeps me going

I have an overactive need to be dutiful and responsible to the movement (but not myself particularly, as my unchosen lifestyle proves).  After Oregon, I thought we would win it all. Sometimes I’m not sure if we will win.  Sometimes I’m convinced we won’t at all. There is so much about this fight, not about us or adopiton, that’s foisted on us by outsiders and outliers, to fit their own social and political agendas. It’s hard enough fighting the adoptacrats and their fellow traveler droids in the system without fighting the abortacrats, christacrats,  entitlecrats, and Republicrats who know nothing about adoption, and Class Bastard, and don’t want to know, cuz, let’s face it–our fight is all about them and their weird, special interests. We just get in the way. Continue Reading →

Safe Haven Baby Boxes: Get out of the way! It’s a birthday party!

Znachko, famously at least for me, likes to say weird things in public. Things that anyone attuned to authentic adoptee experience instead of romantic adoption agitprop,  even if they believed it, would keep their trap shut about for fear of walking away with a bloody nose.  When she speaks at baby box blessings, for instance, she refers to the day a baby is boxed up and left behind, as “a birthday party waiting to happen.”  Continue Reading →

Can Adoption Make You Mentally Ill?

One person tells their story and soon 5 more people pop out of the closet with theirs. Everybody has a horror story. Everyone is angry. Everyone is blown out and blown up.  Adoption is our beit noir. Social media is our purgatory– our  purge-a-tory,–a place to purge ourselves, to, “normalize” our abnormal lives We are not alone. Continue Reading →

Another Day in NAMville: Adoption creates opportunities. Adoption is beautiful.

The site regularly pimps adoption. This site wet-dreams over National Adoption Month. This site celebrates every new adoption story in the press, every infertility solved, every infant saved from the “abortion mill”  through the “adoption option.” This site sighs dreamiy with tales of reunion where 30, 40, 50 years or more have been spent in anger, grief, paper trails, official and unofficial lies, and legal wranglings. This site encourages vulnerable women to labor and bring forth children for other more responsible worthy people to take for their own. Continue Reading →

My Ambiguous Adoption Dreamhood or Am I a Good Adoptee?

Anyway,  the  Big Picture episode generated nightmares. It traumatized me. I dreamed repeatedly that Dottie came to me at night to spirit me away. She wore a long dark hooded coat or a cape, I couldn’t see her face.  She was just a dark, Gothic figure.  I think this is very Jungian. She kidnapped me whenever she came into my dreams.  She took me through the backdoor into the backyard.  Then I’d wake up so I don’t know what happened after that. The mystery of me would never be solved. Continue Reading →

My NAM Basket was poked. Sorry, adoption is not normal and adoptees don’t have normal lives

Adoption is not normal, Mayor Senter, It is a paradigm of family, political, and societal dysfunction and pretend greased by greed.  The public, church, politicians, and media romanticize adoption and adopted people as long as we behave.  We are always babies with no agency of our own, always and forever in need of guidance. Special interests across the political spectrum objectify us to meet their own personal and political ends. Abortion. Evangelism. Infertility. Welfare. Whatever d’jour  We are their propaganda. If we object to being objects, commodities, gifts, moral lessons, and eternal infants, object to fitting in, object to our secret government files, object to our ‘”better life”  we are ungrateful–or crazy! You need help! We’ll pray for you!  I’m sorry you had a bad experience!! Shut up! Continue Reading →

Michigan: Baby bopping and boxing with Bethany Christian Services

So why is Bethany so invested in “safe delivery” including baby boxes?   Do we really have to guess? I checked the Michigan Department of Health and  Human Services webpage  Bethany isn’t alone in this battle for babies. It’s just the biggest. Every adoption agency in the state is in the game. Continue Reading →

Adoptee Deportation: An American Injustice.

Unfortunately, many adoptive parents did not research or verify citizenship status at the time of adoption or follow through on the citizenship process. Some say they were unaware of naturalization requirements and believed citizenship was automatic upon adoption finalization. Some claim to have been misled about citizenship procedures by their adoption agencies, courts, lawyers, or federal immigration authorities. Some believed that it was up to the adoptee, at the age of majority, to choose their citizenship status. In some cases, adoptive parents disrupted the adoption, and either “rehomed” the children they brought to the US or turned them over to the state foster care system where they lingered with no legal closure. Continue Reading →