This is cross posted from my Nikto Ne Zabyt (Memoriam for Russian Adoptees Murdered and Abused by their Forever Families) blog. Artur Lookyanov, the Moscow tour guide, hired by Nancy Hansen to pick up Artem Saveliev/Artem Justin Hansen at Domedovo Airport last week posted a message here yesterday. This morning I found his own long and very detailed account of the event on his webpage Moscow Driver. This is the fullest account of Artem’s abandonment so far, and very important reading. It also clears up earlier stories that indicated that Artem was found wandering around the airport by himself. I’ve been in both Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo Airport Hell myself, and it’s nothing adults, much less children, should be subjected to. Below are excerpts from: Story of Artem Justin Hansen: How I Became Involved in an International Adoption Scandal (Part 1) (Follow link to Part 2 and other details) I suggest you go over to Artur’s page and read the entire account.From Part 1: Email exchange with Nancy Hansen. Booking transportation from airport Moscow city. Note that in all of our correspondence she never once told me that she would not be the one to meet me at the airport. I Continue Reading →


This is cross posted from my Nikto Ne Zabyt (Memoriam for Russian Adoptees Murdered and Abused by their Forever Families) blog. I need to spend today working on Illinois legislative matters, but wanted to get this out first. A curious little piece on the Hansen family appeared Saturday on WSMV-TV, Nashville: Hansen women regularly held yard sales When I saw the Google News headline my first thought was “stretching for a story.” Then I read it. Though the reporter made no connection between last week’s yard sale that featured “kids’ clothes, toys, car seats and stuff” and Artem’s quick departure for Moscow, I can’t help but see one. Can you? On Saturday, neighbors who live beside the women in Bedford County said the family kept to themselves and hardly anyone knew them, but the women did hold weekly yard sales. Chelby Clark said she even went to a yard sale at the Hansen’s home last week. “The kids may have been running around,” she said. On Saturday, several long tables were still sitting in the front yard of the Hansen’s homes off Highway 41 in El Bethel. Clark said their sale last week centered around kids’ items. She recalled seeing Continue Reading →


This is cross posted from my Nikto Ne Zabyt (Memoriam for Russian Adoptees Murdered and Abused by their Forever Families) blog. Adoptee dumpers Torry Hansen and her mother Nancy finally bought a clue and a real lawyer–and then failed to show up for a sitdown Friday with Bedford County (TN) Sheriff Randall Boyce. Here’s the intro to a long article in Saturday’s Shelbyville Times-Gazette about his area’s international pariahs. The mother and grandmother of a young adopted Russian boy sent by himself back to Moscow failed to make an appointment they had originally scheduled Friday to talk to Bedford County Sheriff Randall Boyce about the case. Boyce told media representatives Friday that Torry Hansen would not be showing up at his department, but “may be here sometime next week.” “She called and said her attorney didn’t think it was in her best interest at this point … mainly because of the media being here,” Boyce said. Boyce told the press: “This is an international deal … and we’re going to handle it a little bit at a time so we don’t make a mistake,” he said, adding that his department had never dealt with this kind of situation before. Here Continue Reading →


This is cross posted from my Nikto Ne Zabyt (Memoriam for Russian Adoptees Murdered and Abused by their Forever Families) blog. Well, this is interesting! In yesterday’s entry on the World Association for Children and Parents involvement in the Artem Saveliev case, posted directly below this, I wrote that WACAP is a member of the adoption trade association the National Council for Adoption. NCFA’s membership list, I noted, was not online when I checked right before posting. Actually, I was pretty sure I’d seen the roster a couple days earlier when NCFA’s new webpage was launched. It turns out I was right. The membership roster was online. THEN. And it is online. NOW. But not yesterday afternoon, when it appears that a NCFAnoid was busy scrubbing the site clean of WACAP membership. Super sleuth and longtime NCFA watcher JoAnne Swanson took screen shots of the NCFA Washington State roster before and after the cleansing. (Click on the images below to make them larger). And if you don’t believe me, go to today’s NCFA membership site. BEFORE AFTER This doesn’t mean that WACAP (so far) is gone from NCFA, but that NCFA has sent if off the island to distance itself Continue Reading →


The adoption agency that placed Artem Saveliev/Artem Justin Hansen with his Forever Mother Torry Ann Hansen has been identified: WACAP–World Association for Children and Parents working out of Renton, Washington. And… Novisti reports that the Russian government has suspended the agency’s operations “We have suspended the permission of the nonprofit corporation World Association for Children and Parents to operate in Russia,” Alina Levitskaya told journalists. The agency assisted in a U.S. couple’s adoption of a Russian boy, Artyom Savelyev, who arrived in Russia by plane on Thursday with a note in which his adoptive parents said they were sending him back due severe psychological problems… A spokeswoman for World Association for Children and Parents in Russia said the adoption agency had no report of the incident. She said the agency would provide all the necessary information on the child’s adoption at the request of the Russian authorities. According to WAPAC’s International Adoption page WACAP is proud to be one of the largest and most experienced international nonprofit adoption agencies in the United States. In 1976, WACAP placed its first child for international adoption from Korea. In the 1980s, we expanded our adoption programs to include Thailand and India. WACAP was Continue Reading →


This is cross-posted from my Nikto Ne Zabyt (Memoriam for Russian Adoptees Murdered and Abused by their Forever Families) blog.These are “before” and “after” pictures of Artem Saveliev/Artem Justin Hansen. The first picture isof Artem and Forever Mother Torry Ann Hansen taken mid-end September 2009 at his orphanage in Primorye. The second picture is of Artem at Domodedovo Airport, Moscow, April 8, 2010 Here is a picture of the note Forever Mother Torry Ann Hansen sent with her throw-away.I am writing in depth today, but I wanted to get these pictures up. They’re important.


This is cross posted from my Nikto Ne Zabyt (Memoriam for Russian Adoptees Murdered and Abused by their Forever Families) blog.Большое спасибо моим друзьям в Москве Свет и Кайл Китон (Windows to Russia) за эту статью. (Much thanks to my friends in Moscow Svet and Kyle Keeton (Windows to Russia) for this story. Breaking news out of Russia! Russian media reports that a 7-year old boy, adopted six months ago by an American couple, is now back in Russia after being “refused” by his Forever Family. Artem (Artyom) Saveliev, adopted name Artem (Artyom) Justin Hansen, arrived in Moscow last Saturday on a flight from Washington accompanied only by a note from his Forever Mother, Torry Hansen, saying she’d been “mislead” by Russian authorities, the adoption was a “mistake” and she was abandoning–er–I mean, returning him. She asked that the adoption be “disannulled.” Artem’s situation was discovered at immigration control when he told authorities he had flown in by himself. The note was found in his pocket. You can read it here. RT Russian Television reports: That’s the letter the boy had with him, where his adopted mother says that she is disappointed, that she is sorry, that she sees that Continue Reading →

Laura Silsby: Will God Overcome All This?

I’m in the middle of real Work Hell at the moment and am weeks behind on my Haiti work. I did want to post this recent quote from Silsby, though: God will release me. I’m confident that God will overcome all of this and ultimately enable me to be released,” Silsby said during the interview that was taped several days before Easter. So what does this do to Silsby’s faith if God doesn’t “overcome all of this?” Does this mean that Judge Bernard Saint-vil and the Haitian courts, even in shambles, are more powerful than God? Or will she blame it on Voudou?


It is imperative that people show up in Springfield next Tuesday. This just in from Illinois Open: Illinois HB 5428 is on the move again. A hearing on HB 5428 will be held by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, April 13th at 2:30 pm in the Capital 400 Springfield – Springfield, IL Contact: [email protected] [email protected] An action alert is forthcoming and will be posted here as soon as I get it. Don’t let the State of Illinois create more layers of adoption bureaucracy. Don’t let the State of Illinois gut your right to unrestricted access to your birth certificate.


Sneaky Sara Feigenholtz’s HB 5428, the Illinois Adoption CI/Registry Cash Cow Protection Act, has been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee. This is very bad. Of the 11 members of the Judiciary Committee, two are Senate sponsors: Judiciary Committee Chair AJ Wilhelmi and Ira Silverstein. Other powerful members of the committee are Majority Caucus Whips Terry Link and Don Harmon. Harmon is also the Assistant Majority Leader. And don’t forget, Sara Feigenholtz’s mentor, John Cullerton, is president of the Senate. HB 5428 could be a slam dunk for Sneaky Sara and her adoptee-soaking special interests unless its stopped now. If passed, while other states continue to unseal our original birth certificates and free them from pinch-nosed bureaucrats and politicians without controls and restrictions, Illinois adoptees will be tied up in a ball of red tape for decades. All to fill somebody’s pockets. So far, no Senate hearings have been announced, but then none in the House were announced either, though the bill in its earlier identical forms had huge opposition from adoptee rights advocates. This time around, without public announcement and airing, no one knew this travesty, introduced as a unctuous shell, even existed until it passed the House. Sara Continue Reading →