KTVB-TV has disappeared one of the videos I embedded in the blog I’m finishing right now. While looking for it, I found this BONUS VIDEO: a February 9 interview with Charisa Coulter’s father, Mel and Eric Thompson, husband of detainee Carla Thompson. A serious luv fest for Haiti. Thompson assures us that he loves Haiti–or rather “those people”– and prays for the government every day to do the right thing by his wife who only wanted to “help children.” Nothing about praying for the families his wife helped break up or mention of the illegal activities she engaged in to do it. Coulter opines that it’s “unethical” to separate Silsby/Coulter from the other eight since the lawyers were hired to represent all of them. They went in “ten as one” and they need to come out as one. Gee, funny how Jim Allen claims those lawyers never represented him. And he got out “as one” while the rest of them were left to stew. Reporter Ysabel Bilbao closed her report saying the men believe that “the country is better because of the group.” I’ve played the tape several times and don’t hear them say that, but it sounds like something Continue Reading →


If you’re in the Sacramento area on Thursday (March 18) and support unrestricted obc please join Jean, Nina, me, and other CalOpen and Bastard Nation folks at P.F. Chang’s. Go to this link and hit the RSVP button. California adult adoptees and their supporters are speaking in a seasoned voice through Cal Open in the Capitol Halls and Committee Chambers. We hold the accurate historical background of record sealing and understand California’s rights on privacy. Our position is clear: California Adult Adoptees have a right to the records of their own births, second to none. Cal Open Special SessionThursday, March 18th, 20105 PM – 7 PMSacramento WelcomingMarley Greiner, Executive DirectorBastard Nation: The Adoptee Rights Organization California’s Code Challenges and Case Precedent on PrivacyHistorical Evidence Incremental Steps to Openness FailsPresented by Nina A. Greeley, Esq.PF Chang China Bistro1530 J Street, SacramentoValet parking available. FREE street parking, after 6 PM LEARN MORE and RSVP to secure your seat early! 2010 Legislative Session Commenced January 4thAB 372 “will not be pursued”, according to author Assemblymember Fiona Ma’s Capitol Office.Cal Open is monitoring newly introduced adoption related bills for the 2010 session. Status of Assembly Bill 372AB 372 is now an INACTIVE bill.This status Continue Reading →


Looks like Laura Silsby won’t be coming some soon. No details yet, but according to the Associated Press: Judge Bernard Saint-Vil says Laura Silsby has been charged for a newly discovered, alleged attempt to bus child earthquake survivors to the Dominican Republic on Jan. 26. She already could face trial on kidnapping and criminal-association charges from her group’s attempt to take 33 children across the border without permission three days later. Saint-Vil has added the new charge of “organization of irregular trips,” from a 1980 law restricting travel out of Haiti that was signed by then-dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier. Could this be the 40 kids who went missing on the earlier aborted attempt? Or were there other attempts we don’t know about yet? How much you wanna bet CVBC and its minions play this: God has placed Mrs. Silsby in her cell of affliction as a witness of His love for the Haitian people, to harvest their souls for His glory. Or this: she’s taking Haiti’s sin on to herself; Haiti’s suffering is her suffering. Or some variation. Addenda: Baby Love Child has posted a detailed commentary on this new event with background on the gone-missing 40. , Haiti: New charge Continue Reading →


Slaps forehead! I should have looked for this earlier. TeamSilsby’s friends have established a Facebook support page: Bring Laura Silsby and Charisa Coulter Home! This is taken from the page information: A little administrative note: those who join this group with their own personal axes to grind will not be accepted. Those who post strong negative comments will have their comments removed. This goes against the mission purpose of this group…a positive prayerful supportive group for Laura, Charisa, and their families. There are plenty of opinions surrounding this case. The negative opinions and statements don’t belong here. By joining this group you are agreeing to abide by the above statements. Thank you. That means most of the world isn’t welcome to their Kaffeeskltsch (or is that Tea Party?) As of this writing, they’ve gathered only 129 Friends. One dropped off while I was writing this. FB Friends include former detainee Paul Thompson (private page), his wife Renee Culberth Thompson (private page) and a few people who might be relatives. Also Silsby’s sister and fellow New Life Children’s Refuge incorporator, Kim Barton (private page). All comments are valentines to Miss Laura or ponderous scripture. Here, for example, is the latest posting Continue Reading →


(I have corrected an error. Attorney Weisburg is not representing the Foleys. Thanks, Gaye! ) As expected, New Jersey S799 passed unanimously out of the Senate Health, Family, and Senior Citizens Committee. on Thursday. It now moves to the Senate floor, but no vote has been scheduled. To listen click on March 4 at the hearing archives page. Much of the following is based on this broadcast. Testimony starts at 42:00. This blog contains three parts. (1) S799: rights restoration and class discrimination, dumped for victimhood, medical history and psychological “need” (2) testimony (3) a brief analysis of the proceedings. S799: RIGHTS RESTORATION AND CLASS DISCRIMINATION DUMPED FOR VICTIMHOOD, MEDICAL HISTORY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL “NEED”Bastardette and Bastard Nation do not support S799 and are actively working to defeat it for the right reasons. S799 is restrictive, discriminatory, creates a new, special and temporary ”right” for “birthparents,” and exempts the state’s adopted adults from equal protection and treatment regarding the release of the government-generated public record of their births. In the last few years, in the attempt to break down the door guarded by the New Jersey Catholic Conference, New Jersey Right to Life, the National Council for Adoption, adoption lawyers, various Continue Reading →


KATU-TV Portland (Oregon) reports tonight that Laura Silsby may be in for more trouble. At first I thought this was a re-hash of Friday’s’s story, but unless I missed something, this is a new detail regarding the reason she continues to be held: The judge is looking over new documents that could link the two women to possible illegal travel in addition to other allegations of kidnapping after the two led a mission to take 33 children out of Haiti to a Dominican Republic orphanage. Haiti’s investigation determined none of the children were orphans. One of Silsby’s lawyers, Louis Ricardo Chachoute, denies there’s a problem. “Our clients are innocent because the documents are real there is no criminal conspiracy, no kidnapping.” BTW, how many lawyers does this woman have, and who’s paying or them? And who says this is about documents?TeamSilsby’s to-and fros on both sides of the island in the few days they were free to roam are confusing, and I don’t even want to try to set out a scheme here. (I’ve considered trying to work up a timeline). Anne-christine d’Adesky outlines a lot of curious details involving Silsby and DR officials in her Special Report update. The Continue Reading →


This entry is cross-posted with all my other Haiti work from my Haiti resource page, End Child Exportation and Trafficking in Haiti. Here I go pandering to Laura Silsby again! Reuters reported about an hour ago that Judge Bernard Saint-Vil signed a release order for Charisa Coulter’ today, but will hold Silsby for “further investigation. “(No details yet. Maybe he’s reading Baby Love Child or Haiti Vox or me!) Unfortunately for Ms Coulter, an “administrative glitch” will hold her in Haiti until Monday: Coulter was returned to custody on Friday because court administrators could not find an official stamp necessary to validate the judge’s signed order, Sainvil said. “I already signed the release order. All that is left now is to seal it but they cannot find the official stamp,” he said. There was no chance that Coulter would be released before Monday, chief prosecutor Joseph Manes Louis told Reuters. “I returned the order to the judge because there is an administrative problem. Once the problem is solved I will proceed according to the law,” he said. KTVB-Boise reports that the two prisoners met separately with Judge Saint-Vil today for about two hours each and gives a few additional details.


This entry is cross posted with all my other Haiti work from my Haiti Resource page, End Child Exportation and Trafficking in Haiti. Oh oh! You know you’re in trouble when your own lawyer dumps you! The Idaho Statesman reports today that on Monday Gerald T. Husch, Silsby’s lawyer back in Boise who has been representing her and Personal Shopper.com in a civil suit filed by a former unpaid employee, has filed a motion to withdraw as counsel. Husch has refused to comment on the move.I imagine a lot of straws have been piling up on that camel’s back. Perhaps the delusional statement to the AP yesterday (see previous entry) from his morally and probably financially bankrupt client that she wants to return to Haiti and DR to collect more kids and build her orphanage while her stiffed creditors line up at court and the poorhouse, was the last one. I know that as an officer of the court Husch (or somebody) has a fiduciary duty to defend even the most reprehensible, but how, with Silsby’s finances tossed on the rocks, can there even be a defense at this point except to throw her on the mercy of the court Continue Reading →


A mistaken attribution fixed from Randy Bohlener to DownshoreDrift) God continues to stick it to Laura Silsby and her combination cellie and live-in nanny Charisa Coulter. One or two more days in jail. Various news sources (I’m mostly using AFP via Raw Story, Verdict on US missionaries in Haiti imminent: US official with a little backup from the AP’s Haiti judge not ready to release 2 US missionaries), report that Judge Bernard Saint-Vil has heard testimony from his three unnamed witnesses (Why do we know who they are, but the MSM won’t name them: Hildago, Chenvert and Sanvil?) and now needs only to send the evidence to the prosecutor general’s office for a final go-over. “The final decision is mine,” Saint-Vil said. And from all accounts, the dynamic duo intend to be home soon.According to the AP: The two women were in good spirits while waiting for the hearing, dressed in casual shirts, shorts and sandals, chatting with members of their legal team and eating sandwiches. Afterward they filled out U.S. Embassy and court forms before boarding a Haitian police truck that took them back to jail. “We’re waiting on the judge’s decision and on our God,” Silsby told reporters Continue Reading →


BASTARD NATION ACTION ALERT Please forward freely STOP DISCLOSURE VETO/WHITE OUT LEGISLATION IN NEW JERSEY!!! ASK THE NEW JERSEY SENATE HEALTH, HUMAN SERVICES & SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO VOTE NO ON S799 DON’T LET PASSAGE OF BAD LEGISLATION IN NEW JERSEY THREATEN EFFORTS IN OTHER STATES FOR TRUE EQUAL ACCESS FOR ADULT ADOPTEES!! IT’S BACK! S799 , (formerlyA752) is scheduled for a hearing in the New Jersey Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee on March 4. Please contact committee members immediately and urge them to VOTE NO ON S799. See contact information below.If you are from or in New Jersey or have a New Jersey connection, be sure to mention it in your communication. Be sure to put: “S799 Adoptee Birthright Bill – Please Vote NO” in the header The bill: * contains a white-out disclosure veto that replaces the original birth certificate with a mutilated copy of the obc with all identifying information, including the address of the parent(s) at the time of birth (if it appears on the cert) deleted. *requires birthparents who file a disclosure veto to submit an intrusive and probably illegal medical and family history form to activate the veto. *requires birthparents who Continue Reading →