Demons of Adoption Awards 2011! Vote!
(NOTE: I switched to the new Blooger interface and I’m not sure how well my links are showing up on the screen. Can a few people let me know if they can see them well. It may just be the computer I’m working on.I’m also having trouble with spacing.) It’s that time of year again! Voting for the 5th Annual Demons of Adoption Awards is at hand. Pound Pup offers us a fine selection to chose from this year, and as usual, what’s a girl to do? So many choices; so few votes! . Nominations have been expanded this year into separate categories: The Industry; The Regulators, and my favorite, The Mouthpieces. My hometown industry favorite is Adoption by Gentle Care whose been begging for the award for years. They’re the ones who handled the notorious Baby Grayson placement. ( I’m mean! I’d planned to nominate Grayson’s PAPs, but came up a day short and a dollar late.) This years nominees are: The IndustryA Act of Love Adoption Agency: for purposefully finding ways to curcumvent fathers consent (and me:; not to mention bad grammar)Adoption by Gentle Care: for keeping a young boy (Thad Wyrembek aka Grayson Vaughn) from his biological father Lifetime Adoption: for predating Continue Reading →