Long Awaited Trial of Brian Dykstra to Start October 24


Cross posted from Nikto Ne Zabyt–Nichto Ne Zabyto

 According to the Iowa City Press-Citizen and the Daily Iowan, the trial of Brian Dykstra, accused of the August 2006 beating death of his adopted Russian son  Isaac Jonathan Dykstra (birth name unknown) will start October 24.

A pretrial was held on Thursday to discuss “specifics of how technological issues would be dealt with, especially in reference to the handling of redacted footage,which caused a mistrial in the Charles Thompson homicide trial in September.”  (unrelated to the Dykstra case)

 Dykstra, apparently still in  South Carolina, where he lives with his wife, an assistant professor of Spanish  at Clemson University, listened in on the hearing by speaker phone

 Earlier this  year prosecutors and defense said they intended to call eleven doctors and 39 witnesses to testify.

 The trial is expected to last about eight days.

To read more about the case,  including In Memoriam  (Summary of all cases) and Summary of Killers and Sentences,  go to Nikto and click on Isaac’s name in the  “Labels”sidebar at the right..

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