Michele Bachman Wants to Adopt You

…well, maybe not you specifically , but she wants you to adopt somebody. . Here’s her PSA for National Adoption Month (She leaves out the “awareness” part.)  As you’ll see in the video and in her House Resolution, she’s pushing foster adoption.. Oops, link went bad the first try)  It’s OK now. Not that there is anything inherently wrong with foster to adopt for genuinely familyless kids, but Ma Belle Michelle. a 20x + foster care provider of girls (she originally wanted to take in unmarried pregnant teens)  has a hidden agenda. See, according to our fav presidential has-been,  it’s not abuse, poverty, crime, neglect, family breaks-ups, foster home-hopping, and prominent dysfunctional foster mothers who cause problems for kids in fostercare.  It’s exposure to the public school system. ****** After I viewed Bachmann’s video, I tweeted her back: @MicheleBachmann . Do adult adoptees deserve the restoration of the right to our original birth certificates or are we 2nd class citizens?  Ya think she’ll reply? RELATED POSTS Beltway “Orphan” Wingnut Update Michele Bachman Named to “Most Loathesome List;” Carries on National Council for Adoption Tradition And you Think Sarah Palin’s Bad:  Meet NCFA’s Fried, Michele Bachmann

Informed Consent v Informed Consent: Redux

Hypocrisy boiled to the top yesterday as Ohio Right to Life client-in-chief,  governor John Kasich, signed HB 63. The bill, sloganeered to “protect parental rights and save lives” was designed to “tighten” Ohio’s parental consent loophole that allows  unmarried underage  women to get the juvenile court’s permission, rather than, their parents, to undergo an abortion. Hypocritical because the same politicians who cry foul over the judicial bypass for abortion, claiming it interferes with family communication and the ability of parents to oversee their daughters’ medical needs, also support Ohio’s “safe haven” law, which encourages teen women to carry a secret pregnancy to term with no parental knowledge or  medical monitoring, give secret birth alone under dangerous conditions, and then anonymously abandon the secret baby at an ER or fire station with no questions asked. Nobody will ever have to know you had this baby. ORTL director Mike Gonidakis celebrating its latest victory told the Columbus Dispatch: Ohio is witnessing the blessings of having the most pro-life governor and general Assembly in our state’s history working together to save lives. Ya mean like this  (from my earlier Daily Bastardette and Theoconia blogs) Mike: In the bizarro world of Ohio Right to Continue Reading →

Brian Dykstra Acquitted in Death of Adopted Russian Son Isaac Dykstra

Thursday, after only a few hours of deliberation  a jury in Iowa City (IA) acquitted Brian Dykstra of all charges in the death of his Russian adopted son Isaac Jonathan Dykstra (no original name known.) The 21-month  old  was admitted to the hospital on August  2005, with severe head trauma and died the next day after being taken off of life support. His injuries were reported consistent with shaken baby syndrome. Dykstra claimed that three days earlier  the boy had fallen down steps head first on to a concrete floor, but had not required hospital treatment.. Doctors and police believed that while Isaac did fall a few days earlier, the injuries that caused his death happened in a separate incident the day before he died. After a prolonged police investigation, in August 2008, Dykstra  was charged with 2nd degree murder. His  former wife, Lisa DeWaard,. (divorce final August 1, 2011), now  an assistant professor of Spanish  at Stetson University, wasn’t home at the time and wasn’t charged.  Brian Dykstra, if found guilty, could have been sentenced to as much as 50 yeas in prison. The trial opened last week with strong testimony from prosecution EMTs, hospital personnel and police  witnesses Continue Reading →

Hangin’ with Glenn Beck So You Don’t Have To

NOTE:  A slightly different version of this  was published by Columbus Free Press in the next day or so. I have written about Glenn Beck previously on the Daily Bastardette here, here,and   here.  Ohio Right to Life is the chief reason obcs remain sealed in Ohio. Glenn Beck is more dreadful than you think. Thursday night (October 27)  I attended Glenn Beck’s performance piece at Vets Memorial.  His appearance was sponsored by Ohio Right to Life to kick off its annual state conference and fill its operating budget (according to Beck) for next fiscal year.  Just buying a ticket wasn’t good enough. In a word of faith moment,  Beck ordered us to pull out the donation envelopes from our programs and hold them tight for the next couple hours as he  inspired us to stuff them with cash, check or credit card number.  From the looks of the beg buckets held by ORTL volunteers standing  beneath the exit signs when it was all over, Beck had indeed miraculously  turned envelopes into cash. Lying in bed the next morning I wondered just what I could write about Beck.  There must have been something in his 90 minute one man show Continue Reading →

The Demons of Adoption Results are In and the Winners Are…

The votes are tabulated, your voices have been heard.   Yesterday the winners of  Pound Pup Legacy’s  2011 Demons of Adoption Awards were announced.  And what a fine group of well-deserving winners they are: The Industry:  L-d-S Family Services The Regulator:  The State of Utah The Mouthpiece:  Elizabeth Bartholet Although Bastardette voted for hometown favorite Adoption by Gentle Care  (let me count the reasons!)  we couldn’t be more happy that L-d-S came out on top. The actions of Adoption by Gentle Care pale in comparison to Mormon family building. And the entire state of Utah!  You go voters! Elizabeth Bartholet.  What can I say.? I’ve been online over 18 years, and she was one of the first industry folks I ran in to, at least by name. “Industry” may misrepresent her though.  Betsy is her own special force, an adopter who can even make industrialists cringe. Like when she spoke at the July 2010 National Council for Adoption conference at National Harbor.  There, in some truly twisted win-win eugenics argument,  she proffered that adoption empowers impoverished countries. That is, when the Third World sends children to be adopted in the First World, the Third World boosts its economic standards.  Running this Continue Reading →

National Adoption Awareness Month: Shilling for Adoption

Today the adoption industry  launches the 2011 edition of  National Adoption Awareness Month. (NAAM) Bastardette knows you’ve been looking forward to this great event as much as she has. Coincidentally,  today also marks the first day of November NaBloPoMo . No, that’s not an unspeakable sex act.  It’s the November edition of National Blog  Posting Month, a blog ritual for over-zealous bloggers  who promise to blog every day on a designated  topic each month.  Topics that only the most abstract students of 19th century British literature can appreciate fully, such as “return” and “between,”  November, however is  the open month, which means we can choose our own bloviation.  My subject, naturally is adoption. I successfully completed the 2009 November NaBloPoMo none the worse for wear but full of wonderment that I succeeded. . You’d be surprised, though,  at the topics that  land in your brain when you are desperate to cross the finish line. 2010  November NaBloPoMo was more difficult.. I finished exhausted, but finished. This year, due to my summer hiatus I feel up to it–so far. There is so much to write about that surely I can fill up 30 days as easily as filling up water balloon Continue Reading →

Update on Artyom Saveliev: Attempt to Exclude Media Postpones Hearing

Things just got more complicated in WACAP v  Hansen, (see entry directly below.)  Bedford  (TN) County Circuit Court Judge Lee Russell called a postponement in the hearing scheduled for yesterday, after Torry Hansen’s lawyer, Sandra Smith, filed a last minute motion to exclude the press and public from the hearing.  Smith argued that proceedings and filings in juvenile court are confidential. While this is true, the current case is filed in circuit court and not under seal. I can’t find the motion online, but Shelbyville Times-Gazette reporter John Carney quoted Smith’s argument: The mere fact that the matter may be newsworthy should not override the parties’, including those of the minor child, right to confidentiality. Of course this is laughable.  Torry Hansen and her mother Nancy are concerned about Artyom Saveliev’s “confidentiality” after their antics plastered his story and picture around the world, turning the boy into an international incident that nearly shutdown cross-country adoption between Russia and the US? Concerned about somebody’s confidentiality for sure, but not his. WACAP;s Nashville attorney Larry Crain said it best: It is indeed ironic that the same parent who recklessly abandoned her child  by placing him on a one-way flight to Moscow would Continue Reading →

Artyom Savelyev Update: World Associaiton of Children and Parents v Torry Hansen gets trial date in January, hearing today

I need to do some backtracking on the Artyom Savelyev/Justin Hansen case  The 8-year old Russian abandoned by his adopter mother,  is still in care somewhere in Moscow. Here’s what happening stateside. The lawsuit filed by World Association of Children and Parents, the adoption agency that placed Artyom with his forever mother Torry Hansen, has been scheduled  to be heard  in Bedford County (TN) Circuit Court court on January 3, 2012, a year and a half after it was filed.   Two motions  will be heard later today, though,, one to dismiss; the other to amend the petition. The case is under seal and there are no other details. Sheriff Boyce during press conference The WAPAC suit was filed in May 2010,  a month after Artyom was COD’d back to the Russian Ministry  of Education,  via American Airlines, when Torry Hansen and her mother Nancy decided the boy wasn’t a good fit.  WACAP filed asking to be appointed temporary guardian out of frustration because no one  in Tennessee, the boy’s “home state,” was investigating claims that the Hansens had abandoned and endangered him there.  Bedford County Sheriff Randall Boyce argued that there was no evidence to indicate that the boy Continue Reading →

Theoconia: My Other (Adoption-Related at times) Blog

Reproductive libery in Ohio is currently under attack by well-funded national and local organizations and individuals.  They’ve had a lot of bills in the legislatlure this year, including Janet Folger Porter and Jack Willke’s Heartbeat bill , which would virtually outlaw abortion in Ohio.  Leggies  goobbled up even if it is unconstitutional. and will hit the courts the day it’s signed.  IF is the operative world.  I’ll write more about the bill at a later date. For the non-initiated, Folger Porter and Willke are the chief reason original birth certificates remain sealed in Ohio, another topic I’ll be writing about.. We also have Dr. Patrick Johnston organizing the attempt to get a Personhood Amendment on the November 2012 ballot. .  While not exactly about adoption, the usual suspects beyond Folger Porter and Willke,  are involved in these schemes, but not particularly together. Wingnuts don’t always get along with each other.  In fact, the Heartbeat bill has split Ohio Right to Life (more on that later, too). As some of you know I have several blogs. One of them, Theoconia: a Central Ohio Theocon Report, is not related directly to adoption, though sometimes it  is. I’ve been away from Theocnia for Continue Reading →