More Conflation and Co-option: Abortion,adoption, fostercare, and Wendy’s. Make it stop!

Abortion abolitionists continue their fantasies about abortion and adoption and abortees and adoptees.  After numerous requests to cease and desist, they continue to propagandize adoptees and former and current people in foster care to pimp their agenda. Just stop it! This time around we have diva Lila Rose (who incidentally opposes contraception) and numerous abolitionist and conservative news sites peddling Wendy’s and the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption as allies in their pursuit of mandatory birth. Continue Reading →

More conflation: Recruiting Adoptees to Promote Adoption in a “post-abortion” USA.

Adoptees, then, from the evangelical  (Protestant or Catholic) POV, need to be visible as a “saved” class, grateful for the life they claim we would otherwise not experience, yet be invisible regarding our genuine selves, including our genuine and often unpleasant opinions about adoption,  What’s more, abolitionists and co-religionist adopters need to be seen as saviors to fulfill their own social and spiritual ambitions. Former Kansas Senator, Governor, and US Attorney General Sam Brownback says that the more children you adopt the easier it is to get into heaven Continue Reading →

ORTL #Adoption

Besides its atrocious, out-of-touch HB 307 “infant adoption reform” bill, which I wrote about in the Columbus Free Press recently, ORTL seems to be taking credit for the passage of Sub HB 23, the new OBC access. bill. Scheduled to take effect in March 2015, the law will give the majority of those adopted in the state between January 1964-mid-Sept 1996 their OBCs. ORTL’s webpage as well as it’s FB page are full of good tidings and great joy over access–something ORTL opposed viciously for 20 years. Continue Reading →

My New Free Press Weekly Article–Ohio Right to Life’s New Infant Adoption Reform Bill: threatens birthparent rights; doles out tax credits

Ohio Right to Life, either by design or ignorance, has co-opted adoption reform for its anti-abortion agenda, but fails to show how its bill relates to that agenda. Instead of setting realistic adoption goals such a streamlining foster care placement, capping adoption fees and in increasing funds for child/mother welfare services and foster care placement, it’s creating imaginary children for thwarted potential adoptive parents . Continue Reading →

Florida Moves to Make Teens the Brood Mares for the Adoption Industry

Another one of those just when you think it can’t get any worse… Florida HB 1449 and its companion SB 2446. Under the rubric of family friendly “parental consent,” these bills are designed to create more obstacles for teenage women seeking abortions. The Miami Herald reports: The measure would require a judge to determine by the elevated standard of “clear and convincing evidence” that a minor is “sufficiently mature” to choose termination. Another provision prevents so-called judge shopping by requiring a pregnant girl to make the petition only at the local courthouse; requires a parent’s signature get notarized for consent; and allows longer delays, up to three weeks, for final approval. These provisions, are clearly intended to create even greater state ownership of the female body than already exists in Florida. If that is possible. Once normalized with teens, this ownership will eventually extend to legally adult women, who as we know, are all too stupid or “dangerous” to be trusted to handle their pregnancies in a private and autonomous manner without the supervision of the state. But hold on! There’s more! Last Tuesday, a really really really special provision was added to the House version taking women a few Continue Reading →


Missouri lawmakers preach that adoptees getting their own birth certificates is a gross invasion of privacy, but say that mandated criminal investigations into the sex lives of the state’s teenage girls isn’t. Tuesday the Missouri House passed HB 1327, which if it becomes law, would require abortion clinics to inform prosecutors when women under the age of 18 inquire, about getting an abortion. They don’t have to get one; just ask about it. Of course this is for their own good. And ours. From KMOV-TV, St. Louis: Supporters say the intent is to help identify men who may have impregnated teens through rape. Other parts of the bill would create a new crime of coercing a woman to obtain an abortion and expand the information that must be provided to a woman 24 hours before an abortion. The Associated Press reports further: Missouri’s proposed mandate to inform prosecutors about minors seeking abortions could be a first nationally if it became law, according to the Guttmacher Institute, which tracks reproductive-rights issues. Missouri law already requires the consent of the minor and a parent, guardian or judge before a physician performs an abortion on someone younger than 18. It also requires abortion Continue Reading →


I’m cross-posting this entry from my latest Theoconia blog since the subject matter relates to adoption. *****It’s that time again! The annual Life Chain protest, aka the most boring anti-abortion protest in Columbus was held late this afternoon at the Ohio Statehouse. (October 7, 2009) The event was sponsored by Columbus Right to Life. I’ve written about Life Chain before ( on Theoconia, go to the “Topics, People and Organizations Covered” sidebar on the right and click on “Life Chain Columbus” and “Life Chain National” for previous posts.) My October 13 2006 “Kool Aid” post details Life Chain history, and mission in relation to Columbus-based Mark Harrington-CBR Genocide Awareness ideology and actions. (For some reason my pictures for that entry have disappeared, though they are still embedded in my entry.) This year, due to the temperate weather, rather than mingle with the crowd, I situated myself at an outside table at Pot Belly directly across from the Statehouse, where I could do a 3-fer: enjoy a late lunch, read a book, and watch LifeChain from a comfortable distance. It’s not like anything much interesting would happen. As usual, the protest started late and no one seemed to pay the protesters Continue Reading →


A great blog appeared yesterday on Shakesville: Breaking the Silence on Living Pro-Lifer’s Choice for Women posted by first mom “Shaker Anonymous.” It really tears the lid off the anti-abortion pro-adoptionist arguments. It speaks for itself, so I won’t comment on it here. Here’s a snip: They’re [anti-aborts] always blatting on about how concerned they are for us, apparently because women aren’t capable of making decisions without the gently guiding hand of all-knowing patriarchy, lest we irreparably damage our emotions and drown in a whirlpool of remorseful tears. They care ever so deeply about the long-term psychological effects of not having at least 10 months to consider whether or not to terminate a pregnancy, but no mention is ever made about women who actually do give up the baby. Seems to me that anyone who actually does so is lauded far and wide for Doing the Right Thing, but is simultaneously despised for being an unnatural uterus-bearing mechanism which has horribly malfunctioned. Where the fuck did that narrative come from, and why does everyone buy into it at some level? Thanks to Maryanne for the heads up!


In my previous entry I discussed the recent blog by Heidi Hess Saxton in which she links abortion and adoption, and asserts that adoptee rights advocates, activists, and their fellow travelers are”anti-adoption.” This is nothing new, of course. The silliness that adoptees who want the government’s fingers off their records and adoptacrats out of our lives are selfish, anti-adoption hedonists echos through every statehouse. Records access = anti-adoption = abortion is written-in-stone- blahblahblah by our anti-abortion opposition Even the ACLU tosses it around when all else fails. It is a tactic designed specifically to discredit and marginalize us as disturbed and “out-of-touch” –or “worse” (by their definition). But now it’s ramped up. “trailblazer” commenting on Saxton’s blog takes this laughable argument a step further. A lot further. (cut and past with all typos in tact): trailblazer says:November 11th, 2008 at 9:57 pm It seems clear enough to me that all rhetoric aside the purpose of ant-adoption initiatives under whatever guise (knowingly or unknowingly) is to further the abortion industry by removing one the main legitimate options to abortion. The enemy consistently uses half truths and seemingly logical arguments to gain a little ground at a time as part of a Continue Reading →