Deform Inc. The American Adoption Congress: Irrelevancy in an age of activism

The AAC has consistently folded under the slightest pressure to compromise its “principles” in order to get “something passed.” That something has been disclosure vetoes and disclosure vetoes disguised as contract preference forms, contact vetoes, white-outs, redactions, and tiered access based of birth or other factors. Scratch a dirty bill and you’ll find the AAC, an affiliated organization or Indies latching on to the AAC example. Delaware, New Jersey, Montana, Ohio, Indiana, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Illinois, Missouri, and Washington State are just a few states that have been jammed by AAC-led Deform, Inc’s baby step solutions to the problem of Class Bastard and institutional adoptionism. Getting one’s name on a law has been more important than securing adoptee equality. The unfortunate by-product of this is that the time, money, and energy spent on killing their bad bills could be used to pass clean bills. As a result Bastard Nation, whose mission for the last twenty years has been legal equality and the restoration of OBC and other adoption record access for all adoptees without restriction, gets the rep of the “bad guy.” Groups that claim to agree with our non-compromise position but pile on restrictions, pevaricate to their members and placate special interests and politicians to negate those rights, but maybe cause some personal “reunions” are repped as the “good guy.” Continue Reading →

They Don’t Care about our Rights: Lies deformers tell

We have proven that it can be done, while they haven’t done a single thing for adoptee rights. The colonists and deformers need to stop speaking for adoptees. They don’t care about our rights. Look to see who profits in what they do, versus in what Bastards do, and tell us again that WE’RE the “bad guys”. Continue Reading →

HAWAI’I” Clean HB 2082 records access bill passes out of committee

While Indiana and Missouri continue to fail, flail and founder on the Sea of Deform, the Hawai’i legislature took the first step yesterday to restore adoption records access with no restrictions to all Hawai’i-born adoptees. In a vote of 13-o-1 (absent) the House Judiciary Committee voted Do Pass on clean HB 2082. All testimony supported the bill with no opposition either submitted or addressed in person. The bill is sponsored by Hawaii adoptee Chris Lee (D-51). It now goes to the House Floor for a vote. A companion Senate bill may be introduced as early as next week. Continue Reading →

Baby Drop Boxes for Illinois? We hope not!

Speaking of babydrop boxes, the long awaited baby box bill, SB 3271, has been dropped in the Illinois Senate. The bill won’t legislate baby boxes or determine specs, but it would basicaly set up a study group to investigate the feasibility of boxes–hygienically referred to as “newborn safety incubators”– in Illinois. It’s attached to a short bill to amend the state’s safe haven law.

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“If there had only been a baby box…” Musings on the Marygrace Trinidad Case

The case is getting play with the baby box folks, who are convinced if there had only been a handy hole-in-the-wall baby box, the story would have had a happy ending. (Translation: Trinidad could have picked the baby out of the toilet, dropped him in a baby box, and then courageously bled out alone behind Pep Boys blameless, shameless. and nameless.) Not surprisingly, Baby Boxers turned the tragic story of a mentally disturbed woman and her baby into an anti-abortion cause celebre showing an appalling ignorance about newborn discard, mental illness, poverty, and abortion, peppered with Christian vitriol against the very women in “crisis pregnancies” they claim to want to “help.” All to pimp their boxes and their politics. So much for the “love them both” approach. Continue Reading →

What Would Orwell Do? Who’s confused in Missouri? (HB 1599 and HB 1822)

The idea that bills are some kind of state secret–or should be– is silly. Bills are public information, posted on webpages, and open for discussion and lobbying by anyone. Any attempt to tamp down discussion, especially of opposition efforts, makes MARM, especially among serious OBC activists, look politicaly naive. The general public could care less about our issue. Catholic Charities and Lutheran Family Services does care. A lot. And they make sure that the people they need to support their vile, reactionary bill know about it. Trying to make the bill invisible makes no sense. I’m betting a lot of people who would have opposed it didn’t know about it until it was too late. If there was no need to publicly dennounce the Bad Bill, then how did it pass? Continue Reading →

Repost from Access Connecticut: Action Alert – Support introduction and hearing of OBC access bill

We have received the following Action Alert from Access Connecticut. Bastard Nation is not involved in this legislative action and has no relationship with the organiztion, but we support its effort to equalize unrestricted OBC access for all Connecticut adoptees. The bill in question will be a clean bill to close the current gap in Connecticut law that deprives those adopted before October 1, 1983 from unrestricted OBC access. It deserves a hearing. Access Connecticut 2016 Position Statement


I urge all of you contact your legislators IMMEDIATELY and ask them to contact the Co-Chairs of the Public Health Committee and urge them to RAISE our proposed bill.

The bill must be introduced by the Public Health Committee or it will not be considered in the 2016 legislative session. We have received feedback that the bill may not be introduced. (In short sessions like this one only Committees can raise bills, not individual legislators.)

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Baby Drop Boxes: a short intro and a big KABOOM!

Kelsey’s “safe haven baby box” organization has been joined by The Hope Box, a new sketchy “baby saving” group tied to the franchise cult church International House of Prayer-Atlanta (IHOP) and other Atlanta-area ministries , many of them advertised as anti-sex trafficking non-profits. The Hope Box plans include the construction of a medical receiving center with a 24/7 staff to process abandoned newborns, complete with anonymous baby drop box with similar intake centers throughout the state. It also plans to organize an “extraction team” dedicated to removing newborns from “dangerous situations” and getting them adopted in to worthy families through their IHOP-affiliated adoption agency, Embracing Life. The Hope Box conflates sex trafficking with neonatacide and newborn discard and makes the bizarre and faulty assumption that women who discard or kill newborns are part of the forced (or unforced) sex trade. The Kelsey contingent see drop boxes as a remedy for abortion. Both organizations believe they can by-pass current safe haven laws that require safe havened babies be handed over to actual people, not stuffed in a cat carrier stuck in a wall Continue Reading →

Bastard Nation: Testimony in support of Missouri HB 1599

Missouri’s current OBC access laws do not reflect current adoption best practice and culture, and as we’ve noted above, the reality of technology and social media which has been eagerly embraced by adoptees and their families in search of information that is rightfully theirs, denied them by the state.

Consequently, over the years the Missouri legislature has heard many bills regarding OBC access. Some have gone nowhere and others have further complicated the already complicated access process. This time, however, HB 1599, its sponsor Rep. Don Phillips and its nearly 40 sponsors got it right. HB 1599 creates not only equal access for all Missouri-born adoptees but treats the state’s adoptees as equal with the not-adopted, who unlike the adopted are not forced to undergo an onerous legal process simply to get their own birth certificates. HB 1599 reflects the simple inclusive OBC access process that five states have enacted. (Oregon, Alabama, New Hampshire, Maine, and Rhode Island.) Kansas and Alaksa never sealed records. Continue Reading →

Bastard Nation Action Alert: Missouri HB 1599: Write today to support unrestricted OBC access

Please submit your written testimony (especially if you are connected to Missouri) or letter of support for HB 1599 as written without restriction to bill sponsor Rep. Don Phillips and to committee members now. Your message need not be long. Let them know that the era of sealed birth certificates is over and that Missouri adoptees should be treated the same as the not adopted. Ask them to vote YES for HB 1599. Continue Reading →