Florida HB357/SB576: Two prominent adoption organizations join the opposition

The National Center for Adoption Permanency, led by Adam Pertman and the Post-Adoption Center for Education and Research (PACER) has signed on to the Joint Statement in Opposition to Florida HB357/SB576. This makes a total of 24 national, state, and international adoptee rights and adoption reform organizations who oppose Florida HB357/SB576. The only support the bill has received comes from a murky anonymous “adoptee rights” group claiming to represent Florida adoptees, who refuse to make their names public and rejects the idea that OBC and other adoption record access is a right. Continue Reading →

Bastard Nation Action Alert: Do Not Support SB576/HB357. Senate Health Policy Committee

Senator Dennis Baxley recently introduced SB 576 in the Florida Senate. House Companion HB357 was introduced by Richard Stark earlier. Last week SB 576 was referred to the Senate Health Policy Committee The House bill is currently in the House Health Quality Subcommittee but as of this writing no hearings are scheduled.

SB576/HB357 is promoted as an “adoptee rights” bill—one that will restore the right of OBC access to Florida adoptees. Do not be fooled! The confusing and ambiguous bill discriminates against all Florida adoptees by maintaining the status quo for some and placing undue and unreasonable restrictions on others. Continue Reading →

Donaldson posts additional opposition to Florida HB357/SB576

On October 31, 2017, The Donaldson Adoption Institute posted addition comments on Facebook about its opposition to HB357/SB576. The Adoption Institute, along with 21 other organizations. signed a joint statement of opposition to the bills. Below is the Donaldson Facebook addition: Continue Reading →

Florida HB357/SB576: Adoptee Equality: As slow as fleas falling off a dead dog,

I ‘m posting this tonight for those of you unfamiliar with Florida HB357 (and its companion SB 576)–a deformed bill that moves the rights of Florida adoptees as slow as fleas falling off a dead dog. In fact, that’s a perfect metaphor for Florida. The state and adoption industrialists dancing merrily on Class Bastard’s would be corpse. Continue Reading →

National Adoption (Awareness) Month: Trump chimes in on God’s plans

I am acquainted virtually with no one in the adoption reform movement and certainly not adoptee rights/equality activism that does not hate NA(A)M. It is universally met, depending on one’s place on the adoptee ladder of rage and pain, with anger, ridicule, sarcasm, laughter, eye-rolling, disgust, grief, and trigger warnings. Continue Reading →