Quad A Bastardized. Endorses OBC access and more

On January 23, 2018, The Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys (formerly known as the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys–Quad A) did the unthinkable. The traditional adversary of the adoptee rights movement came over to the dark side. It endorsed the right of Class Bastard to our own adoption records. In fact, AAARA went a lot further than OBC access. Taking a page from the Bastard Nation Handbook, it resolved: Continue Reading →

ILLINOIS: Feigenholtz Owns It! The website, that is.

Not that we’re surprised, but… WGIL-AM, Galesburg, Illinois has confirmed that the New Illinois Adoption Law.com, orphan webpage is being paid for by Rep. Sara Feigenholtz, sponsor of HB 5428, the bill that gutted the right of adult adopted folks there to obtain their own original birth certificates without jumping through more hoops than a hula hoop factory. On fire. We reported earlier (directly below this entry) that Feigenholz’s “assistant” Melisha Mitchell, owner of the search company White Oak Foundation and alleged author of the bill was listed by Whois as the domain owner. From WGAL: Website helps adopted adults with birth certificates: State Representative Sara Feigenholtz, sponsor of the bill, says she’s paying for the website herself, because she didn’t want the state budget mess to delay it from going up. There is certainly nothing illegal or unethical about them putting the information online. In fact, it’s sorta nice to have a one-stop place, written in their own words, to show how many ways the two have have screwed Illinois’ adopted class. What is problematic, though, is how the duo’s names are conspiculously absent from press releases and other media hype about the page. You’d think White Oak deputy Continue Reading →


Happy New Year–Not! Missouri Rep. Cynthia Davis (R-O’Fallon) (below right) has pre-filed HB 1237, a “records access” bill in the Missouri House. To no one’s surprise it contains a disclosure veto. And all records will need to be released through the court. This is is progress? Tomorrow is the first day of 2010, not 1957. Here are the changes laid out in the official bill summary: The bill changes the laws regarding the release of identifyinginformation by: (1) Allowing a court to release it to an adopted adult without the consent of the biological parents in certain instances; (2) Requiring a biological parent to file an affidavit that refuses to authorize the release of his or her identifying information with the court in order for the information not to be released to the adopted child. Currently, a biological parent must file an affidavit to allow his or her identifying information to be released; (3) Allowing identifying information to be released if the biological parent is deceased and removes the requirement that the information is necessary for health-related purposes; (4) Allowing release of identifying information concerning an adult sibling without the consent of the adult sibling and without a court finding Continue Reading →


Hundreds of comments have been posted on the ABC Forum regarding records access and adoptee rights. Most of them are on our side, and they are heartening, encouraging, and exciting to read. I hope posters in states with access bills pending will hit the streets running. Here’s am unaltered sample of not-so-happy campers According to them, adoptees are selfish, ungrateful, homewreckers, blessed, chosen, ununderstanding, and uncompassionate. Paula Benoit is selfish and arrogant. Baby dump laws are an alternative to records access. First moms are egg donors. If this keeps up, maybe NCFA will go broke paying off its stringers. AND THE WINNER IS!“As an adoptive parent of four wonderful children i must ay just because the child comes from the viginia a woman does not make her the MOTHER of that child. A Parent is the persons who love and nurture that child forever. Iam truly blessed by our children”…PapaW 1ST RUNNER UP (tie)Oh, whine, whine, whine! Those adopted should feel blessed – they were chosen, not a happening. Be happy with what you’ve got. Stop creating strife and heartbreak in other families. They want to remain anonymouse. Let them be!”…lallen “Shame on Ms. Benoit for using her political position Continue Reading →