Bastardette is well into Week 2 of bronchitis. Since I don’t do doctors, I’m toughing it out. I’m getting better, but I just don’t feel like doing much. I have several blogs in the oven, and need to bake them up. In the meantime, I’m passing on an entry I read last night, Secrets, Lies, and Family Ties from Always Musing, which interestingly, is not an adoption blog. Blogger Cathy Voisard and I are members of She Writes, a social network for women writers you might want to check out if you’re serious about your writing. Cathy’s story is a twisted version of the LDA narrative. She and her older sister were reared to believe that their biological brother was their uncle, but that’s just the tip. Here’s how her story begins I didn’t know I had a brother until I was thirteen years old. It wasn’t like my brother was some alien kin who had been shipped off to adoptive parents for financial or other reasons; some stranger that I never knew. I grew up with my brother. I had lived with him in the same house until I was 6, which, at the age of 13, was about Continue Reading →


Niels at Pound Pup Legacy has put up a tremendous page on Masha Allen. The page is a 1-stop resource for activists, researchers, adoption reformers, and media who have been following the case. I was aware of some of these new developments, but hadn’t had the time to write about them. Other developments are new to me. Kudos to Niels–and those who continue to care about Masha and continue to fight! And may those “adoption professionals,” child welfare “experts” and courts who betrayed Masha burn in hell.


Thanks for Faux Claud for posting this link on Facebook Search a Child, Pay Cash is a German TV documentary on Romanian adoption corruption, the adoption industry globalist lobby, diplomatic ball busting, and the work of EU investigator Roelie Post. It’s important. It’s sickening. Here is Post’s blog: For Export Only The film needs no comment from me. The sound on Part 4 is tanked, but the English subtitles make the problem minimal. Search a Child, Pay Cash – The Adoption LobbyPart 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5


National Adoption Awareness Month will soon be upon us. We can hardly wait for mainstream media to gag their cotton candy down our throats. Our not-favorite adoption site,, has jump-started the party with a big spread. We are particularly intrigued by The National Adoption Month Activities Calendar and its nifty suggestions on how to celebrate this fun-filled month with our families. Did you know, for instance, that National Adoption Month is a swell time to cook a meal for your family? (November 1). I didn’t. That on November 16 you should prepare a meal that reflects your child’s heritage? My friend Rocco suggested a possum and squirrel casserole–stringy but elegant. I was thinking more along the lines of ramen noodles and hot dogs. Whatever menu is chosen, though, it must be prepared on a hotplate to remind your little adoptees what they escaped via God and your bank account. Or how about renting an adoption themed movie? (November 20) I like that. I suggest Natural Enemy or Orphan. Our classic movie fans may enjoy The Bad Seed or Penny Serenade Thanksgiving is for sending thank you notes to those who made your celebration possible: You know, like your adoption Continue Reading →


I’m cross-posting this entry from my latest Theoconia blog since the subject matter relates to adoption. *****It’s that time again! The annual Life Chain protest, aka the most boring anti-abortion protest in Columbus was held late this afternoon at the Ohio Statehouse. (October 7, 2009) The event was sponsored by Columbus Right to Life. I’ve written about Life Chain before ( on Theoconia, go to the “Topics, People and Organizations Covered” sidebar on the right and click on “Life Chain Columbus” and “Life Chain National” for previous posts.) My October 13 2006 “Kool Aid” post details Life Chain history, and mission in relation to Columbus-based Mark Harrington-CBR Genocide Awareness ideology and actions. (For some reason my pictures for that entry have disappeared, though they are still embedded in my entry.) This year, due to the temperate weather, rather than mingle with the crowd, I situated myself at an outside table at Pot Belly directly across from the Statehouse, where I could do a 3-fer: enjoy a late lunch, read a book, and watch LifeChain from a comfortable distance. It’s not like anything much interesting would happen. As usual, the protest started late and no one seemed to pay the protesters Continue Reading →


NEWS FLASH! If you’ve been turned down by your local adoption mill, don’t despair. Liberty Council (Restoring the culture one case at a time by advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and the traditional family) has a deal for you! ADOPT A LIBERAL Here’s how it works Pick one or more of the liberals from the list we have posted online at, or choose your own liberal(s) to adopt. If you are led to choose one or more of the liberals we have selected for consideration, please read their brief biographical statement, including the reasons they stand in need of prayer. Pray earnestly and intensely for them! Pray that the Lord would move upon them and cause them to be the kind of leaders who will encourage others to lead “a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” We encourage you to seek the Lord’s guidance on how to pray for your liberal(s), always allowing Him to temper your prayer with His love and mercy. Liberals up for adoption include : President Barack Obama, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Congressman Barney Frank, Science Czar John Holdren, Senator Olympia Snowe, Continue Reading →


I’ve been falling down on the job again. I’ll have a major blog up (hopefully today, but I’m not sure) and get back in the saddle again, as Gene Autry once sang. In the meantime, I suggest you check out Baby Love Child’s new entry, Unsafe haven: Dead baby found inside hospital, “about 100 feet” from the hospital’s dumpbox: For those who insist a “safe haven” babydump box in every hospital would ensure their mythical ‘no dead babies,’ think again. Case in point? Glendale, AZ, where a 15 year old gave birth in the hospital bathroom, leaving a baby boy in the bathroom trash can, “about 100 feet from a Safe Haven” dumpbox. Then, from the news story itself: Glendale police are investigating a baby found dead in a hospital, allegedly in a trash can. The baby was found on Saturday in the emergency room at Banner Thunderbird Hospital, only about 100 feet from a Safe Haven drop-off location. A teen went to the emergency room with her mother complaining of stomach and back pains. BLC has visited the Banner Thunderbird Hospital and posts her personal pictures of the dumpbox on her blog. Also check out the bizarre but important Continue Reading →


Pittsburgh History Department Graduate Program Speaker Series, Pittsburgh Consortium for Adoption Studies, University of Pittsburgh School of Arts and Sciences, Department of English, Women’s Studies Program, and Cultural Studies Program Present Scientific Rules for Realness: Matching and Its Critics in American Adoption Ellen Herman Professor of History University of Oregon Tuesday, September 29 4:00 – 6:00 pm History Department Lounge (3703 Posvar Hall) University of Pittsburgh Ellen Herman’s most recent book is Kinship by Design: A History of Adoption in the Modern United States (University of Chicago Press, 2008). She has also written about the impact of psychology on public policy and culture during and after World War II: The Romance of American Psychology: Political Culture in the Age of Experts (University of California Press, 1995). Her recent work has been supported by fellowships at Harvard Law School and Radcliffe’s Bunting Institute, as well as by a major research grant from the Science and Technology Studies Program of the National Science Foundation. During the 2004-2005 academic year, she was a Visiting Scholar in the Harvard University Department of the History of Science. Her current book considers the history of child adoption during the twentieth century as a case study of Continue Reading →


Obviously, I’ve been away again Not really away away, just working on some other projects. Today, I want to point you to Pound Pup’s Niels Hoogeveen’s skewering of Harvard AdoptaMaven Elizabeth Bartholet. Never has Bastardette taken such satisfaction is seeing one of our major child redistribution globalists and corruption apolgists so deservedly BBQ’d and served on a platter. Here’s a couple excerpts from Are interational adoption critics really wrong? … Ms. Bartholet doesn’t consider adoption to take place as a child welfare activity, but as something part of the legal system. Formally that is not necessarily incorrect. In the end adoption passes a judge, but it ignores the fact that most of the activities in adoption have nothing to do with the legal system. The acquisition of customers, the allocation of adoptable children, the preparation and screening of prospective adopters, all of that has nothing to do with the legal system, but are part and parcel of every adoption. So the abuses that take place in inter-country adoption cannot singularly be placed as part of the abuses of the legal system in general. On top of that two wrongs do not make one right. Abuses in the legal system are Continue Reading →


It’s that time again! The Third Annual Demons in Adoption Awards ballot is now online. This is your opportunity, as one bludgeoned by adoption, to vote for your favorite adopta thief, babyseller, flim-flamist, money launderer, or bunco artist, all from the comfort of your own home or office. We are disappointed that CARE founder Jean Stauss didn’t make the final cut. We noted with amusement earlier this year that some anonymous bastard (not yours truly) nominated the rights-down-the-river seller and all-around Benedict Bastard for this prestigious honor. We were looking forward to the opportunity to vote for Strauss, the American Adoption Congress’ 2009 Emma Vilardi Humanitarian Award. Funny, how one organization’s humanitarian is another organization’s demon. Still, we have so many good choices left that we shall have to pray about it before we hit the key. It’s a tuffy! Here’s the official press release from Pound Pup, sponsor of the awards: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE************************************************************* Each year Pound Pup Legacy presents the Demons of Adoption Award to raise a voice against adoption propaganda and the self congratulatory practices of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute’s annual Angels in Adoption Awards (TM) Until October 30 you will have the opportunity to Continue Reading →