Happy New Year 2012: Thoughts on Adoption and New York City on New Year’s Eve
I am a New York City person. I know this for a fact, not only because I love Manhattan and feel at home there, but all of the theatre people I know in the city tell me I belong there. Unfortunately, my life in the Big Apple was hijacked before I was born. My birthparents were inconvenient enough to have spawned me in a “tourist cabin” on the back Akron-Massillon Road (or someplace like that) and my adoptive parents, thoughtless of my needs, remained in Ohio. My amom, though, for reasons known only to her, decided I should be a copywriter or a graphic artist, neither of which I had much talent for. If I’d followed her command you’d be watching me, not Peggy Olsen on Mad Men–unless I decided to play out a Ronna Jaffe career girl and throw myself out a window or take bottle of Seconal after being used by Don Draper. It didn’t help that I decided to get married when I did, cutting short any chance of ever having a real life. That last sentence is stupid, of course, but that’s how I thought back then.. What does this have to do with New Year’s Continue Reading →