Karma Bites Back: Keith Ablow and his problem with adoptees and women

Ablow, like most narcissists, trolls individuals and even whole classes he perceives as vulnerable–in the cases above,  women, queers, and adoptees and their families.  He worships the hyper-masculine and feminizes, in a class sense, those who don’t measure up to the man in the mirror, or should I say the man he thinks he sees in the mirror. Continue Reading →

Fox News Fears Class Bastard

Are any of us surprised that Fox News hates fears bastards? I Fox News ‘Expert’ Keith Ablow: Media Matters Founder Is ‘Dangerous’ Because He Was Adopted By Zack Ford on Feb 15, 2012 at 11:51 am Fox News’ infamous psychiatrist Keith Ablow has today joined the network’s personal attacks on Media Matters’ David Brock, suggesting Brock is “dangerous” because he “is an adopted boy”: ABLOW: He’s a dangerous man, because having followers and waging war… this isn’t accidental language. It’s about violence, destruction, and he feels destroyed in himself. […] This is an adopted boy who needs to plumb the depths of his psyche. He was adopted. Many adopted children are tremendously well-adjusted, but for some reason, this man feels he’s unloved and unloveable, shunted to the side, and that’s the antidote he feels: unlimited power. Guess what? It never ever works. Watch it: This is not the first time Ablow has attacked Brock for being adopted. He made similar claims last summer, suggesting Brock is “looking for any way he can get narcissistic reinforcement to tell him he’s a decent person.” Ablow notes that he has never actually evaluated Brock, but his generalizations and extrapolation about adoption are likely offensive to anyone who was adopted, Continue Reading →