Adam Pertman Joins the Ranks of the Angry Adoption Professional

In my last blog I brought up the growing phenomenon of The Angry Adoption Professional, those sad souls  whose authority is displaced  and downsized when Class Bastard takes control of its own personal and political  destiny free of pathology and professional victimization.   The Angry Adoption Professional however,  is never far away,  clucking its tongue  over Class Bastard’s  inability to accede to professional expertise.  Who knows more about adoption than adoption paper pushers and their auxiliaries in the legislature, church, and medicine? These experts  show up at hearings and “professional” conferences and  write books and articles in journals nobody reads, promoting their “professionalism” and lecturing how adoptees (or their bio and even adoptive parents) are just too klutzy, uneducated, and  inexperienced (and no doubt ungrateful)  to handle adoption issues without their.oversight. We only want to help. . In consumerist terms this means, we need  the  trained steady hand of the “expert” to “negotiate” the alleged twists and turns  inherent in  the adoption triad or constellation or whatever fancy label de jour they like. Moreover, genuine adoptee rights such as original birth certificate access–or as we shall see, adoptee deportation– that require political action and thought are seldom mentioned in their personal vocational narrative unless they want to look au courant or empathetic, or they Continue Reading →

Some Thoughts on the "Angry Adoptee:" Gazillion Adoptees v JCIC$

I’ve been away for more than a month.  I’ve lost all track of time.  No matter. April was the worse month of my entire life. Just when you think things get any more abysmal, the crevice opens deeper.  Maybe I’ll write about it; maybe not.  I can make it adoption related to make it palpable. I’m trying to get back to “normal” whatever that is. Last we heard from our friend Kevin Ost-Vollmers,in the Land of a Gazillion Adoptees, he was engaged in a dialogue with the Congressional Coalition.  That was ” bad” enough, but it gets worse.  It must be something about April. Land of a Gaiilion Adoptees: Kevin and Bert getting ready to kick it On April18, Kevin and  “Rockstar Vietnamese adoptee” Bert  Ballard, Assistant Professor of Communications at Pepperdine University, went to New York to give a presentation, Adoptees and Agencies:  Undiscovered Allies or Estranged Bedfellows,  before a JCIC$ symposium–to educate  (for want of a better word) this specific set of adoptacrats about adoptees.   JCIC$ is as interested in the international post-production product it markets as it is in the proposition that  9/11 was an inside job.How these bastard gods got the password to the sanctum Continue Reading →

Bastardette’s 7th Anniversary: The more things change the more they stay the same

Tuesday marked  the 7th anniversary of the Daily Bastardette.  To be honest, I’m surprised. I started Bastardette as a little experiment not expecting her  to go very far. In fact, the big reason I started her was that a techie bastard, whose name escapes me now, suggested I blog since webpages were”obsolete” and blogs were “the way to go.” I was also curious to see if anyone would read her. I was astounded when I had 100 hits.  As of this writing, I’ve had  almost 350,000 hits. I’m still astounded.  One of my first blogs, Abandoning your Baby: It’s such a simple thing to do, was about California’s godfather of baby dumping., LA County Supervisor, Don Knabe.  Supervisor Knabe had complained  to the press that not enough mothers were anonymously dropping off newborns at their neighborhood fire stations.. “It;’s such a simple thing to do,” he bemoaned. Nothing has changed.  The other day .Missouri politicians, complained that something had to be done to save more ‘newborns” (the state’s “safe haven law” has two tiers so babies up to a year old can be dumped with different parental “legal defenses.”)  The solution to this dire non-problem, according to them and their Continue Reading →

Oklahoma: HB 2634 passes House 93-0

Oklahoma clean bill HB 2634 passed the House yesterday with a 93-0 Vote. It now goes to the Senate. For more information go to the Oklahoma Open blog and Facebook. Thanks to all those Oklahomans who contacted House members!  And thanks to Reps Sherrer, Walker, McDaniel, and Hoskin for their terrific support.  We’re half-way home! 

Oklahoma: HB 2634–Geographically limited Action Alert

Important:  please read the guidelines before you write . This is a limited action alert for those born in Oklahoma or current residents. From Pat Marler: Great news! HB2634 was placed on the House of Representatives Floor Calendar today! It will be heard between the 12th and the last day to be heard, the 15th. This is a clean bill with no restrictions; only a contact Preference Form which does not affect the release of the OBC.    The following are e-mail addresses for the Representatives and we want all those who were born or live in Oklahoma to please write these Representatives and tell them why passing this legislation is important to all adult adoptees born before 1997. It is a sensitive way to let a birth parent to let the adoptee know how or if she/hewants to be contacted. Also, if there is no contact wanted, the birth parent will be asked to fill out a medical and social history to be given along with the Contact Preference form to the original birth certificate. IMPORTANT:   HB 2634 sponsor Rep. Ben Scherrer  requests that  emails not be sent until  Monday morning March 12.  He wants them to be Continue Reading →

International Women’s Day: The Women of the IWW

…and yes, Helen Keller was a Wob!   I was, too, and I need to rejoin the One Big Union.  I owe much to those wonderful women of the Industrial Workers of the World– those I knew in person and others only historically who inspired me to fight state oppression:  Sophie Cohen, Esther Dolgoff,  Gurley Flynn, Lucy Parsons, Nina Spies and so many more.  (I’ll save the men for another day)

More Information, More Questions in Troy Adopta Child Sex Assault Cases

 I’m posting this on both sites because of the national implications of the on-going investigation. Congratulations to the Dayton Daily News for the bang-up reporting it’s doing in the Kenneth Brandt child rape investigation.  I was concerned that coverage would be superficial, but  he Daily News has has stayed on top of things. (I’ve long been a fan of the Daily News’s dedication to actual journalism).  Today’s Child-rape case shows safeguards failed. is an important read.  The long feature contains new information on ACTION, Inc., child shuffling between Texas and Dayton, and Brandt himself.  It brings up the yet-to-be-answered question of whether Brandt was living off foster/adoption subsidies. (I’d love to know how the unlicensed insurance agent Brandt convinced ACTION, Inc that he actually had a job.)  I’m writing another project today that was due last week, and don’t’ have time today to comment much, but I wanted to get something up with a couple comments. There’s one disturbing piece from the piece I’ll point out here before I go for the day.  According to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, in the last seven years “28 adopted children from the state (Texas) have been placed in homes Continue Reading →

Where the Action Is: ACTION, Inc idenfified as adoption agency in sex assault cases

I won’t be posting all of my blogs on the sexual assault cases against the adopted boys in Troy, Ohio, but I’m including this one here.  Go to Ohio Adoptee Searches for the whole collection. Well, it’s official!  The name of the Dayton, Ohio agency that handled the adoption of four children by accused adopta pedophile and trafficker Kenneth Brant has been published–ACTION, Inc;  full name:  Adopting Children Today Information/Option Network with the tagline. “dreams can come true,” A few days ago I  heard that ACTION, Inc was involved in the adoptions  but had no documentation and held back until there was verification.. It has now been reported by the Dayton Daily News.(Man used private Dayton adoption agency in alleged child rape, prostitution case) The Ohio Secretary of State’s business services section verifies that ACTION, Inc. is incorporated as a non-profit child placing agency in Ohio. It’s director is identified as Patricia A. Hill  from New Lebanon, a  Dayton suburb.  The agency itself  is located in a single family home at 6000 Philadelphia Drive, Dayton.  Hill’s name and home address in SOS documents matches a list of Ohio independent licensed social workers. (I am researching  Hill  and the agency’s staff Continue Reading →

More Details in Troy Adoption Pedo Case: Boys tell police assaults began shortly after coming to Ohio

I‘ve been covering this story on my Ohio Adoptee Searches blog.  Since the story has become a national and international story now,I  thought I’d bring it over here as well. Go over to OAS to see earlier blogs on the case. The pedo adoption story in Troy has hit the national media.  UPI,  CBS News, and Huffington Post  and even the London Daily Mail has picked it up, and I suspect more will follow. The Dayton Daily News, however, offers the most detailed coverage . This morning we have FBI to pursue charges against the men in child sex case. I won’t post the entire article here, but these are the highlights: —Kenneth Brandt, the adoptive father of the boys, is the former president of the Foster Parent Association of Miami County. —Brandt has a history of  “bringing children from Texas to Troy as supposed ‘foster children,’”(No details; currently under investigation.) — Quote   “We will be looking at the process (Brandt) was using to get the children into his custody,” said [Tim] Ferguson, [supervisory senior resident agent at the FBI’s Dayton office].adding that the FBI has not determined why the children were adopted or removed from Texas. —the fourth child Continue Reading →

Why the Adoption Establishment Annoys the Heck Out of Us – continued

Gee, I go away for a day and find adoption annoyances multiplying like bunnies. I’d originality planned to write a little analysis about each post, but at the rate it’s going, if I do that I won’t have time to write my own annoyances.  So, instead Ill just put down links with a brief quote from each. Trace DeMeyer has issued a second annoyance with some excerpts from Katheryn Joyce’s “Shotgun Adoption,” which appeared in the September 4, 2009 issue ofThe Nation. QUOTE: CPCs (Crisis Pregnancy Centers) might persuade reluctant women by casting adoption as redemption for unwed mothers’ “past failures” and a triumph over “selfishness, an ‘evil’ within themselves. Barbara McArtney  guesting on  Reformtalk writes about the corruption of international adoption. QUOTE:  Every country the Industry enters has been dirtied and only created problems and anger in its wake. If this is such wonderful, helpful work, where’s the accolades from countries, HR groups and ANYONE outside the industry? It faces nothing but criticism from all but its insiders. There has been a lack of any meaningful enforcement or improvement. Just the same rush to country to make as much money as possible before it closes due to their own illegal Continue Reading →