Bastard Nation “State Pages” fully updated. Look up your state and learn what we have done and you can do in 2019

Bastard Nation is thrilled to announce that the long-awaited update of our state pages is finished. This has been a slow, time-consuming, often mind-numbing off-and-on project for quite some time. Each state page has been updated to include links to current OBC and records access laws and state legislatures. (Special thanks to Greg Luce from the Adoptee Rights Law Center for his generous assistance). We have added hundreds of links to BN  and BN-Partner state activities, news stories, and graphics. The state pages not only serve the immediate purpose of educating and alerting our readers and members to actions in their state but serve as a repository of BN history as well as adoptee rights history since our founding in 1996. When we moved our webpage to Word Press a few years ago, some of the material on our original page went missing. We have been able to reclaim some of it through the Wayback Machine and will continue to dig around when time permits and add more. With so many new additions and improvements, there are bound to be some bad links. If you find any let us know and we will try to fix the problem,  In addition, if you have any material you would like to add–especially pictures from various Continue Reading →

Bastard Nation Needs Your Help Now! Urgent! Funds needed to emergency webpage repair. BN Swag and donations. Every dollar counts.

The Bastard Nation webpage, up since 1997, is down. After investigation, we learned that we had some type of malware malfunction. We have had to move to a new hosting site and need to pay for the recovery and transfer of the files. We need $800 to cover this cost Continue Reading →

Which side are you on, Rich? Anything or nothing is not devisive, Throwing away rights is.

I first heard this no-such-thing- as-adoptee-rights hog swill two years ago at the Denver AAC, when Uhrlaub  theorized that the Colorado bill that he worked on that opened records and files in that state, was accomplished without a single mention of “rights.” Legislators, you see, are scared away with terms like “rights” especially when prefixed with “adoptee”  so they need to hear softer less “divisive” language.Perhaps beggary will do. Perhaps scabbery. Continue Reading →

Quad A Bastardized. Endorses OBC access and more

On January 23, 2018, The Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys (formerly known as the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys–Quad A) did the unthinkable. The traditional adversary of the adoptee rights movement came over to the dark side. It endorsed the right of Class Bastard to our own adoption records. In fact, AAARA went a lot further than OBC access. Taking a page from the Bastard Nation Handbook, it resolved: Continue Reading →

Victory in New York: Cuomo vetos dirty bill; Deformers complain

Compared to Uhrlaub, Bill Pierce and the National Council for Adoption in its anti-adoptee heyday were pikers. Uhrlaub claims irrationally that adoptees do not have rights– that adoptee access to OBCs and other state-held adoption documents is not a right at all, but a matter of tweaking adoption procedure and process! The ability to access our OBCs, etc. already exists, he claims straight-faced, and is recognized (for instance via court orders). Access, it seems, has just not been interpreted or utilized correctly by legislators, policy wonks, courts, and bureaucrats –or something like that. Using Uhrlaub’s logic, woman suffrage or the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were about legal tweaking, not voting rights. Continue Reading →

Florida: New clean bill introduced in House

A clean bill was just introduced today in Florida. While we think based on last year’s experience, as well as the presence of the Uhrlaub bill, a clean bill will be a challenge to get through the Florida legislature this year, it is at least an opportunity to educate legislators and to use it to point out the significant flaws in the Stark/Uhrlaub anti-adoptee bill. Continue Reading →

Florida HB357/SB576: CUB joins opposition. Occupy Florida, please go home!

This makes 25 national, state, and international organizations opposed and 0 (zero) organizations that support the bill unless you count the murky anonymously-operated Occupy Florida FB “group” that claims legislators want to hear “rights” connected to adoptees. Occupy, instead, spouts nonsense that the sealing of OBCs and other adoption records are just a matter of “policy” not “rights.” In a November 17, 2017 FB post* Occupy Florida got even sillier: Continue Reading →

Florida HB357/SB576: Two prominent adoption organizations join the opposition

The National Center for Adoption Permanency, led by Adam Pertman and the Post-Adoption Center for Education and Research (PACER) has signed on to the Joint Statement in Opposition to Florida HB357/SB576. This makes a total of 24 national, state, and international adoptee rights and adoption reform organizations who oppose Florida HB357/SB576. The only support the bill has received comes from a murky anonymous “adoptee rights” group claiming to represent Florida adoptees, who refuse to make their names public and rejects the idea that OBC and other adoption record access is a right. Continue Reading →