Donaldson posts additional opposition to Florida HB357/SB576

On October 31, 2017, The Donaldson Adoption Institute posted addition comments on Facebook about its opposition to HB357/SB576. The Adoption Institute, along with 21 other organizations. signed a joint statement of opposition to the bills. Below is the Donaldson Facebook addition: Continue Reading →

Florida HB357/SB576: Adoptee Equality: As slow as fleas falling off a dead dog,

I ‘m posting this tonight for those of you unfamiliar with Florida HB357 (and its companion SB 576)–a deformed bill that moves the rights of Florida adoptees as slow as fleas falling off a dead dog. In fact, that’s a perfect metaphor for Florida. The state and adoption industrialists dancing merrily on Class Bastard’s would be corpse. Continue Reading →

National Adoption (Awareness) Month: Trump chimes in on God’s plans

I am acquainted virtually with no one in the adoption reform movement and certainly not adoptee rights/equality activism that does not hate NA(A)M. It is universally met, depending on one’s place on the adoptee ladder of rage and pain, with anger, ridicule, sarcasm, laughter, eye-rolling, disgust, grief, and trigger warnings. Continue Reading →

New York: Libertarians and Greens run adoptee equality candidates in November

This past weekend the Libertarian Party held its annual Freedom Fest in Las Vegas. Reason Magazine has published a series of short interviews with attendees a la Humans of New York. Among them is Larry Sharpe, who recently announced his run for New York Governor on the LP ticket. (Sharpe, part of the”bleeding heart libertarians,” contingent came in second behind Bill Weld in his bid to run for VP with Gary Johnson in the 2016 presidential election.).

Sharpe is adopted, and he is not happy with sealed records. Here is what he says: Continue Reading →

Blast from the Past: Adoptee equality is anti-adoption

This is too funny! Adoptee equality is anti-adoption! Adoptee equality is the internet’s fault! At least he left out his seriously weird comment on alt.adoption that it should be illegal to look up names in the phone book. Continue Reading →

The Worst Baby Safe Haven Ad Ever

Recently Mike posted this Baby Safe Haven ad, the most fucked up BSH ad ever. I had to watch it three times before I could figure out what was going on. It makes Morrisey’s own Baby Safe Haven Rap look like VMA material. The provenance of the video is appropriately anonymous. It appears , however, to be produced in Massachusetts with three attractive young women (Sophia, Thalita; and Erica) recruited to the Morrisey cult with promises of pop fame and fortune; that is, one of Mike’s ego-popping braggadocio-filled Generation Y branding projects. Mike waxes ecstatic: Continue Reading →

Welcome to the TP Express! – Bastardette’s going to the RNC

The RNC, with good reason, is getting a lot of bad press. People have asked me if I’m afraid to go . Well…no. I go back and forth about how bad the RNC will be, but afraid–no. I find it fascinating and horrifying that the RNC and presumably the DNC–or rather their federal and state surrogates– are transforming dozens of city blocks of major cities into militarized zones to protect “our” candidates and “law makers” and delegates from “us.” Doesn’t anyone see something wrong with this? Continue Reading →