Pro-lifer: Adoptees are terrorists

Adoptees are terrorists.  Adoptees are also a (Satanic?) cult, insane, ungodly, and bullies. Posts I didn’t include here refer to us as “dark” and “doom” fill-in-the-blank….Adoption is the queen of intersectionality.  I talked about that for years before I ever heard the actual term “intersectionality,”  which is, of course much more detailed and diverse than what I was talking about.  That said, race, class, sex, gender, abortion,  misogyny, economics, consumerism, social welfare, reproductive rights, reproductive justice, public policy, religious wars, culture wars, colonialism, neo-imperialism, immigration and citizenship, Real ID, neo-liberalism. taxes, natural disasters, redistribution of wealth (especially children), narcissism, Supreme Court nominees. Class Basrtard is embedded in them all. Continue Reading →

Eliminating Illegal Adoptions the Baby Box Way or Today’s WTF Moment in AdoptionLand

I have no idea where this comes from. I have never heard any traditional Safe Haven advocate make such a crazy claim. Perhaps it was a slip of the tongue–or better yet–a Freudian slip. Or maybe Znachko was echoing the conspiracy theory developed by SHBB’s sister organization, Hope Box in Marietta, Georgia that pushes the idea that baby boxes will save newborns of sex workers and trafficked women from being sold into sex slavery at birth. (SHBB has never used this argument.).Or maybe she’s suggesting that dissatisfied adopters need to stick their forever adoptees into a box rather than re-homing her or him on Craig’s List. Continue Reading →

Get ‘Cher Rocks Off. A Writer’s Remembrance of Paid My Dues

I was told later that I was breaking new ground. with “Get ‘cher Rocks Off.“I doubt I was the first to write about sexism in rock by a long shot, but who knows—and who knew? A reference to it even occurred in (I think) The Whole Earth Catalog or at least a related big-book publication. Continue Reading →

Another Cloying Adoption Story: Safe Haven Baby Box girl gets adopted; new father says weird stuff

So, while some people adopt to replace a child they lost either in a miscarriage/stillbirth or later in life, the Stayers went looking for…replacement parents. Seriously!

We just thought, “Who is going to be there to take care of our personal stuff after we are gone? ” That was one of the reasons we decided to adopt. Continue Reading →

Resources: Haiti Adoption. What’s the background? Why is it a big deal with Amy Coney Barrett?

With the nomination of Haiti “orphan” adopter Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court, Haiti and Haitian orphans are back in the news–hot and sweaty with adoption mythology, white saviorism, and lots of political and religious bashing. If you are not adopted, the subject may not be important to you. If you are adopted, it is. Continue Reading →

The Mark Crutcher Shit Show: Adoption: the Real Story or Theocratic Fantasy

If a match were not made–then the federal government would issue a permission-to-abort certificate. He knows, of course, this would never happen, because the product of every unwanted pregnancy would end up in the adoption mill–most likely Christian.  Under this win-win-win scenario, abortion would disappear from the country since every fetus baby would be wanted by somebody, (though molesters and pedos need not apply. ) No baby would be unwanted; no woman forced to rear a baby she didn’t want.–though he never elaborate how this satisfies women who don’t want to be pregnant. Continue Reading →

Bastards Against Trump – BAT 2020

I started new FB page Bastards Against Trump–or BAT – 2020.  It is not affiliated with Bastard Nation or any other entity–just me. It’s a place for anyone, especially  (but not limited to ) adoptees and allies who oppose Trump to come together to talk, inform and ridicule. In my wild imagination I’d love to see a Bastard movement against him and Trumpism that scares the Orange Penis so bad he Tweet-demands adoption be boycotted, but I doubt that will happen. Continue Reading →

Gladney Goes Full Georgia Tann

Gladney went full Georgia Tann on Tuesday with their “superkids” Twitter-run profile of Kade, a 5- 1/2 year old they are preparing for the Taiwan-USA pipeline. I am pretty sure he is too young to give his consent to be marketed to American white saviors, but what’s a little bit of privacy-stripping when it comes to forever-homing? Continue Reading →

Framed in Bigotry and Discrimination: A Look at Trump’s Executive Order: Strengthening the Child Welfare System for America’s Children

The emphasis in the Executive Order is not some abstract improvement, but the creation of a robust evangelical-coded “faith-based” equalization in child welfare. The EO promises to increase much-needed child welfare improvement not through government initiative, but through taxpayer-funded tax-exempt so-called “faith-based” partnerships with private religious child welfare organizations and corporations including churches, para-churches, and ministries. Moreover, the EO promises “faith-based “foster and adoption recruitment.” The suggests nonsensically that the lack of “faith-based partnerships” keeps children stuck in state foster care when they could be transferred to the Christian adoption market if that market were more open and available. Continue Reading →

New Adoption Horror: Gender Reveal Parties for Adopters

I’ve always found gender reveal parties creepy.  Of course, I’m old enough to remember when waiting until the baby was born to discover its sex (do gender reveal parties reveal social construct?) was part of the “fun” of new parenthood.   Gender reveal parties sound like an excuse to prove that you had sex with somebody. or in some cases a high tech turkey baster.  But that’s just me.

While these parties are bad enough for bios, I learned today that they are also a thing for PAPs. Continue Reading →