Milking the Cash Cow: Don’t trust the adoption Industry to “navigate” your search and reunion

What does that mean? “Official search process?” Since I’ve never sat through a Barker session, I can’t say, but it sounds like “leave the driving to the Barker Foundation.” God forbid you, Little Bastard, should go out on your own and muck things up or worse be successful without the guiding hand of professionals. Peer support and assistance through local in-person groups or social media, Search Angels, PI’s contacting 2nd cousins on Ancestry. or extortion and bribery just won’t cut it. Autonomy must never be practiced.  Continue Reading →

Minnesota: A brief commentary on agency post-adoption service incompetence

I won’t quote a length here, but this selection from “Observations and Recommendations” sets the dismal tone on the status of adoption agency search requests In Minnesota and highlights two” problems” which we as adoptee rights activists throughout the country hear continually about from individuals who contact us directly or who write about their frustrations on discussion forums and Facebook: payment demands (pay to play) and agency “inability” to locate records.” Do adoption agencies still claim records were lost in a fire or flood? Continue Reading →