NAM/NAAM Day 3. It’s About Time: Adoption Oversight, Protection, Transparency Bill Hits Congress

The Adoption Deserves Oversight Protection, and Transparency Act of 2023  (ADOPT Act), a direct attack on the unlicensed adoption intermediary industry and its “services” hit the House hopper today…Unlawful intermediary practices will be criminalized.  Continue Reading →

Welcome to National Adoption Month/National Adoption Awareness Month 2023. Poke the Bear!

Greg Luce founder of the Adoptee Rights Law Center, reminded me tonight that I wrote this  NAM/NAAM blog way back in 2015, which explains the differences theoretically. Even though the intent appears to differ between each “celebration” the conclusion is always the same: praise, promotion, and support for a greatly flawed and failed social and child welfare experiment that abrogates and ignores the civil rights, and social, emotional, and mental welfare of those the experiment and the institutions it has created claim to nurture and protect. In socio-structural terms, the institution is more important than those it serves. Adoption, of course, finds itself in good company:  Continue Reading →

The Wicked Witch is Dead! Goodbye NAM/NAAM. Jumping Off Your Yellow Brick Road

So I am retiring for a couple of days. I plan to watch a lot of B-movies. I am really into Warren William, Lyle Talbot, and Bela Lugosi right now. Also, do some web work. But damn, I just spotted some really absurd shit on Twitter. I might not be quiet after all. Continue Reading →

Substgack or Medium or Anything? Singing Outside of the Choir

Most of the ‘popular” work that people do read, centers on “pain” and “healing” and victimhood and therapy and wounds and Primal Wounds that stand outside the real issue of adoption class war. This is how the enemy keeps the Adoption Mill running and adoptees in fear and shame and unworthiness. Even the best of us find ourselves at times fighting that Black Dog. Why l am I doing this? Who is reading this stuff I just pulled out of my ass to make myself comfortable and feel important and smart and maybe help some others? Continue Reading →

Adoption Porn 2022: A Few Thoughts on Media and the Public

National Adoption Day and its hooha, of course, is never really about children, Or for that matter, their bio or adoptive parents unless they fit into a joint media-framed adoption industry narrative. You’ll never see a news story about any of those parties talking about the tragic situation that brought them all to the point of adoption. I believe, in fact, that America’s attitude toward adoption and adoptees is media driven. Continue Reading →

Unhinged. My Life as a Right-Wing Nut Gatherer. A Short Memoir.

This ramped up eventually to oppositional research and hanging with Central Ohio abortion obsessives like masculinist Dave Daubenmire (Pass the Salt and Minute Men– not to be confused with the Minutemen), Dr. Patrick Johnston,(old link but you’ll get the idea), and Mark Harrington, “the Truth Truck Guy.” (Created Equal and other organizations.) During a chilly November afternoon, sitting on a wall by the Scioto River with Johnston and Troy Newman (Operation Rescue) I watched with great amusement as Johnston beat Newman repeatedly over the head with his Bible. I once got in a prayer huddle at the Ohio Statehouse with Janet Folger Porter, creator of Ohio’s original Heartbeat Bill. A couple of years later, Flip Benham, then director of Operation Rescue/Operation Save America, told me I nearly made him flub his prayer during a fetal funeral held by Fr. Frank Pavone (Priests for Life) in downtown Columbus when I heckled him with a line about a donkey and an embalmed fetus. It loses something without context. I’ll forgo it, but he got it. Continue Reading →

Thanksgiving 2022: Synoptic Comments on Overeating, Family History, and William Burroughs

I planned originally to post a list of sorts: things and people I am thankful for, so I could bypass the settler-colonial dialogue. My own family was just that starting in 1632. A few years later, one of them was a magistrate in Stratford, Connecticut, He hanged a “witch,” Goody Basset. I can’t find a reference on this right now, but one of the charges against her was ownership of a ladder Continue Reading →

Things to Think About. “Adoption and Culture” Pre-Publication Articles on Adoption, Abortion, Reproductive Justice, Dobbs

Dobbs certainly impacts the restoration of adoptee rights to records, history, family, and identity. It establishes a state-backed pattern of purposeful creation and growth of an adopted class without normal identity rights and maintains the spurious ethics of adoption secrecy. It promotes the commercialization of child adoptee bodies and attempts to invent adult adoptee gratitude and adherence to adoption and its institutions. Should we expect a big boom in therapy in 20 years? These are things we need to think about: Continue Reading →

Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Inc Says It’s “Unfortunate” It Can’t Control the Adoption Process of their Boxed Babies

MEOW!!!!!! The baby box company is NOT in the child placing business, nor should it be. It is not an adoption agency. It is not an adoption law firm. It does not include a licensed social worker on staff. It does not perform home studies. What in the world would qualify it for such a serious task? Continue Reading →