NAM/NAAM Day 16: Welcome Back Pound Pup Legacy

After a long hiatus, Pound Pup Legacy, one of the best–if not the best–online document sources on contemporary adoption corruption is back online… kicking ass with a beautiful new website…Go over and take a look, The site is huge, streamlined, and easy to navigate. I’ve only looked for a few specific topics so far, and am glad to see that everything is intact. Continue Reading →

NAM/NAAM 2023 Say 12: Michigan: Bastard Nation Letter of Support for HB5248 and HB5149

We support HB5148 a “clean bill” that allows all Michigan-born adoptees, their descendants or legal representatives to obtain the adoptee’s original birth certificate without restrictions or conditions upon request at the age of 18, The bill contains a voluntarily optional Contact Preference Form which allows biological parents to record if the would like contact, but does not control the release of the OBC.

We support HB5149 which eliminates current court and Central Adoption Registry control over the release of the OBC. It retains biological parent denial of identifying information requests already on file, BUT that request does not restrict OBC access. No release vetoes can be filed after July 1, 2024. Continue Reading →

NAM/NAAM Day 11: The Adopted Remember, Veterans Day 2023.

Adoption severs legal ties, but more importantly, it wipes out identity, genealogy, and historical memory– the right to historical identity and knowledge. Sure some adoptees, moreso today than in the past, can have an easier opportunity to learn where they came from, their history, their context,  and their place in the great family. But do we really? ( So much is missing. (and of course, some bio families disregard those same identity markers. I have been astounded at the people know who have no idea who their grandparents were. much less anyone else.  But, at least they have a path to learning, unlike The Adopted who are just left at the end of a weedy road without a sythe. Continue Reading →

NAM/NAAM 2023 Day 6: How to Say Nobody Cares About Adoptee Rights Without Saying They Don’t

Yesterday I did a few legislative updates, and it really struck me while doing them–as if I didn’t already know this–that hardly anyone cares about adult adoptees or adoptee civil rights–especially those who have the “authority” to fix things legally such as policy and lawmakers. When compared to the speed which Safe Haven Baby Box legislation passes, records access for adults, even with the successes of the last couple of years, runs a very poor second. Continue Reading →

NAM/NAAM 2004 Day 5: Adoption Agitprop, Annette Kicks It! and I Comment

November 3rd’s video on the subject of adoption propaganda really struck home with her discussion of among others, the adoptprop myth: “Your mother loved you so much she gave you away.”  While most adoption mythology and adoptprop bounce off my insensitive self, (that is, I don’t take it personally), this one always sets me off. It makes no sense. The height of cognitive adoption dissonance. The height of adoptee commodification. A weird binary of generosity and greed. How is this trope supposed to make someone, especially children, feel secure or good or ultimately safe and loved? Continue Reading →

Welcome to National Adoption Month/National Adoption Awareness Month 2023. Poke the Bear!

Greg Luce founder of the Adoptee Rights Law Center, reminded me tonight that I wrote this  NAM/NAAM blog way back in 2015, which explains the differences theoretically. Even though the intent appears to differ between each “celebration” the conclusion is always the same: praise, promotion, and support for a greatly flawed and failed social and child welfare experiment that abrogates and ignores the civil rights, and social, emotional, and mental welfare of those the experiment and the institutions it has created claim to nurture and protect. In socio-structural terms, the institution is more important than those it serves. Adoption, of course, finds itself in good company:  Continue Reading →

Indiana Baby Box Adoption Hits the Wire. We Have Questions. Why Doesn’t the Media?

Does anyone believe that all 21 (or is that 22?) babies left in baby boxes and their mothers experienced no medical issues? No medical provider I have ever spoken to believes this. Some might be OK. Others not. Since no one can officially check on mothers, due to the baby box “anonymity” law, we can’t say how many of either experience pre- and postnatal complications. Of course, the anonymity of some of the moms is questionable, since Mrs. Kelsey talks about her personal relationships with them post-“surrender. but that’s a story for another day. Continue Reading →

Adoption Porn 2022: A Few Thoughts on Media and the Public

National Adoption Day and its hooha, of course, is never really about children, Or for that matter, their bio or adoptive parents unless they fit into a joint media-framed adoption industry narrative. You’ll never see a news story about any of those parties talking about the tragic situation that brought them all to the point of adoption. I believe, in fact, that America’s attitude toward adoption and adoptees is media driven. Continue Reading →

Thanksgiving 2022: Synoptic Comments on Overeating, Family History, and William Burroughs

I planned originally to post a list of sorts: things and people I am thankful for, so I could bypass the settler-colonial dialogue. My own family was just that starting in 1632. A few years later, one of them was a magistrate in Stratford, Connecticut, He hanged a “witch,” Goody Basset. I can’t find a reference on this right now, but one of the charges against her was ownership of a ladder Continue Reading →

Falling Into the Nadir Pit of NAM/NAAM

I have reached the nadir of NAM/NAAM/NanoPoblano. I have nothing to say. No. I take that back. I do have something to say, but time is running short this Saturday night. I have no idea what I did today, but eat too much and play around with setting up my Mastadon account. Although I plan stay on Twitter, it doesn’t hurt to get another forum going. I had huge plans for the day, and now it’s gone. Yikes! Did I have a black-out? I don’t think so…Here is what I plan to write about next week: Continue Reading →