Radio Bastardette: WGRN-FM, Columbus. 9:30 AM

Bastardette will be featured tomorrow (Tuesday May 21) on The Pink Pill hosted by Joan Jones on WGRN-FM, Columbus. Continue Reading →
Bastardette will be featured tomorrow (Tuesday May 21) on The Pink Pill hosted by Joan Jones on WGRN-FM, Columbus. Continue Reading →
Outside of the absurd anti-business attempt to ban private insurance coverage, the response has ranged from horrified to hoot by everyone except the Republican House Caucus who embraces every GOP crackpot who wanders in off High Street. But it gets better, Much better…Becker says in so many words, that reality will neither stop him from pursuing his bill or simply just pulling it. Pulling, of course, would be a public confession that he has no idea what he is talking about. Continue Reading →
Adoption is the through-line in any forced-birth/ “Heartbeat” Bill discussion, on the legislative floor or online where verbal brawls between anti-aborts and adopted people are common with anti-aborts telling adoptees to STFU if they support abortion rights and reproductive justice. (Twenty years ago Pat Robertson told his 700 Club audience that the adoptee rights movement was a shill for abortion rights.) And woe to the adoptee who declares she’d prefer to have been aborted. Adoptees are God’s gifts until we aren’t. (See @@LilaGraceRose on Twitter if you can stomach it.) Continue Reading →
Bastard Nation called you out on April 19. Here it is April 26, and you still haven’t indicated if you will join the real adoptee rights movement or continue to compromise the rights of Texas Class Bastard to their own Original Birth Certificates. All we get is prevarication and vague pronouncements. Continue Reading →
STAR has gone dark. Its leaders have been contacted privately and asked publicly where they stand on HB2725. They have refused to respond. No Facebook, no Twitter, no web page updates. We hope STAR’s members and social media followers get their news elsewhere; otherwise, they are still wondering what happened. Continue Reading →
This brings up a couple of questions:Is Gladney saying, with the save-face caveat (or warning?) that disclosure “may” be dependent on state laws–which of course, Gladney can influence in Texas and perhaps in other states?While making adoptive parents the domestic gatekeeper, is Gladney saying that it is OK for adoptees (usually) 18 and over to get access to the OBC, court records, and other recordsIs Gladney back-door endorsing the QuadA endorsement of record access?Then there is this weird statement: Continue Reading →
Now, we know that the adoption industry is shrinking, making the circle jerk tighter. Nonetheless, we were surprised to read that all the awards went either to Gladney itself or close fellow travelers. (OK. One is actually set aside for a Gladney volunteer) . Continue Reading →
Ablow, like most narcissists, trolls individuals and even whole classes he perceives as vulnerable–in the cases above, women, queers, and adoptees and their families. He worships the hyper-masculine and feminizes, in a class sense, those who don’t measure up to the man in the mirror, or should I say the man he thinks he sees in the mirror. Continue Reading →
Now, when I was doing oppositional research at clinics on a regular basis, I saw a lot of this. Often the sign-holder was a toddler or a little older, (presumably an adoptive acquisition) telling us, “my mommy didn’t kill me” or demanding “don’t kill the babies” or preaching “abortion kills children.” They were accompanied by the usual adult wannabe pleader advertising their desire to adopt a stranger’s fetus. Continue Reading →
SB300 is currently in the West Virginia Senate Judiciary Committee. This is a restrictive OBC access bill that mandates adoptee educational requirements to receive their OBC. It also contains redaction language that authorizes the state, upon request of a birthparent, to black-out their identifying information, before it is released to the adoptee. Continue Reading →